Chapter 16: Duel of Powers

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Eastern City / First Fight

Vyda is now by herself face to face with the wyvern that is Malador. Once the cruiser is safely far away....

Vyda: (In defense position aiming staff at Malador) Ready when you are...... show me what you got!

Malador: (Growling pleased) Aaagh!!! This will be fun!!! I shall show you the true might of MY POWER!! 

Malador proceed to do a loud roar that vibrated the ground and proceed to charged towards Vyda and she proceed to sprint towards him.

Malador: [Flying fast towards her] (Shouted!!!) VIDILAX!!! (He pit several purple flames and all heading towards Vyda)

Vyda: {While sprinting she held her left arm up] (Shouted!!!) DRAXALI!!!! (All the flames stopped in front of her and holding) VIXAT!!! (Flames flew towards Malador)

Malador: (He barre roll and his wings hit the flames away as it exploded and did no damage as he continues flying away and proceed to head back towards Vyda) VERASIK!!! (Lightning strikes hitting nearby Vyda)

Vyda: (Got hit by a nearby Lightning and gets up and stab her staff upwards to the grounds and it created a barrier around her protecting her while lightning strikes continues to hit the barrier) (Left hand rising up and shouted aloud) SELAZIK!!!! (Some large chuck of snow blocks are rising and floating and it started shaping into sharp icicles and all started flying at fast speeds towards Malador as he was trying to dodge)

Malador: [Dodging] (Got hit by a Icicle stabbed on his skin) (Hurt) AAGH!!! DRAX!!!! (He got encase on a purple barrier and icicles are hitting the barrier and proceed to head towards Vyda and spit a large purple energy flame ball)

Vyda: (Holding strong with her staff and the purple flame hit the barrier and exploded and she almost lost her strength on her staff) (Took the staff and Shes aiming at him and firing a magical red beam from the gem and started hitting at Malador)

Malador: (Hurt) AAGH!!! You want to fight like this!!! Very well then!!!! (He proceeds to land a hundred meters away in front of Vyda and shapeshifted into his Polaris self) Let see how you do in ground combat!!! Face to Face with me!!! VIKAS!!!! (Two purple energy swords appeared in his hands) FACE ME!!!!

Vyda: (LOUD RAPTORIC BATTLECRY) (Charged towards him)

Malador proceed to charged towards Vyda too and still holding his swords. then he jumps towards her with swords up and started clashing at Vyda as she is using her staff to hit him. She dodges his attack and hit him with her staff and got hurt and proceed to block his incoming attack.

Vyda: VEX!!!! (She swing her left arm and a magic force push Malador away and stab his swords on the ground slowing his knockback)

Malador: VEXARIK!!!! (He magic pushes away Vyda and she flew several meters away and got hurt) My powers are far stronger than yours..... 

Vyda: (Struggling to get up) I don't care if I'm weak against you.... I'm going to fight this battle until my last breath!!

Malador: Then you shall die! (Charged at her)

Vyda while she's injured, she also charged at Malador and they again proceed to clash one to another and Malador manage to slash her in the leg giving a deep cut.

Vyda: (Screamed in pain) AAAGH!!!! 

Malador: (Point his right sword at her) Come on Vyda!! Show me what you can do!! don't give up!!!

Vyda: (Almost Collapsing and struggling) (Hurt) AAghh!!....Aaagh.....

Malador: Come on Vyda.... do NOT disappoint me now!! Entertain me Vyda!! You are an Elemental Sorcerer!!!

Vyda: (Hurt and collapses) Why are you motivating me to keep going!? You are a threat to all of us!!! 

Malador: Vyda.... because I want a worthy challenge! You are a valiant warrior and i respect that!! you have courage to go and face me alone in which nobody ever dared to do in my 300 years alive!! Vela.... (He casted a small healing spell on her legs) Come on!! don't give up, Get up!!

Vyda: (Getting up still hurt a little bit) (Defense position aiming her staff at him and breathing angry)

Malador: (Left hand has his blade backwards and his right hand has his blade forward and circling around Vyda waiting to strike her down) 

Then... Malador proceed to make sudden swift movements towards her and started clashing Vyda as she was in defense stance blocking his attack. Then he uses a charge attack and with his blades he manages to strike her staff in the middle where she is not holding it and he destroyed her staff in half and proceed to slash Vyda twice and kicks her away and she collapses. Dropping the two pieces of the ancient red staff of Oxolon. She is bleeding now.....

Malador: (Swords disappeared and walked towards her as she is groaning hurt from the large cuts) (Stopped in front of her) You have earned my respect Vyda..... you have lost this duel. I admire your courage. But you still have much to learn young one..... If Vydaria have taught you more about the magic words of power.... you may be able to defeat me in fair combat..... Now i shall continue to engage my conquest of Haxaria and I must leave you here as you well......(Moves his head like to confirm gesture) might die from your injuries and you will be stranded here... forever..... (Walked away from Vyda and was a few meters away and looks back at Vyda) I hope Winter League remembers you...

Vyda: (Hurt badly and still looking at him while she is grounded and has tears in her eyes of defeat)

Malador proceed to shapeshift to his Wyvern form and once he gave a final look at Vyda, he proceeds to take off and victory roared aloud that echoes the entire vicinity. Now Vyda is stranded and dying. She is feeling her heartbeat somewhat fading....

Vyda: (Trying to get up and collapses and dropped a piece of her staff) Aaaagh!!! (She laid down her head on the snow and its tinting red because of her blood) (Looking at the stars) Mom.....Mom!!.....Im so sorry!! Ive.....Failed...... Ive failed you......

Her vision is also fading. then.... she hears some faint vibrations like footsteps coming from somewhere and she looks in front of her, she sees a creature in the distance coming for her and roared that he is coming. She recognizes that roar.

Vyda: (Low tone like whispering looking at the creature coming to her)....Ve...krax......[Roared louder as he is coming to her sprinting] (Closed her eyes unconscious)

Vekrax: (Walking towards her) (Sniffing around her) [Noises he's making like growling] "Vyda.....Im here....."

He proceeds to scoop Vyda with his mouth gently not to hurt her with his sharp teeths and carried away with him. How he arrived on the island it will be a mystery to her as she is out of nowhere. 

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