Chapter 19: Final Training

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[Unknow Ruins]

Vyda is with Vekrax as she is getting ready for the final training with Oxolon. He is there waiting for her.

Vyda: (Deep breath) Im ready now.

Oxolon: Then we shall begin your final test. A test to find if you are really worthy to hold such power, if not then you failed. Find your strength and your own wisdom in your power of magic as you have learned throughout my lessons! (Casted a magical fire trident) Fight me!!

Vekrax: (Growling) "Lets do this!"

Vyda: (Casting void swords) (Battle cry and charged towards Oxolon)

She proceed to clash with Oxolon and she was doing good until he made a sudden movement and manage to strike her down and she collapses. Vekrax came to figh him and he was somewhat of a problem for Oxolon.

Oxolon: Come on Drexar! (Vekrax proceed to use his fire breath attack and Oxolon shield himself with one hand and the fire was hitting a barrier) My turn!! (He uses the flames and shoots at him and knocks Vekrax out)

Vekrax collapses away as he got pushed and Vyda yet try again and went more aggressive in attacking him with her dual swords.

Oxolon: (Blocks her attack) You can do it Vyda!

Vyda: (Struggling) Agh!! im...... Trying!!

Oxolon bash her away and kicks her hard and she flew backwards and collapses, then she has and idea.

Vyda: Vekrax! we have to fight him together!

Vekrax: (Hurt sounds as he is collapsed) "Yeah...... we have to do it together...."

Vyda: (Aim her hand at him) Vela!!

Vekrax and Vyda proceed to go after Oxolon and after a long fight, they manage to defeat him.

Oxolon: (Grounded) You....have impressed me so far student! You.... Your true self is emerging! You see! you don't need weapons to destroy your enemies! you are the weapon! just look at you now!

Vyda has now tracing lines changing from orange, to blue, to white and to purple simultaneously. Her eyes are glowing bright blue in her pupils.

Vyda: (Looking at her hand claws and sees runic lines tracing on her hands) Oh my stars.......

Oxolon: Thats your inner self Vyda! you are now magic itself!

Vyda: I never felt this powerful since..... since when I cast a tornado and controlling weather itself.

Oxolon: (Standing up) Because that was just a fraction of your true self. You are more than that Vyda. and because you are now at your true potential and I find you worthy, I shall give you my last gift. Use it when the time is right. 

Then a stone pillar rises and is hollow and inside in the middle theres a bright white orb.

Oxolon: Touch it.... use your new power wisely.

Vyda proceed to head at the pillar and looking right at the orb, while Vekrax stayed behind her looking at her as she approaches to the pillar.

Vyda: (Next to the pillar with the orb) What exactly will happen now?

Oxolon: You will experience your true inner self, as Elemental Sorcerer you will enter all magic realms as those realms are connected to yourself. You will now have new abilities that you barely wont require to say a single full sentence of a magic word! you don't even have to say more words of powers if you want to use a more powerful spell. But a new self awaits you in the other side...

Vyda: A new self??? what's that??

Oxolon: I cannot tell what it is. you have to find it for yourself but hear this.... your new self is a power you will use to fight Malador. Thats how important this new ability is for you.

Vyda then proceed to touch slowly the orb and she absorbed its powers and she sees a vision and she's walking among the snow and then she hears a roar in the skies and when she looks among the clouds, she sees a white and grey feathered wyvern flying around in the clouds. she then stopped absorbing the power and visions ended.

Oxolon: You have now your new powers Vyda.

Vyda: Who was that wyvern!?

Oxolon: You... Your true potential. Thats the power you will use to defeat Malador.

Vyda: So ill becoming a wyvern!? like him!?

Oxolon: Yes.. You now will soar the skies and you will face him in your final battle.

Vekrax: (Looks at her) "Your powers are even growing more every day Vyda! look what you are about to become!"

Oxolon: Exactly Drexar! as he said, your powers are growing more and more and with this gift.... your powers are equal to Malador.

Vyda: Then im ready to face him! where is he?!

Oxolon: Patience my student, he will come around and face you again... you cannot miss the opportunity to kill him aren't you?

Vyda: I need to end these Void Clans before they cause more problems to our world.

Oxolon: Then go ahead.... now you will embark on a new journey not just as Vyda but as a Elemental Sorcerer as your powers are far stronger than any weapons! (Portal opened) This will be the last time we will see or even speak my student... (Moves a hand to the portal guiding them) Good luck Elemental Sorcerer....

Vyda gave a final look at Oxolon as he faded away there while the portal is opened and she looks in the other side and the portal opens to a snow forest.

Vyda: (Looks at Vekrax) Ready friend?

Vekrax: (Looking at her) "Im right behind you Elemental Sorcerer!"

She and him exited the portal and it closes. They know exactly where they at, shes near the Winter City and proceed to mount on Vekrax and heading straight towards the city. She will be getting herself prepare for the upcoming battles.

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