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A sharp knock on the door sounded through the busy house stopping all conversations.
Mr Weasley opened it to reveal more red haired men and a beautiful blonde haired woman.
"Merry Christmas!" The tall man with scars on his face said cheerily as the three stepped inside. Mrs Weasley hurried over and wrapped them all in tight hugs.
"Oh Merry Christmas!" She said stepping back and taking their heavy coats.
"They all have red hair. Every single one of them. I've never seen so many." I said to Glorfindel who stood next to me in the kitchen.
"It is a rare sight in Arda." He murmured back to me, leaning against the bench.
"This day reminds me of Lord Elronds Summer and Winter Solstice festivals." Glorfindel said with a wistful smile.
"Ada always goes out of his way for those doesn't he." I said to him quietly. He chuckled and stood upright as one of the newcomers walked into the kitchen.
"Oh! I forgot. Mum said there were extra guests this year. Hi I'm Bill." He said holding a hand out to us.
"Well met Master Bill. I am Glorfindel and this is Arniel." The blond elf said shaking the hand of the man in front of him. I dipped my head in greeting to 'Bill'.
"Where is Percy Mum?" the voice of the other red haired newcomer asked Mrs Weasley.
"Oh he went with Audrey's family on their Christmas holiday." She said with a wavering smile. Charlie nodded and patted her on the back before he went to join his siblings.
"Ginny! I'm stuck under mistletoe!" Harry called desperately from the stairway base. Laughter erupted from all around. Glorfindel and I left the kitchen to join the throng of red haired people, Hermione and Harry. Ginny raced over and placed a sweet kiss on Harry's lips, freeing him from the mistletoe trap.
"How does that work?" Glorfindel asked Ron. Ron smirked and told us how the mistletoe is charmed to make people stuck in the spot until someone kisses them. Luckily it doesn't work on family.
"Your earz are pointed. It eez unuzual." The blonde lady said in a strange accent as she walked over to me.
"Yes. Pointed ears are a defining feature of my people." I replied to her. She could have passed as an elf. Her white blonde hair hung perfectly over her shoulders and down her back slightly. She had blue eyes and extremely pale skin. This woman was beautiful.
"I am not purely 'uman myself. My grandmozer waz a Veela." She said with a thick accent.
"I read about Veela. They remind me of Elves a bit with their beauty and grace." I said to her. She smiled at my comment.
"You are an Elf yes? Bill told me." She said her eyes flicking to her husband.
"Mostly yes. I have some human blood in my veins." I told her grateful I didn't have to explain my race in full. The lady's gaze danced around the room observing its occupants.
"Your companion iz staring at you again. He doez it a lot." She said with a small smirk.
My eyes drifted over to Glorfindel who had looked away, his ear tips slightly pink signifying he heard her.
"Mmm. You look at 'im ze same way." She said her smirk getting bigger before she walked off to find her husband. I stood a little shocked by the blonde lady with the accent.
"Lunch is ready!" Mrs Weasley called out.

We all squeezed around the long table as Mrs Weasley, Ginny and Hermione brought the food out from the kitchen. There was an abundance of foods. Roast Turkey, vegetables, pastries and wine to pair. Although I didn't say it, I found the wine quite sour and heavy compared to what I was used to in Imladris or Lorien. The food on the other hand was delectable. Everyone sung their praises to Mrs Weasley happily as they devoured the meal on the table.
"Charlie. I forgot to ask earlier. Hagrid wants to know how Norberta is." Ron said with a mouthful of roasted vegetables. Apparently this wasn't uncommon as nobody batted an eyelid at the display of mushed food rolling around Ron's mouth as he spoke. Charlie had better manners as he swallowed his mouthful before he spoke.
"Norberta is going very well. She is on track to lay a clutch of eggs in the spring. The other dragons don't give her trouble anymore now she is an adult." Charlie said happily.
"Dragons. You have dragons here?" I gasped in surprise. I had heard many stories of the great fire serpents of the North in Arda.
"Yes. Many different types. Hungarian Horntails, Welsh Greens, Hebridean Blacks, Ukrainian Ironbellys. Many many more. I work and live on a dragon sanctuary in Romania." He said excitedly.
"There are different types? Do they all talk to you? And their hoards, how do you find so much gold?" I asked him feeling confused.
"Talk? No dragons don't talk." He snorted shaking his head as if I said something stupid. Charlie didn't answer my second question and I let it go. Dragons must be different here.
I took another sip of the ruby coloured wine and winced slightly as it hit my tongue.


I quietly put the cleaned glass onto the drying rack in the kitchen. The house was silent as the occupants slept soundly. Pausing for a moment to glance out the window over the sink at the snow covered garden, I let a small smile stretch onto my face as I watched the stars twinkle in the dark night.
Having quenched my need for water I made my way back into the lounge area.
A force of some sort stopped me in the doorway. I couldn't move backwards or forwards. Glancing upwards, I saw the green branching mistletoe gently waving as if some wind was blowing it.
"No..." I groaned when I saw it.
"My lady are you - oh." Glorfindel said walking towards me. He stopped when he saw why I was stuck.
"There is mistletoe above your head Arniel." He said with a slight smirk at my lovely predicament.
"Thank you Glorfindel for bringing it to my attention. I had no idea." I hissed quietly to the blond elf.
"Shall I help you or awaken one of the wizards in this house to help you?" He asked me taking small step towards the stairs.
"No!" I said a little loudly trying to step towards him to stop him. The magical barrier kept me in the same spot.
Glorfindel raised an eyebrow but stepped backwards from the stairs.
"No. I ... I would appreciate it if you could help me." I said quietly, hoping no one had awoken from my earlier shout.
"Of course My Lady." He said walking towards me. The tall elf had a look of anticipation in his eyes yet his expression remained neutral.
Glorfindel stepped up in front of me, just outside the barrier.
"Are you sure My Lady?" He asked once again. I looked up at the Handsome Eldar and stared into his crystal blue eyes. Oh Valar I knew now my Elfling crush on this elf had never left me.
I looked away from the intense blue eyes I had been staring into.
"Yes Glorfindel. Please free me from this mistletoe." I said quietly. I saw his feet move closer to me again and a hand placed itself under my chin, lifting my head upwards.
My gaze flicked back to his, which was now much closer to mine.
Glorfindel's eyes stared at my lips for a second before slowly moving back up to my eyes. My heart skipped a beat in that moment. I was very aware of his soft hand under my chin as he leaned in closer. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck underneath his long silken hair.
My eyes fluttered shut as his forehead gently rested against mine. His shallow breathing told me he was just as nervous as I was.
Time slowed for a moment as he softly pressed his lips against mine.
Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I forgot to breathe as I melted into the feeling of Glorfindel kissing me. The Elf wrapped his spare arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

A flash of light broke through our senses. We jumped backwards, separating from the embrace of each other. Fred and George stood there with the camera I had been given. They had identical mischievous grins on their faces as George held the photo the camera spat out.
"Seems our plan worked George." Fred said turning and placing the camera down on the couch.
"Seems it did Fred." George said turning and placing the photo next to the camera.
With one last twin glance at us they hurried off up the stairs to their rooms.
"Th- Thank you Glorfindel." I said the tips of my ears flushing pink. I stepped around the Elf and tried to make my way back to the lounge area where my book was waiting for me.
However a hand with a firm but not painful grip on my wrist stopped me.
"Arniel." Glorfindel said pulling me back to him. I was once again pressed against his chest with his arms around my waist.
"I've wanted to do that for 2000 years." He said removing one hand and brushing a stray hair out of my eyes.
"Then why did you wait so long?" I asked him. I reached up and pulled him down towards me.
Glorfindel didn't need my assistance as he crashed his lips to mine in a kiss that sent tingles through my body.
He pulled away from me after a few moments and stepped back a bit.
"The morning is still a few hours away. Come sit by the fire with me." He said taking my hand and leading me to the couch closest to the crackling fire.
The photo of Glorfindel kissing me was now tucked carefully in the blond Elf's pocket.

The Surprise Student [Glorfindel]Where stories live. Discover now