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My heart pounded loudly in my chest as I raced through the halls of Hogwarts following Professor McGonagall. Who was it? The Valar sent someone else!
We arrived at the hospital wing. Whispers of students died as the doors closed behind us. On the bed nearby was a very tall, blond elf. The only elf I knew to return to middle earth after being reborn.
Glorfindel. A small contusion discoloured his his right cheekbone.
"Valar! Glorfindel!" I gasped hurrying to the Balrog-slayers side.
"He has yet to awaken. I assume it is from the injury to his head." Madam Pomfrey said bustling over to me.
"Elves are fast healers. A simple bruise or hit to the face shouldn't knock him unconscious for this long. The Valar must have his Fëa for a moment." I told the healer. She gave me a look of confusion but walked off before I could explain.
The handsome elf lay very still tucked under the white linen. Only the slow rise and fall of his chest showed he was alive.
Upon seeing him laying in the uncomfortable bed in front of me, I knew I no longer harboured any anger or frustration for him not defending me from the warg.
Madam Pomfrey came back with a bowl of warm water and a cloth. She started to clean the bruised area on the High Elf's face when a hand shot up and gripped her wrist tightly. The healer gasped in pain, dropping the bowl on the floor.
"Stop! She's trying to help you!" I said quickly, reaching out to pry the pale fingers from her wrist. Glorfindel released her and sat up.
"My apologies." He said sheepishly to Madam Pomfrey. She gave him a forced smile and hurried off.
"Glorfindel. I am ever so glad to see you." I said sitting back in the chair next to his bed. He didn't notice what I said and looked around confused.
"What in Eru's name am I wearing?" He asked as he pulled back the sheet to stand up. Poor Glorfindel had been put in the indecent gown too.
I felt the tips of my ears turn red as the tall elf stood. The gown stopped at his upper thigh barely covering anything. Glorfindel ripped the sheet off of the bed and wrapped it around himself to provide more cover.
"I-I'll find your clothing." I stuttered feeling very flustered and hurried off to find Madam Pomfrey.
"Madam Pomfrey! Do you have the garments Glorfindel was wearing?" I asked her stepping into her office.
She pointed to a pile of Elven leather armour on a table. Interesting he wasn't wearing his metal armour.
"That's them there. Took a bit to get off of him." She said with an unhappy tone to her voice.
I scooped up the items and walked back to the elf.
"Lord Glorfindel. I have your leathers here." I told him placing the armful on the table beside the bed.
"Thank you and my apologies for the indecency earlier My Lady." He said to me still wrapped in the sheet. I smiled at him and walked away to let him change. The doors burst open and in hurried the 'Golden Trio' as I had come to know them by.
"Arniel! I was looking for you in the Library and was told you were here by Madam Prince. Are you ok?" Hermione said catching her breath.
"I am well Miss Hermione." I said turning to face the young witch.
"We saw Professor McGonagall on the way here and she said she found another elf. Do you know them?" Ronald asked me curiosity etching on his face. Of course at that moment Glorfindel stepped out from behind his curtain.
"Lady Arniel. Do you know these humans?" He asked me. His sky blue eyes held distrust.
"Yes. There is much to tell you Lord Glorfindel. Let me start with their names. This is Miss Hermione, Master Ron and Master Harry." I said pointing to each of them in turn.
The three had their mouths open in shock upon seeing the very tall and handsome elf.
"Why can't humans look like that?" Another voice said from the door way.
"That must be Miss Ginny." I said smiling to myself. Honestly I was glad no one else looked like Glorfindel. The small red haired woman popped up beside Ron.
"Oh, Hi Arniel. Who is your friend?" She asked me brightly.
"This is Lord Glorfindel. One of the greatest warriors in Arda." I said to Ginny. Glorfindel bowed his head in greeting to the four.
"Is he as old as you are?" Harry asked us. Realisation of what he just asked crossed his face and he went red.
An amused smirk crossed Glorfindel's face.
"The Lady Arniel is one of the youngest elves in Middle Earth. I am 8000 years old, 5260 years older than Lady Arniel." He said his eyes twinkling with mirth. He always teased me about how much older he was and how much more experience he had.
"Don't tease Mellon. It is not nice." I grumbled to him.


"Did you get hurt in the Warg attack?" I asked the blond elf as we sat in front of the warm fire in the Gryffindor common room.
"Warg attack? I don't remember any warg attack. We were one day out from Imladris when everything went black." Glorfindel said to me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Well that explains why you weren't there. A warg jumped out of nowhere ripping at my horses neck. I tried to run from it while it was distracted but it didn't work. The warg attacked me, he sunk his bloodied teeth into my side and then suddenly I was laying in the grass here, bleeding profusely." I told the warrior. His eyes flashed with anger and concern.
"You were badly hurt?" He asked me.
"Yes. Luckily Hermione, Ronald and Harry found me and brought me here where Madam Pomfrey helped heal me." I said looking down and fiddling with a ball of lint on the arm of the couch.
"Don't tell your Adar. He entrusted me with your safety and I failed." He said rubbing his face.
"Mellon Nîn it is not your fault. You had no idea it would happen. I am all healed now." I told my companion trying to placate his guilt.
"I would like to brush up on my knife skills if you're up for it. It's the only weapon that came with me." I said to the elf that was staring into the fire. He snapped his head towards me with a grin.
"Oh absolutely. Long has it been since I taught you and the Lady Arwen." Glorfindel said with a sparkle in his eye.
I knew I would regret that request.
"Did the Valar tell you anything?" I asked him after a few moments of silence.
"Yes they did. I assume that is why I didn't arrive when you did." He said with a thoughtful look on his face.
"Well? What did they tell you?" I asked desperate for some clarity.
"We are to find those with the blood of the Eldar and bring them home. Many years ago Sauron was experimenting with his Elvish prisoners and the magic he wielded. Unfortunately something worked and he sent elfings to this world." Glorfindel told me.
"Do you know how many?" I asked the elf, my mind reeling from the information. I felt sick that young elflings were left to fend for themselves in a strange world.
"Yes. There is three, all quite young when they were sent. The Valar left them here under Eru's guidance so they were safe from Sauron. Now it is up to us to find them. Time moves differently here. For every 20 years here is 3000 of our time." He said turning to put another log on the dying fire.
He sat back and sighed looking downcast.
"I remember the elflings. Three very small ones who could not be parted from their parents yet. Two were blonde of hair and one brown of hair. Sauron stole them after Celebrimbor realised he had been deceived." Glorfindel looked as if he was fighting tears and I understood why.
Elflings are the most precious treasure to elves.
"Well I assume they sent us here to this school for a reason. Perhaps one or all are here." I said standing up from the armchair.
"I will get some rest tonight. Goodnight Glorfindel." I said before walking off up the staircase.

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