Chapter 18: Partners

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[Unknown Ruin]

Somewhere inside of a Unknown Ruin chamber, Vyda was on a stone bed laid down. She is slowly waking up and sees that all her wounds are healed. Is like someone has healed her but who?

Vyda: (Stepping up and sees her friend) Ve....Vekrax??

Vekrax: (Laid down resting and looks at Vyda making some noises) "Im glad you are okay Vyda!"

Vyda: You?? You rescued me??

Vekrax: "I did!"

Vyda: How did you find me!? did you healed me??

Vekrax: "Because I sensed you and because you transferred some of your magic to me, I was able to find you and it was thanks to someone special and yes.... I healed you."

Vyda: (Went to him and hugs him by his neck) (Long silence) Thank you..... Thank you for saving me.... (Finishing hugging him) Now you said someone send you to me?

Vekrax: "Yes!...... Your master!"

Vyda: My master?? Wait...... Oxolon!?

[Oxolon's Voice]: (Smug tone teasing her) Surprised???

Vyda: (Looks up) Oxolon!? how!?

[Oxolon's Voice]: Because you still have to learn more Vyda, but with a little of more training, you may stand a chance against him.... Malador must be stopped Vyda before he brings destruction.

Vyda: How can I? I lost your staff, and I don't have the sword on me.

[Oxolon's Voice]: Vyda, you don't need weapons to fight against your enemies...... you are the weapon.... Swords and staff are for the weak. Your true potential is far greater than you could imagine. In time when you are in your true self, you will realize you are far stronger that you wont need a staff or my own sword.

Vyda: But then why you gave me your sword!?

[Oxolon's Voice]: Because the sword was a reward and to help you with your training although you never use it. But my sword wont be necessary for you.

Vyda: Are you sure master??

[Oxolon's Voice]: Yes Vyda, you wont need that sword once you reach your true potential. Now, i have some lessons for you that you must learn. Are you ready?

Vyda: Im ready for my next training master...

[Oxolon's Voice]: Then come with your friend right this way. 

A Massive door opened inside the chamber, and it leads to an arena that is big, she entered with Vekrax and the area is empty.

Vekrax: (Getting up) (Sounds like snarl) "Let see what new things we can learn"

Vyda: Sure we are....

They are together and ready to face a new challenge, what new training Oxolon has for Vyda? she will find out now.

[Oxolon's Voice]: The new lesson is about teleportation, its power and words is know as Halavactus. (A Stone pillar rise up and has the magic word in blue and glowing carved in it) You bend space and time on yourself as you teleport to any destination you desire to go. 

Vyda: (Went to the pillar and touching the word and is magic is transferring on her body like a energy mist) (Low tone as she is absorbing the word) Halavactus.........

Vyda: The Elemental SorcererWhere stories live. Discover now