Interfering Brothers

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Squished and trapped. That was my current situation. Sitting on the red tweed couch in tower the Headmistress had given to the four of us so we didn't have to be with the students all the time.
Elladan and Elrohir were sitting beside me, so close I could not move.
"And when did this happen sister? Interesting that we should not hear it from you first." Elrohir said looking at me with an eyebrow raised. My eyes went slightly red. They had found the photo of Glorfindel kissing me after it had fallen out of my notebook. I had been showing them the camera and explaining what photos were, only for them to grab my notebook curiously and dislodge the picture from its hiding place. Of course I had been marched to the couch straight away for interrogation.
"Just after Winter Solstice. A-at the celebration called Christmas." I squeaked out. I was deathly afraid for Glorfindel's safety at this moment.
"What caused this... incident?" Elladan asked.
My ears turned even redder.
"I got trapped under mistletoe spelled to not release you until someone kisses you. Ginny and Ron's older brothers put it there to trap me as a prank." I said to my unimpressed brothers.
They had always known about my feelings for the blond elf.
"Arniel, dear sister, if it was to help free you from the mistletoe why keep the picture? It will only hurt your heart." Elladan said softly. He was always the twin to settle down first.
I didn't know how to respond without upsetting them again.
"I kept it because I didn't want to forget the time I finally kissed the one who held my heart for many a century." I said to them.
"Arniel. You need to move on. You can't keep pining over him. He doesn't return your feelings." Elrohir said his voice raising a bit with frustration.
"And who told you I don't?" Glorfindel said walking into the small lounge room area.
The twins stood up from the couch next to me and faced the Balrog slayer.
"You have known for a long time her feelings for you and only now you say you return them?" Elladan demanded from his old mentor.
Glorfindel held his head high and kept his voice calm.
"Your father told me I had to wait until Arniel made it obvious and I was not to pursue her when I approached him 2000 years ago. I hold Lord Elrond with great respect, I would not go against his request." He said to the twins. Surprise flitted over their faces at his revelation. I'm sure my own face echoed theirs.
"Adar is not here so we will be speaking for her. You know our customs Lord Glorfindel, we expect you to follow them. Do not dishonour her or us." Elrohir said firmly before turning and walking to the room he shared with his twin. Elladan paused near me first.
"Nîn-Nîth, I am glad you found happiness. Elrohir is too." He said before joining his twin but leaving the door open slightly. Glorfindel sat on the couch next to me with an unspoken question in his eyes.
"They found the photo." I told him handing him the small picture.
"Ah." Was all he said in reply.
"Did Ada really say that?" I asked him swivelling to face him. He smiled softly and nodded his head. His golden hair falling around his face as he did this.
"I may have to have a few words with him when he get home." I grumbled crossing my arms and slumping back into the couch. Glorfindel laughed slightly and pulled me closer to him. His strong arms wrapped around my stomach and I leant into his chest.
"Your Adar just wanted to protect you. You are his daughter, I imagine he was feeling a bit like a dragon with a hoard seeing a thief arrive." He said placing a soft kiss to my temple.
"He is a bit like that isn't he." I said with a grin at Glorfindel's explanation of Ada.


Elladan and Elrohir won the hearts of many young witches and a few wizards quickly.
They seemed to always have following of giggling students wherever they went. Of course this made it hard to converse with them, walk with them or do anything with them.
Even like right now while we were trying to eat our breakfast.
"I love your hair! It's so shiny and looks so soft. Can I touch it?" A fifth year gasped sitting extremely close to Elrohir. I doubted she even knew which twin was which. Although it was exceptionally hard to tell them apart.
Elrohir swiftly moved his head out of the girls reach and turned his back to her slightly. The young Gryffindor pouted and pulled her hand back.
"Make them go away Arniel. Please." He grumbled in Elvish. I gave him a sympathetic smile and turned to Hermione who was tucked into a book like usual.
"Miss Hermione, can you please send this crowd away?" I asked her in a hushed voice leaning towards her a bit. She had been an expert at sending any girls or boys away when Glorfindel or myself had arrived here.
She slammed her book shut and thumped it loudly onto the wooden table. The young woman stood up with a look of fury and frustration on her face.
"Will you all leave these two alone? You hang around like flies to a corpse! Leave! Before I get Professor McGonagall involved." She said harshly. Given she was a war hero, most were quite in awe of her and slightly afraid. The group scattered like leaves in a wild storm. Elladan and Elrohir relaxed, breathing a large sigh of relief.
"Hannon Le Miss Hermione." Elladan said bowing his head deeply to her. Red spread lightly across her cheeks at the evident display of thanks and respect.
"They were bothering me as well." She said brushing off the thanks and sitting back down.
"It would also not be the first group of gawkers I've had to send packing." Hermione said again as she picked her book back up. Harry made a noise of agreement at her statement. An unpleasant memory fading in his eyes.
The mention of the name 'Krum' came from a scowling Ron who shoved a bread roll into his mouth crankily.
"Oh will you be joining us for Care of Magical Creatures today? I remember you mentioned that yesterday." Harry asked turning the conversation away.
"Oh yes. That would be quite lovely. I want to show my brothers some of the magical beasts you have in this world." I said with a grin. Elladan and Elrohir nodded, not that they would have much choice.
"Oh wait! Don't eat that Elladan. It is too sweet, you will feel ill." I said quickly grabbing a caramel  banana tart from his hand. Surprise flicked across his face at the tart disappeared.
"I found out the hard way." I said putting it on my plate. I knew better than to put it back after being touched. Ron sniggered at the look on Elladan's face.
"Sisters. You love them but Merlin are they annoying!" Ron said with a pointed look at Ginny who was sitting next to Harry. This brought a grin to the twins faces and they both looked directly at me. Rude.
"We understand. We have two of them." Elrohir said back to Ron.
"At least you have sisters." Harry grumbled softly. Ginny put her hand gently on his arm in comfort. Ron didn't seem to hear his friend and Hermione was still reading.
"You have Miss Hermione, Master Harry. You may not be blood but she is your sister." I told him kindly. Harry smiled slightly and nodded.
"At least you don't have elder twin brothers. They are a whole new level of siblings." I said trying to lighten the mood.
"Godric yes." Ginny groaned with a laugh mixed in. The looks I received from my brothers were totally worth the comment. Even Ron was nodding and Harry was grinning once again.
"I don't know what Ada and Nana saw in you two that made them want more Elflings." I teased. Elladan's eyes lit up with a reply I knew I was going to regret.
"We were so perfect they had to bring something a little imperfect into Arda to bring balance!" He said gleefully. I rolled my eyes at him but joined in the laughing that echoed around us. The laughter died down quickly and we all gathered our belongings and stood from the table as the bells rang through the castle.
"I'm so glad you're here Brothers. You know how to make life joyful and interesting." I said as we walked out of the Great Hall.
"We missed you too little sister." Elladan said putting his arm on my shoulder.
"I am not an arm rest Brother." I said pushing him off, not really annoyed, mostly enjoying their company.
"You always will be. We can't do it to Arwen. She'd have our heads!" Elrohir said from my left.
"I'm starting to wonder if her methods are correct." I said to them. Identical laughs followed me out of the doors to the castle as we walked out into the sunshine.

The Surprise Student [Glorfindel]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora