Dwarves are terrible guests

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The dinner party was in full swing when I hurried into the dinner hall. It had taken a little bit longer than I was expecting for me to get ready. Dried out bread dough was painful to get off of skin. Even worse to get out of my silk dress.
"Ada please forgive my tardiness." I said with a bow of my head as I took my seat near Arwen.
"You are forgiven Nîn-iell. Radadis mentioned you assisted her. She was very thankful." He said smiling at me.
"Of course I was happy to help her. She had sent her helpers away for the evening." I replied. Ada turned back to the guests nearby and resumed talking to the scowling dwarf.
Arwen leaned over to me and whispered softly.
"That is Thorin Oakenshield. He is leading a company of dwarves and a hobbit to the Lonely Mountain in hopes of reclaiming it." She said to me.
"Hannon Le Arwen for filling me in." I said back to her with a smile. Dinner was demolished quickly and we were now awaiting dessert.
"Can't say I fancy Elf maids myself. Too thin. They're all high cheekbones and creamy skin. Not enough facial hair for me." A young dwarf said to his companions. A sly smirk spread across his face as a young minstrel walked behind him playing the harp.
"Although that one there's not too bad." He said jerking his chin towards the Elf.
"That's not an elf maid." The bald dwarf said winking at the young one. The minstrel turned around to walk back the other way revealing that he was in fact, not an Elleth.
The dwarves around cackled loudly at the embarrassment of their companion. I hid my smile behind my cup, taking a slow slip of my wine as I composed myself.

The dwarves grew loud and rowdy.
"Goheno Nîn Ada, I must retire for the evening." I said standing and moving towards him. I bent down and placed a kiss on his smooth cheek. The evening was long from over but I could feel a rather large headache approaching.
"Allow me to walk you to your rooms My Lady." Glorfindel said standing from his chair. I could tell he wanted to escape the noise too.
"Hannon Le Lord Glorfindel." I said with a smile and took his offered arm.

Glorfindel kissed me softly as we stopped in front of my rooms.
"I do not see you as often as I would like." He said leaning his forehead on mine.
"These are trying times and Ada needs your assistance." I said smiling up at him trying to ignore the incessant pounding in my head. I stepped back from the warm body holding me and rubbed my temples trying to ease the throbbing.
"Meleth Nîn, are you alright?" Glorfindel asked me, concern obvious in his tone. I opened my eyes that I was unaware I had closed and smiled gently at him.
"I'll be alright my love. It is just a headache. I have herbs for a pain relief tea in my room." I said reaching up and placing a hand on his cheek. Worry etched on every part of his face. He leaned his head into my touch.
"Do not worry. It is not uncommon for a headache to plague me. I usually drink my tea before it gets this bad." I told him. He reached around me and opened the door to my room for me.
"Come, sit with me and read a while." I said holding my hand out to the blond elf. He smiled at me and took my hand, letting me lead him to the sitting area by the window.
Glorfindel watched silently as I heated some water over the fireplace to make my tea. Soon I was nestled under Glorfindel's arm sipping at my tea with a book on my knees.


The dwarves stayed for two weeks. While I enjoyed learning about their culture, it was not pleasant to walk into the gardens and see them bathing naked in the fountain. Poor Lindr nearly fainted in shock. Ada put his billowing sleeve over my eyes and hurried me from the garden away.
"Nîn-iell. I am ever so sorry you had to witness that." He said with a deep scowl on his face. I let out a giggle, finding the whole situation amusing.
"I must get them out and have the fountain cleaned. The Lady Galadriel is arriving tonight." He said rubbing his face tiredly.
"She is coming here? Arwen is to leave in a week for Lothlorien." I said surprised. Ada flopped into the nearest chair with a resigned look.
"She wishes to see Mithrandir. Galadriel will escort Arwen and Luna back to Lothlorien." He said.
"Ada you look exhausted. Have some rest before Mam arrives. I will get my brothers to remove the dwarves." I said leaning down and kissing his cheek.
"Hannon Le Nîn-iell." He said. I turned and left the room to seek out my brothers.
Luckily the two of them were heading towards Ada's study.
"Ah. Sister. Is Adar in his study?" Elrohir asked me as they stopped in front of me.
"Yes he is but he is resting on his daybed. Our Grandmother is to arrive tonight." I told them. The twins looked at me in surprise.
"Tonight? Must be important. We should leave Adar to rest then." Elladan said.
"Yes. She wishes to see Mithrandir. Ada has requested you two to remove the naked dwarves from the fountain in the garden. The gardeners will have to clean it after." I said to them as they turned and we began walking back the way they came.
"The fountain? In the garden? They bathed in it naked?" Elrohir asked me with a large scowl.
"Yes. Ada and I were walking past with Lindr. Ada freaked out, covered my eyes and hurried us inside. Lindr didn't notice and kept walking with an extremely shocked look on his face." I said with an amused grin. Elladan took a deep breath to prevent himself from laughing but ultimately failed. It didn't take long for me to join in with the laughing. Elrohir didn't as he was mortified of the idea that the dwarves swum in the fountain.
"Dwarves are strange beings." Elrohir grumbled as he lead a laughing Elladan off to complete their task.
The gardeners were also none too thrilled with the idea of cleaning the fountain. However they did a spectacular job of it, like always, leaving to shining as if the stone had been polished for centuries to attain the gleam it gave off.
Sunset arrived quickly, the sky turning orange and pink as the sun fell below the horizon.
Knowing our newest guests would arrive soon I decided to go and check on Ada and offer my help.

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