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"Thank you for everything Lord Elrond." Neville said bowing his head with his hand over his heart.
"Thank you for teaching us and taking care of us Lord Elrond." Luna said enveloping Ada with a gentle hug. Ada hesitated in surprise for a moment before returning her hug.
"You are both most welcome. I look forward to seeing you again in Valinor." He said as Luna stepped back towards the waiting crowd of elves.
"Lady Arniel, Lord Glorfindel, thank you for being so kind and welcoming." Neville said. Luna nodded in agreement. I sent them a sad smile as Glorfindel bowed his head at them.
With the final goodbyes the last long line of Elves trailed out of Imladris on their way to the Grey Havens to sail to Valinor.

Draco stood off to the side of the twins. He had been asked to stay as one of the last warriors of Imladris. His training had been completed and his skill surpassed most elves. The young elf kept his face stoic as he watched his companions fade into the distance. Elrohir and Elladan waited patiently for Draco without saying anything. Keeping silent company with the Elfling, the little brother they never had.


The summer was long gone. The air was frigid and blew with a harshness not felt before.
Black clouds swept across the sky getting closer and closer all year. Now they settled over the land unmoving against all wind.

Word had reached us of the victory in Helm's Deep. Rohan had defeated the army of Saruman with the assistance of the Dúnedain. The messenger told us how gravely the battle had going, that Rohan had been saved by the skin of their teeth by Éomer and his Rohirrim.
The fellowship was no longer. Frodo and Sam made their own way to Mordor while Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli searched for Merry and Pippin. Gandalf, who had fallen in Moria, was back, now The White Wizard, steered them off to Edoras.

Barely any of our kin remained now. Only those who would sail with Ada and Lady Galadriel. And those who would remain behind.
Imladris was empty of all life other than my family.
Arwen spent her days knitting lace to make into a wedding dress and reading up on Gondorian traditions. If she was to be a Queen she must be knowledgeable of it all.

Ada approached the small group gathered for our evening meal.
"We leave in two days for Lothlorien. It is no longer safe here for us with so little of our kind to defend Imladris." He said with the voice of a leader. While no one spoke, we all nodded in understanding and agreement. The food we ate was no longer exquisite and flavoursome now that the cook had gone. Of course, it was still very nice, just not the standard we had become used to.
Glorfindel poured me a glass of wine before reaching over to do the same for Arwen. He treated her like his own blood sister instead of the daughter of Elrond now.
"Hannon Le." I muttered, Arwen echoing my words.


Snow slipped off of the branches of the Mallorn trees. The path was no longer visible and white covered the ground completely. I was once again grateful I did not feel the cold. We dismounted our horses at the base of the largest Mallorn tree. A couple of stable hands stood by to take them to the stables.
Long stretches of linen cloth had been wound around the metal railings of the long winding staircase so that users had something to grip. It definitely helped as many times I slipped on the icy stairs, the easy to grip cloth helping stop me from tumbling backwards.
Glorfindel had placed a gloved hand between my shoulders to steady me after the last fumble. Guards stood every few rotations up the staircase stone still and staring out into the realm of Lothlorien. It seems Lord Celeborn had taken no shortcuts in making sure what remained of his people were safe.

It was a slow procession to the greeting hall. No one wanted to slip down the stairs. The elven magic of Galadriel and Celeborn kept the greeting hall warm and free of any snow or ice.
The small group of us relaxed with relief upon entering the hall. A couple of elves walked up to us and offered to take our cloaks.
"Hannon Le." I said handing my dark blue cloak to the elf waiting. He smiled and nodded before making his way down the line collecting them.
"Lord Elrond, I am most relieved to see you and your company arrived without harm." Lord Celeborn said as my grandparents descended from their private rooms to the greeting hall landing.
"Lord Celeborn, Lady Galadriel, thank you for your offer of refuge for my kin and myself. We are extremely grateful." Ada said dipping his head and extending his hand from his heart towards the ancient Elves.
"We would offer nothing else. Now, I must greet my grandchildren. It has been long since I have seen them." Lady Galadriel said stepping forward toward Elladan and Elrohir pulling them into her motherly embrace one at a time. Lord Celeborn walked over to Arwen and me with a happy smile on his face.
"Ah my granddaughters. Even though you do not change, you look more beautiful every time I see you." He said take one of our hands each and kissing them. I laughed at his comment and could feel Arwen doing the same next to me.
"Dâd that is a complete contradiction. Thank you." I said with a large grin on my face. Arwen murmured her greetings to our grandfather.
"Arwen, Arniel, I missed you greatly." The deep warm voice of our grandmother said as she walked up to us. She wrapped us in her long arms  one after the other. Her piercing gaze observed our faces for a few moments each.
"Marriage suits you my dear. You look quite happy." She said placing a hand on my cheek.
"Thank you Mam. I am happy, considering the troubling circumstances of Arda." I said smiling brightly at her. She turned her attention to Arwen.
"Arwen my dear, you must stop your worrying. These things are out of your control. He is alive. Lean on your sister for strength. Arniel will help you." She said pulling Arwen in for another hug.

We were shown to our rooms so we could freshen up after the long last leg of our travels here.
With a sigh I flopped backwards onto the soft bed. Glorfindel flopped next to me with a groan.
"A proper bed at last." I said staring at the carved wooden ceiling.
"One that doesn't smell like dusty roads. And had rock poking into your back or sides." Glorfindel said echoing my feelings.
"Alright. I am going to bathe and wash off the dust that seems to have become a new layer of skin." I said pushing myself up off of the bed. Glorfindel moved and stood up himself.
"I'm coming too." He said placing an arm over my shoulders.
"You're going to take up all the space." I said scrunching my face up in mock annoyance.
"Too bad." He said as he pushed the door to the wash room open.

The Surprise Student [Glorfindel]Where stories live. Discover now