Could it be?

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"We need to find a way to bring this eagle horse home to Middle Earth" Glorfindel said to me as he stroked the beak of the Hippogriff who leaned into the soft touch.
"We have giant Eagles. I highly doubt they would be thrilled with the arrival of Hippogriffs" I said back as I gently ran my fingers through the feathers on its neck.
"Yes I can't imagine they would be." Glorfindel said with a snort.
"Giant Eagles? Oh I would love to see those." Hermione said excitedly. The Hippogriff she had been tending to screeched and smacked his beak into her back sending her stumbling. As if saying 'who said to stop scratching me?'. Hermione laughed and turned back to the creature.
Harry walked over with a grey Hippogriff following closely behind, its beak snapping and missing the rabbit in his hand.
"What do you think of them?" He asked as he came to a stop and tossed the rabbit to the beast behind him. It tapped the ground happily with its clawed feet as it caught the rabbit.
"They are magnificent Master Harry. I see why you suggest we come to this class." Glorfindel said to the young wizard. Harry grinned and passed another rabbit to us. The eyes of the Hippogriff we were tending to lit up in excitement. I held the rabbit out and let the Hippogriff snap it up. It ran off to eat its prize away from others.
Class was dismissed and we began the walk back up to the school.
"Arniel, we are going to join Herbology class." Elladan said to me as we climbed the wooden stairs in the hillside.
"Alright. You must tell me about it. Glorfindel and I have lessons with the two elflings." I said in to them over my shoulder.


"You're picking up the skills quite quickly. It is not an easy language to learn. From now if you have the opportunity try conversing in Sindarin. If it gets too much it's ok to use common tongue." I said to the two blonde elflings. Luna smiled happily and nodded in understanding. Draco squared his shoulders in determination.
"Now Glorfindel has your physical training ready." I said to them. They stood from their chairs, bowed in respect and moved off to the Balrog Slayer. I packed up the parchment I had written language exercises on into the satchel I carried before joining the three.
I pulled my knife from its scabbard and joined in the sequences that Glorfindel was running through. I had finally reached the level of skill I once had when I trained as a youngster. It would not harm me to keep training and become better with my knife.
"Alright. That will do for now. Tend to your weapons and then we can go have some lunch." Glorfindel said to Luna and Draco. He walked over to me and placed a kiss on my cheek softly.
"You are doing well." He said as I checked my knife for any imperfections.
"I have a good teacher." I said back with a smile. Glorfindel held my gaze for a moment before leaning in to kiss me properly.
"Hannon Le Lord Glorfindel and Lady Arniel." Draco said as Luna and himself walked out to go for lunch.
"Arniel I.." Glorfindel started to say something but my well times brothers walked into the classroom. He stepped away to finish packing the training dummies.
"Oh Arniel. Herbology is so much fun. We got shown a plant that screams so badly that it can kill someone." Elrohir said excitedly.
"Valar. That doesn't sound fun." I replied picking up my satchel.
"It is also used in healing. I must read about it. Or perhaps I can ask Master Neville. He has extraordinary knowledge in herbology. Very good with plants." Elladan said leaning against a table.
"He was quite chatty about the plants. I'm sure he will be happy to tell you." Elrohir said.
"I've never seen a human with such an affinity for herbology and plants." I replied to the two as Glorfindel and I finished our tidying. The two chatted incessantly about the herbology class they had been in and were already making plans to attend the next.
"Oh! So glad I found you." A puffed Neville said as he ran up to the four of us.
"Is everything alright Neville?" I asked him. He nodded as he caught his breath.
"I have a fertiliser for your Lily." He said handing a leather bag to Glorfindel.
"Something told me you might have use for it." Neville said with a smile. Dirt smudged into his eyebrows as he wiped sweat from it with his dirty hand.
"Thank you Master Neville." Glorfindel said putting the leather bag in his pocket.
"Oh and if you need help looking for the last person. Let me know I would love to help." He said before walking off.
"How did he know your Lily needed fertiliser?" Elladan asked confused.
"No idea brother." I said just as confused. We resumed walking towards the great hall to join the many hungry students gathered there.

Him. He is the missing one.

I stopped dead in my tracks with a gasp. The three Ellons turned to face me with expressions of concern.
"The last Elfling is Neville." I said to the three.
"How do you know? Are you certain?" Glorfindel said stepping forward. He placed a hand on my cheek making me meet his gaze.
"Very certain. The Valar told me it is him." I said looking into his deep blue eyes.
"Alright." He said stepping back. Elrohir watched him with his eyes narrowed slightly.
"I am actually glad it is him." Elladan said turning and walking once again into the great hall. Elrohir moved and walked beside me, positioning himself between Glorfindel and me. I rolled my eyes and elbowed him slightly but he didn't budge.
"You can't protect me forever." I whispered to him frustrated.
"I will protect you as long as you are unbound. You are my sister." Elrohir said back a little heated. I sighed and let the matter go, an argument would not help.
I sent Glorfindel an apologetic look and went to sit by Luna, of course Elrohir followed me. Elladan shrugged and joined his old mentor sitting across from Neville.
"I see you have a babysitter today Lady Arniel. Mae Govannen Lord Elrohir." Luna said with a dreamy smile. I was not surprised she knew which twin followed me.
"Mae Govannen Lady Luna" He said politely.
"He is protecting me today. He has no reason too but I can't stop him." I said to her as I scooped some salad onto my plate. Luna laughed lightly.
"I assume this has something to do with Lord Glorfindel." She said. I nodded in response to her question.
"May I practice my Elvish with you Lord Elrohir?" She asked turning to the scowling elf. I sat in silence listening to Luna practice what I taught her. She had caught on rather well and quickly too. Elrohir gave her many pointers and helped with pronunciation of words she struggled with.


"Goodnight brothers. Good night Glorfindel. I will rest tonight." I said standing from my seat on the couch and moving towards the room I had been provided.
"Goodnight" They replied before returning to an uncomfortable silence. I walked up the small twisting staircase to my room.
The door closed behind me and leant against it with a sigh. It had been a frustrating afternoon being followed by an overprotective brother. He seemed so adamant on keeping Glorfindel and myself apart today. I could hear hushed voices talking back down in the lounge room so I cracked the door open a bit to hear.
"Why do you treat her so? You will only break her heart." Elrohir said harshly.
"I do not intend to break her heart." Glorfindel replied calmly.
"Whether you intend to or not isn't the problem. It is the inevitability of it. What will happen when you find the one you want to marry? It will destroy her." Elladan said.
"I've already found the Elleth I intend to marry." Glorfindel said. I held my breath waiting for the name. Bidding tears not to come to my eyes.
"Then why continue this? What do you gain from it?" Elrohir asked angrily.
"Arniel is the one I want to marry and I intend to ask your father this when we return to Arda. I love your sister and could not bear to see her with another, I would rather fade." Glorfindel said firmly. Silence echoed from the lounge room.
"You truely love her? You swear that you honestly mean all you said?" Elladan asked after a moment.
"With all my being I love your sister. Eru knows I speak only the truth." The blond elf said. My heart skipped a beat with happiness. I closed my door quietly and left them to their conversation.

Glorfindel loved me. And he wanted to marry me. I've only dreamt of this and now it is reality.

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