Chapter 14: Incident

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Winter City / One hour later

Vyda is with Varani in a bar as they are together after they talked with King Dalarin about the Void Clans one hour ago. Varani is telling more of his past with her.

Varani: (Got a drink by the bartender) (Grabs it) Thank you...... (Looks at Vyda on his right side) It was the hardest contract in my whole career.... They pay me at least a million gold for that bounty.

Vyda: (Drinking blue wine)..... But you were a bounty hunter before?

Varani: I was..... but I'm mostly a Mercenary, ill say i love my role. My own mother was a assassin, I remember her that she told me "Don't follow my path.... i want you to choose your own way" She was a criminal for the High Republic State before she was killed two years ago.... can say i really miss her....

Vyda: I'm sorry to hear that.....

Varani: (Drinking and stops and put the drink on the table again) (Not knowing what to say) To think my own mother was like that...... I don't know why she wanted to become a assassin. But the fact she warned me not to make her mistakes or follow her path....

Vyda: At least she cared for you not to end on her dark path.

Varani: (Low tone) Yea.....(Silent and drink again)

Vyda: I know the feels and trust me...... I felt it before.......

Varani: How's your parents?

Vyda: Dead....

Varani: Like.... you have no mother or dad???

Vyda: No....i killed my own father....

Varani: How?

Vyda: My own father murdered my mother when I was a chick and quite newborn and after he killed her.... she grabbed me and throwed me in the snow forest and i was dying from frostbite.

Varani: Oh my stars.... that was so horrible! how can a person ever do such things!?

Vyda: I was rescue by Vydaria, my adopting mother.

Varani: Vydaria..... I heard that name before....

Vyda: She was an elemental sorcerer like me, and she trained me. All her knowledge are passed to me.

Varani: Thats why i heard the name before.... what happened to her?

Vyda: She sacrificed herself for Amanda like 9 months ago or almost a year.

Varani: Amanda!? the Human???

Vyda: Yes.... she was attacked by a Fentalis stalker, and my mother saw a bright future ahead of us if Amanda lives... she transferred all her life Essense to her to revive her. At the cost of Vydaria's passing.

Varani: What a heroic decision she made! From all my time i would never want to harm the human no matter what...

Vyda: She's my friend and she's.... a very special person.

Varani: You tell me! with the number of weapons she made! 

Vyda: Yeah... most of her weapon's design are from her home world or her home system...

Varani: (Drink again and looks at Vyda) How important are her kind?

Vyda: Way more important that we realized. Humanity is supposed to defeat The Darkness.

Varani: I only read some little things about them but is irrelevant most of them.

Vyda: (Chuckled) We will only find out later what exactly they are!

Then, Princess Hayladar came by abruptly.

Princess Halyadar: (Coming to them) You two... I need to talk with you right now.

Vyda: What happened?

Princess Halyadar: Is an emergency... something happened to our eastern city, apparently there was an attack.

Varani: An attack!?

Vyda: (Grabs her staff) Then let's go now. If there are attackers, I'm heading there!

Princess Halyadar: Reports said is much worse.... they said the city has been annihilated to the grounds.

Vyda: What!? 

Varani: Then we need to move!

Princess Halyadar: We must! my father already sent us to investigate! Come let's go!

The exited the bar and proceed to sprint towards the docks to head on one of the glacial warships. Once they got on one of the cruisers, the rear engines turn on and it proceeds to sail towards the eastern city.

Princess Halyadar: Crew! let us know when we arrive!

Ship Crew: "Yes my Princess!!"

Princess Halyadar: (Turned to look at Vyda and Varani) We will arrive in one-hour, Eastern City is one of our farthest Cities in our nation as it is located on an island, so be ready. we don't know what to find there.

Vyda: Whatever its there... we must kill it!

Princess Halyadar: I swear, if these Void Clans are back......

Varani: I know my Princess...... I know....

Princess Halyadar: Well, let's head down and get ready until we arrive... come with me.

Princess Halyadar proceeds to go down stair with them and heading to her quarters to make plans and making speculations what to expect. She is really convincing the Void Clans are responsible for the attack.

Vyda: The Elemental SorcererWhere stories live. Discover now