Home Once Again

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Dear Professors and Students of Hogwarts,
We wish to extend our deepest thanks to you all for giving us refuge while we searched for our missing Elflings.
Madam Pince, I thank you for allowing me to use your most wonderful library to learn about your world.
Madam Pomfrey, thank you for providing outstanding healing when I came to you quite injured.
Students of Hogwarts, thank you for being so generous sharing your space with us.
Thank you to the Professors who so willingly shared their knowledge with us.
Thank you to our friends. You made it easy to fit in.
Lastly, Headmistress McGonagall, thank you for your kindness and understanding in our situation.
We wish you all health and happiness.
Arniel, Glorfindel, Elladan, and Elrohir.


The group of us walked in single file over the narrow stone bridge that rose over the river Bruinen. The strong roar of the water filling our ears. A soft warm breeze floated around us, caressing the skin on our faces.
"It's the Lady Arniel! And Lord Glorfindel! Quick fetch Lord Elrond!" Whispers erupted around us and an Elf darted from their place in the trees and ran inside the beautiful building ahead of us. By the time we had reached the gates to the courtyard Ada was hurrying down the few steps to greet us.
"Mae Govannen Ada." I said bowing my head and extending my hand from my heart towards him. He took my face in his hands and examined it.
"I thought you were lost to me. Nîn-iell." He said as he smoothed a stray hair from my face and kissed my forehead.
"Ada. Goheno Nîn." I whispered feeling very guilty for the stress I caused.
He didn't reply but instead pulled me into a warm hug. His hand on the back of my head.
"Nîn-ions. Welcome home. Your presence was missed." Ada said stepping back and greeting the twins. The twins sent Ada identical smiles and bowed their heads to him.
"Mae Govannen Lord Elrond." Glorfindel said to Ada.
He gripped his forearm in greeting.
"Mellon. It is good to see you unharmed." Ada replied.
"Ada, these are the lost Elflings, Luna, Draco and Neville." I said gesturing to the three nervous beings. Ada smiled and greeted them kindly.
"I am sure there is much to tell. Evening meal will be served in an hour. Lindr will show the Elflings to some rooms to freshen up. Arniel, I suggest you find Arwen, she has not been well since you left." He said to us. Ada turned and left heading back to his study.
I watched as the three newcomers walked behind Lindr as he lead them towards the house where their rooms were.
"They will be fine." Glorfindel said to me before walking off to his own rooms to change.

The thought of seeing Arwen echoed in my mind as I hurried through the hallways of my home.
I paused in front of her rooms and smoothed my dress down slightly before knocking.
"Enter" Her soft, deep voice called out. I could hear the sadness in her words.
I pushed the wooden door open and stepped into the room. My sister was sitting on a velvet covered bench, staring out into the garden.
"Arwen, Nîn-nîth." I called to the beautiful Elleth as I walked towards her. Her head snapped around and she stood from her chair.
"Arniel!" She gasped a tear slipping down her face.
"I'm home." I said holding my arms out to her inviting her in. She launched forward and into my offered hug. Arwen cried into my shoulder as she wrapped her arms around me tightly.
"Goheno Nîn Arwen." I whispered as my own eyes watered. Arwen stepped back from me after a few minutes.
"I am so glad you're home Arniel. You must tell me what happened." She said taking my hands and pulling me onto the bench.


Arwen and I walked into the dining hall arm in arm still happily chatting away. A very tall young man walked up to us.
"Lady Arniel, it is good to see you safe and home." He said to me.
"Hannon Le Estel. It is good to see you again." I said to him.
"Lady Arwen, I am glad to see you well and happy again." He said picking her hand up and kissing it slightly. Arwen smiled softly at him and thanked him. The two of us made our way to our regular seats nearby Ada's. I turned to Arwen as we sat and gave her a knowing look. She blushed slightly, the tips of her ears turning red.
"I think I know what it was you wanted to tell me so desperately." I teased her. Of course at that moment Glorfindel walked over to us.
"Lady Arwen, Mae Govannen." He said dipping his head towards her.
"Mae Govannen Lord Glorfindel." She replied with a stunning smile on her face.
"Lady Arniel, perhaps you would join me for a walk after dinner?" He asked me.
"Of course Lord Glorfindel. I would love to." I said to the blond elf. His smile widened at my words. 
"I shall see you later." He said before turning and walking off to find his seat next to Erestor. I made the mistake of glancing at my sister.
"I think you left out some information in your tales." Arwen said with an eyebrow raised.
"I didn't want to overshadow your exciting news." I said sheepishly.
Thankfully the three elflings walked into the hall lead by Lindr.
I stood from my seat and held my hand out to my sister.
"Come, meet the three that kept me from returning home as planned." I said to her. Arwen smiled and stood, taking my hand in hers once again, as sisters did.
We walked over to the three Elflings who stared in wonder at the beautiful hall around them.
"Lady Luna, Lord Draco, Lord Neville, this is my elder twin sister, Lady Arwen. Nîn-nîth these are the three lost Elflings of Eregion that I, alongside Lord Glorfindel and our brothers, were sent to find." I said introducing the four. Arwen smiled beautifully at them, her kindness radiating from her putting the Elflings at ease.
"Welcome to Imladris. We are ever so glad you are home in Arda and safe. Please take your seats next to Lord Glorfindel, your trainer, dinner will start as soon as Ada arrives." She said gesturing to the three vacant seats to the right of the Balrog Slayer.
"Thank you Lady Arwen." Luna said for the three of them and they walked off to their seats.
"They are frightened." Arwen said to me as we watched them sit down and immediately begin to fidget with their napkins and cutlery.
"Yes it is a big change. Their world was so much more advanced. They left the people they knew as family behind as well." I said to her as we walked back to the head table.
We had just taken our seats when Ada walked into the dining hall. He stopped at his seat but did not sit in it.
"Welcome all, I know you are eagerly awaiting dinner so I will be quick. Tonight is a joyous occasion as my missing daughter, Lady Arniel, has returned home to me and my children. We thank Lord Glorfindel for keeping her out of harms way. Together, at the Valars instructions, Lady Arniel and Lord Glorfindel brought home the Three Lost Elflings of Eregion. Lady Luna, Lord Neville and Lord Draco we are most thankful to have you with us in Imladris. Now let us start our meal." He said taking his seat. Gentle music played as the cooks served the meal they had been labouring over all afternoon.
"I have asked Estel to help the three young ones to settle in." Ada said to me as he leaned around Elrohir.
"Thank you Ada. That will be quite helpful. Estel has an understanding of what they will face as he was your foster son." I replied. Ada smiled at me and returned to his dinner.
As if sensing the troublemaking brewing in Elladan, Arwen turned her burning gaze upon our brother silencing him before he could say anything remotely bothersome.
"Alright I won't tease." He grumbled stabbing at the green vegetables on his plate.
I giggled slightly as Arwen turned smugly back to her meal.
"I don't know how you do it Arwen. You always seem to know they wish to tease." I said shaking my head slightly in wonder at her.
She grinned at me but did not reply, choosing to keep her secrets to herself.

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