Chapter 20: Necromancy

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Void Clan's Base / Morning

Malador landed to their base and he proceed to transform back to his Polaris self and went back to his base and he sees his followers raising an army... a undead army of Polaris.

Malador: Report....

Necromancer: My lord, we are reviving at least 1 thousands of Undead Polaris to our army!

Malador: Good.... soon we will march to Winter League and destroy everything.

Necromancer: How's your fight with Vyda?

Malador: Vyda is no more.... without her presence, our path of conquer shall resume as normal. Keep raising more Polaris my apprentice... 

Necromancer: As you command!

Malador is walking in his hallway towards his throne room and he sat there waiting and watching his undead polaris marching and in formation as they awaiting orders to attack. Then another Necromancer approaches...

Necromancer Acolyte: My lord... we have something to ask you before we march.

Malador: Anything my apprentice?

Necromancer Acolyte: Once Winter League is dealt with.... which nation we must target next?

Malador: Not so sure.... but im thinking the Conclaves is the next target.... Deuron has put our world at risk and he has been troublesome...

Necromancer Acolyte: What about the Harxarian Empire?

Malador: The Harxarian Empire should be our last target... they are way powerful than all of us. We must focus our resources on our army to offset their power. But I would rather much destroy the Conclaves Clan first. (Sighed) I really wish the girl was on our side....

Necromancer Acolyte: You mean.... Amanda?

Malador: Yes....

Necromancer Acolyte: But she's our enemy.

Malador: Enemy of what? I know she is with the Harxarian Empire but.... she is actually doing a favor for our kind, in uplifting all of us to an interstellar power. 

Necromancer Acolyte: I though you wanted to kill her.

Malador: I would not be going to kill Amanda by any means unless she is after us but she isn't, she's valuable to our race and I would protect her too from the Conclaves but of course that is not my priorities. What I'm saying my apprentice, is if she was on our side... she will be a tremendous asset to us, imagine all the things she will be doing for our clan.

Necromancer Acolyte: Well she installed some stuff for Winter League recently like those Kisar Reactors to power up the nation.

Malador: They are just piece of technologies that we shouldn't worry about, although I respect what she is doing for us. (Looks to another necromancer) How's our army there?

Necromancer: Is doing great my lord! I'll say by the next days, we should have at least 4 thousand of Undead Polaris!

Malador: Good, you all are doing great progress! keep at it.

Malador continues watching from his throne the army being raise up, soon he will march to Winter League and conquer the nation to his might.

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