Celebration Preparations

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Crickets chirped loudly as Glorfindel and I walked through the moonlit gardens. Arwen was trailing behind us somewhere as an escort and I was pretty sure Estel had joined her.
"Listen, do you hear it?" I said pausing to listen to the deep croaking of a frog. We stood for a moment listening to the song of the amphibian creature. Glorfindel's warm arm gently wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to his side.
The frog hopped to the pond nearby and made a large splash as it dived under the water. We continued our walk through the garden over the soft grass.
"Nîn-nîth, I wish to retire to my rooms, will you join me?" Arwens voice called to me as she walked up. Estel could be seen walking back towards the door that lead into the building.
"Of course sister mine." I replied to her. Arwen smiled and pointedly looked away at the fruit tree nearby that was starting to blossom.
"Goodnight Meleth Nîn." I said turning back to the blond elf. He leaned down and kissed me softly.
"Goodnight Arniel. I will talk with your father tomorrow." He said. Glorfindel kissed me one last time before stepping back and walking away.
Arwen walked over to me and wrapped my arm in hers.
"You are staying in my room tonight like when we were Elflings. I missed you too much." She said with a smile that almost lit up the dark night. Her grey eyes sparkled like diamonds as we reached the door. Two torches flickered with flame either side of the carved wooden door.
"Alright Arwen. Do we need to find our little fabric dolls to play with too?" I asked her with a teasing smirk. Arwen huffed, rolled her eyes and pushed me away from her in jest.
"You are quite annoying. I don't know why I missed you." She said as we walked through the halls to her room.
I just laughed softly and waited for her to open her door.
"What did you talk about on your walk?" Arwen asked me as I closed the door to her room behind us.
She had an excited look on her face and her grey eyes sparkled with curiosity.
"We did not talk much, mainly enjoyed being next to each other. But he did say he is going to talk to Ada tomorrow." I told her as I walked to her wardrobe to find a nightdress to wear.
Arwen went behind her changing screen and changed into the nightdress that had been put there earlier.
"Oh I hope it means he plans to ask for your hand!" Arwen called to me from behind the screen.
"I think that is what he plans. I really love him Arwen. My heart flutters every time he smiles at me. I feel like I am melting like ice in the summers sun when he kisses me." I said leaning against the wall waiting for Arwen to finish changing.
She walked over to me and took my hands in hers.
"I am very happy for you sister. I feel the same way about Estel. Who would have thought we would fall in love at a similar time." She said stepping back and letting go of my hands so I could change from my dress.
"Ada is going to have a heart attack when he finds out that both his daughters wish to marry." I said with a slight laugh.

Soon Arwen and I were laying under the soft linens of her large bed, giving into the need for rest.


Ada was mysteriously absent from breakfast in the morning. Glorfindel as well. Early morning had changed into mid morning, warming nicely with the sun.
"I would like to include flowers from Naneth's garden on the tables again. And perhaps Errstor could make some Mulberry Wine if he has time. It is my favourite." I said to Arwen who wrote the ideas down onto the parchment.
"Lady Arwen, Lady Arniel, Lady Luna." Lindr said as he greeted us. The young minstrel had sought us out nearby the crashing waterfalls. Luna had accompanied us, seeking female company. We had been given the task of replanning our birthday celebration by Erestor.
"Lord Lindr, how can we be of assistance?" Arwen asked as she put down the parchment paper.
"Forgive me for interrupting, Lord Elrond wishes to see you Lady Arniel." The brunette elf said with a slight bow before retreating back down the path.
"I better go and see Ada. I will see you at lunch." I told the two Elleths as I rose from the soft green grass.
"Good luck Lady Arniel. Remember to follow your heart." Luna said with a smile. Arwen nodded in agreement.

"Enter" Ada called as I knocked lightly on his study door. I walked into the book filled room that smelt like ink and herbs.
"Ada, you asked to see me?" I said as I approached the dark wood desk he was sitting at. He hummed slightly as he finished writing the letter in front of him.
"Yes, thank you for coming Nîn-iell." Ada said standing and walking around his desk. He put his hand on my shoulder and lead me to the cushioned chairs in a small room that opened off the study.
"Lord Glorfindel told me about your time in the other world. But there is some that he couldn't tell me. Would you tell me about your experience before he arrived?" Ada asked me as he folded his arm across his chest and relaxed into the chair.
"Oh of course Ada. I even documented my experiences for you to read. I shall get that for you later." I told him shuffling in the seat so I faced him better.

Ada was the perfect listener. He smiled when needed, scowled when appropriate, laughed along with me, and asked questions relative to my experience.
"And your wound? Have you healed well? May I examine the area?" He asked me.
"Perfectly healed Ada. The healer did a wonderful job." I told him holding out my arm that had been injured first. His soft, gentle fingers ran over the unmarked skin before moving to gently feel my side through my dress.
"I am relieved you healed well. I can see no signs of retaining injury." He said turning and sitting in his seat again. I followed suit and took my seat.
"Your tale is extraordinary Nîn-iell. I am grateful to you for sharing it with me." He said. I could see his mind racing through the look in his eyes.
I sat quietly for a while waiting for Ada to process his thoughts.
"Glorfindel and I had an interesting meeting this morning. He requested something of me and I have spent the day pondering it. I must ask you Arniel, do you truely wish to marry him? I have known of your feelings for a long time." Ada asked me after a few moments. His face void of any emotions.
"Yes Ada. I want for nothing else." I said leaning forward and grasping his hand in both of mine.
"You cannot keep me as an Elfling forever Ada." I told him softly. He reached his other hand out and smoothed the hair on my head.
"I know this my child. It would pain me to see you harmed." Ada said matching my soft tone.
"I will give Glorfindel my blessing." He said standing up from his chair and holding his arms out to me inviting me in for a hug.
I stood and let his strong arms envelop me, relishing in the feeling of comfort and safety.
"Gerich Veleth Nîn Ada" I whispered to him. He placed a kiss on the crown of my head.
"You have my love also Arniel." Ada said.
"Now go, tell me Arwen of our meeting. I expect she is waiting eagerly." He said stepping back and moving back to his study.
I bid him farewell and left the rooms quickly to find my sister.

The Surprise Student [Glorfindel]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя