The White City and the Grey Havens

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The sun shone down upon the white city as the people gathered in the courtyard to watch the Coronation of the King.
Arwen was hiding behind a banner. She shifted nervously and excitedly, watching the coronation secretly.
I stood with Glorfindel next to Ada. The old wizard lowered the silver and gold crown onto a kneeling Aragorns head.

"Now come the days of the king." Gandalf said to the crowd.
"May they be blessed." Gandalf said directly to Aragorn. I felt wrong for having hearing those private words spoken but it was not within my control being elvish.
Aragorn stood up and faced the crowd. Cheers erupted from the crowd of Gondorian citizens, Elvish visitors and People of Rohan.
"This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace." The newly crowned King said to his people. The crowd cheered again and white petals began falling into the large gathering of people. Sounds of joy and happiness of a kingdom regaining its monarchy filled the warm air.
The crowd silenced quickly as King Aragorn started to sing the Oath of Elendil in Elvish.

Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinomë maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta.

Goosebumps from the powerful words spoken rippled down my arms. This man would be a good and just ruler, with my sweet sister at his side.
As King Aragorn moved through the crowd, dipping his head and thanking people for coming, royals and nobles of other kingdoms stepped forward to bow and offer congratulations.
Éomer King of Rohan bowed, a golden haired woman who shared his facial features stepped forward with a young man in Gondorian clothing to bow and curtsy.
As the king got closer I slipped behind Arwen and put my hands on her trembling shoulders.
"Breathe Arwen. All will be well." I whispered so quietly only elves close would hear. She took a shaky breath and squared her shoulders.
Aragorn greeted and thanked the silver haired Prince of Mirkwood. Legolas indicated to his long time friend to turn his attention our way. I gave Arwen a gentle push encouraging her to walk forward.
Arwen moved forward with the grace and elegance of the Valar themselves.
She stepped towards her love moving the banner to the side to reveal her presence.
The look of shock, hope and complete utter adoration overtook Aragorns face. He gently grabbed the banner from her hands and passed it to an elf nearby.
I knew my sister well enough to know she was probably about to cry in joy.
Aragorn swooped in like a man searching for a breath in water and kissed her with so much love and passion I was almost jealous.
Arwen was laughing and crying in happiness as Aragorn spoke softly to her.
"I'll kiss you like that later." A voice whispered in my ear making me jump. I hadn't noticed him move to my side.
"Stop it." I hissed back at my husband, my ears red.
I glanced over my shoulder to see Ada smiling with reluctant joy at seeing Arwen with her King.

"My friends, you bow to no one." King Aragorn said to the four halflings who had bowed to him.
The king and his bride kneeled before the four hobbits. The large crowd, myself and kin included followed suit, thankful for the stout hearts of hobbits which saved our lands from evil.

The city celebrated for a week, for the end of the war, the coronation of the High King and for the impending wedding. People were happy, peaceful and generous.


"Don't leave Ada. Please." I begged.
Tears ran down my face and I was doing nothing to stop them.
"It is my time Arniel. You know this." Ada said softly.
Ada's arms were wrapped around me.
"I'll miss you Ada. I'll miss you so much." I sobbed into his shoulder.
The lapping of waves on wood was a harsh reminder of the reality I was about to face.
"Lord Elrond. It is time to leave." The Elf in charge of the boat called out.
"I will see you again Nîn-iell. Look after your sister. And don't let your brothers bully you." Ada said to me, his strong hand rubbing my back.
"I promise Ada." I sobbed.
Glorfindel stepped forward and pulled me from my Ada.
I moved from Glorfindel over to where Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir were all standing. Arwen took my hand in her and Elrohir put an arm on my shoulders. Elladan had his arm around Arwen comforting her.
Ada turned and lead the hero of middle earth onto the boat alongside our Grandmother.
She was finally able to return home to Valinor from her long life of exile.
Ada waved to us, Galadriel waved to Celeborn as the boat sailed from the grey havens. The last boat with the last of our kin. Frodo waved sadly to a sobbing Samwise and soon the boat was gone from our sight.
"They have gone. It is time for us to leave as well." Celeborn said grief etched into every part of his face and body.
"Come my grandchildren. It is not the end of life here for us." He said turning and walking up the wooden pier.


"A boy Arwen!! You have a son!" I gasped as the midwife handed the exhausted Elleth her crying baby.
"A son." She said as her fingers traced the delicate features on the tiny baby.
"You did it sister. It's over now. Congratulations!" I said kissing her sweaty forehead. The midwives bustled around, cleaning up quickly and swiftly taking measurements of the tiny child.

Aragorn burst in through the doors and skidded to a stop at the side of the bed. I moved out of his way quickly, letting him take the spot where I had been sitting. Bells pealed throughout the city announcing the safe birth of the kings Heir. Fireworks left behind as a courtesy of Mithrandir banged in the distance.
No one cared that it was 4am in the morning. They only cared that the Kings Heir had arrived.
I slipped out of the room as Arwen and Aragorn basked in the feeling of their newest charge.
Their little family grown suddenly and the baby was already loved so much.

"How is the Queen?" Glorfindel asked me as I collapsed on our bed.
"She is doing well. As is the new Prince." I replied , my voice muffled by my pillow.
"Does it make you want one yet?" He chuckled already knowing the answer.
"After witnessing that? Valar no. Plus you already know what we agreed to. Only when we get to Valinor will elflings become part of our life." I said sitting up. He had a stirring grin on his face. I had fallen straight into his teasing trap.
"Stop teasing me. I've been with Arwen for two days. I'm sleeping now." I said throwing a pillow at my husband.
"Wait I need that." I groaned. Glorfindel threw the pillow back at me.
"Thank you Meleth." I said before letting myself drift off into a restful state.

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