Chapter 12: Memories of the Past

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Winter City / Spire / Princess Chamber / Midday

Princess Halyadar sits down with Varani and Vyda in her personal council room. she is discussing about the weird and familiar name the contact of Varani mentions.

Varani: I too heard that name and sounds familiar.

Princess Halyadar: I swear I heard that name before, but I cannot place it!

Vyda: Maybe is an ancient name? because i too heard stories of ancient wars and sometimes that name appears.

Princess Halyadar: I remember hearing this name mostly in the ancient Mage Wars. we need to go to the librarian and ask her for information. Come let's head over there.

The librarian is Winter leagues most ancient vault of records they have, a place where everyone can access to old information regarding to Winter Leagues Past. They have arrived at the Librarian archives moments later.

Princess Halyadar: Here we are! Let me ask the Librarian for what we are looking for.

They follow the Princess and once they come to the Librarian as she was there reading some Books floating in front of her because of magic.

Princess Halyadar: Librarian...

The Librarian: Princess Hayladar! how may i help you with?

Princess Halyadar: We may need your help in something, i know you are among the most knowledge person in all our nation and our history but is about a name we found intriguing, and we want confirmation what this name is.

The Librarian: Sure! what name is it?

Vyda: Do you know what this Malador is?

The Librarian: Malador? I know that name.

Princess Halyadar: Do you?? we need to know what is it!

The Librarian: Malador is the great leader of the Void Clans in ancient times! he was a global threat in all Haxaria.

Vyda: Oh my stars above.... now everything connects then....

Princess Halyadar: Okay Vyda and Varani... we need to work together and get our nation on High alert.

Varani: Agreed!

The Librarian: Wait I don't understand? what's going on??

Vyda: Librarian, the Void Clans are back again!

The Librarian: Are they!? 

Princess Halyadar: Yes! and certain individual that is detained at the moment mentioned that Malador is back!

The Librarian: Then we must do something Princess!! His return posed a great danger to all our world!!

Vyda: He posed a great danger to Haxaria indeed and all of us!

Princess Halyadar: We need to stop him, all of us must come and stop the Void Clans! We need to inform my father.

Vyda: He needs to prepare the Glacial Armada right now! we need to prepare for war!

Princess Halyadar: We will! Let's inform him now! Librarian you are coming with us!

The Librarian: Yes of course I will come!

They are leaving the archives and heading to the spire where the King resides. They now realize who is the true face behind these Void Clans sightings, but they now know they are back operating and planning to take over the world.

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