Honeycomb and Treasure

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Cheers erupted as Glorfindel lead me to the centre of the long table in the dining hall. My white lace dress trailing behind us as we walked through the hall. Glorfindel's new brooch shone in the candlelight, the amber coloured stone seeming liquid.

"In lieu of Arniel's mother, my daughter Celebrían, I present you with this jewel im honour of your union." Galadriel has said when she presented it to him.

Glorfindel pulled my chair out for me, a large proud grin on his face. I stepped forward and sat in the chair smiling up at my now husband. Slightly unsettled by being the centre of attention, I thumbed the golden band on my ring finger around in circles. Ada, who was sitting to my left reached out a hand and gripped mine in reassurance. The cooks brought out the food, officially starting the banquet. Ada had his finest wine brought from the cellars where it was stored.
Tension melted out of my body as the participants got absorbed in their foods and forgot about Glorfindel and me for the time being.
"Congratulations Nîn-iell, I hope you will be very happy." Ada said to me. A smile spread across my face at his comment.
"Hannon Le Ada. I'm sure I will be." I said leaning over and kissing his cheek. Lindr and a few other minstrels took up their instruments and began playing music. The sound of the music filled the room, weaving between the conversations. I chose this moment to put food onto my plate and eat a proper meal for the first time this day. Breakfast had been a hurried piece of fruit as Arwen and I set up the finishing touches in the new rooms Ada had given Glorfindel and me. I had finished moving my clothing and possessions over around lunch time when Arwen dragged me off to get ready. Lunch was a slice of bread with some cheese just before I got into my white lace dress.

The venison provided was expertly cooked, tender, flavourful but not gamey. The cooks had paired it with seasonal vegetables. It was a lovely dinner. Not long after attendees had eaten their fill, they started lining up to congratulate Glorfindel and me.
I was tired, it was late, and the line seemed to barely dwindle. Long had it been since Imladris held a wedding.
Glorfindel stood from his chair and everyone quietened quickly.
"My new wife and I would like to thank you all for your kind words and for attending our wedding. It is late and we wish to retire." He said bowing his head in respect to everyone present. He turned and held his hand out to me. I put mine in his hand and stood.
"Please continue to enjoy the celebrations." He said just before everyone started clapping. The blond elf lead me from the hall.
"You will have to lead the way to our new rooms Arniel." He said with a smile, his eyes full of love.
"Of course, this way." I said moving my hand from his and wrapping it around his elbow.

The door to the room closed softly behind us.
"Mîril." Glorfindel said pulling me closer to him.
"You are my treasure, now and forever. I name you Mîril." He said leaning down to kiss me softly.
"I am not worthy of such a name." I said to him staring into his blue eyes. Glorfindel gripped my chin and kissed me until I was breathless and weak.
"You are more than worthy." He said.


"If I was to name you, it would be Nîdhon. Because your hair reminds me of honeycomb." I said and I trailed my fingers through the golden hair that was resting on the pillow. The morning light was making his blond hair shine like golden threads.
"I would be honoured with such a name." He said rolling over so he was facing me.
"I will call you it when we are by ourselves. You are too important and known to be given a new name." I said tilting my head up to kiss him lightly.
"I shall do the same Mîril. You will be Arniel outside our rooms and Mîril in private." My husband said smiling softly. My heart swelled at seeing this beautiful Ellon smiling at me so.
"Did you rest well?" He asked me breaking me out of my staring.
"Yes I did, I hope you did too." I answered. Glorfindel, now Nîdhon to me, shuffled closer and pressed soft, adoring kisses along my shoulder.
"Yes I rested well too." He said as stopped kissing my shoulder and flung the sheets back, sitting up on the edge of the bed. His back muscles rippled as he stretched his arms up. I slipped out of the sheets too, scooping up the silk robe placed on the table next to the bed and wrapped it around myself.
"Morning meal will be soon, I am going to wash and dress." I said turning my head to look at the blond elf. My ears turned red and hot as the naked elf decided to forgo a robe.
"My love you need not be embarrassed. We are married now." Nîdhon said with a laugh. Still feeling quite flustered, I hurried to the washroom.
His light laughter followed me through the doors.


Draco stood next to me in the archery range. His white blond hair now hanging past his shoulders.
"It is getting easier with each passing day. Swords I found harder to learn." He said as he fired another arrow at the distant target.
"You will graduate to a long bow soon I suspect. You already surpass my skill with a bow." I told him as he fired the bow again with ease.
"There is an Elvish Prince in the Mirkwood realm who is the best archer I've ever seen. It would be beneficial for you to get lessons from him if he ever visits Imladris again." I said to him.
Neville walked over to us with an arm full of herbs and flowers.
"I've gathered all I can and am going to head back to the healers rooms to drop it off." He said bowing his head to us before turning and walking back up the path to the houses.
"Too many travellers are getting injured recently. I heard from the rangers that people are becoming scared to travel." Draco said putting his bow down. I glanced at the group of Dunedain who were also practicing archery nearby.
"Times are changing. Ada has decided the time of the Eldar has ended and we are to leave these shores." I said softly.
"There is war coming I fear." I finished. Draco sighed and went to collect his arrows from the target.
Long had it been since the Dunedain had visited with such grave hearts and faces.
I hoped to the Valar I was wrong and that it was not war on the horizon.

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