Arwen arrives home

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I waited excitedly, bouncing on the balls of my feet in the courtyard. Arwen was coming home today. She had been in Lothlorien for 55 years. My grandparents were accompanying her on her journey home as my wedding celebrations were to take place in 3 weeks time.
The sound of horses making their way down the valley had alerted us to their arrival.
"Calm Arniel. She will be here very soon." Glorfindel said with an amused tone. I turned and glared at him for a second.
"It has been 55 years. Surely you can allow me to be excited to see my sister." I snapped at him. He rolled his eyes at me and did not reply. Just stood there silently, with an infuriating smirk he was not trying to hide.
Arwen and my grandparents cantered into the courtyard not another 10 minutes later. No matter how excited I was to see her, I was seething with anger due to all the little comments Glorfindel quipped at me.
"Sister I can see the smoke streaming out of your ears. Are you that upset to see me?" Arwen said as she dismounted and walked over to me.
The raging fire in my veins died down to coals as she pulled me into a hug.
"It is not you that fuels my rage today sister. I missed you greatly." I said wrapping my arms around her lithe body. I pulled out of my twins warm hug and greeted my grandparents with a happy smile.


A knock on the door drew my from my book. I marked the page I was at with a leather strap and got up to open the door.
Standing there with a guilty smile on his face was Glorfindel. He held a tray with tea and little biscuits on it.
"I am still mad at you." I said as I stood aside to let him into the room. Glorfindel placed the tray on the small table next to the two velvet covered chairs that faced the fireplace.
I closed the door and sat in one of the chairs.
"Goheno Nîn Meleth Nîn, I should not have upset you so." He said quietly as he sat in the other chair. A sigh escaped my lips as I poured some tea into one of the delicate cups.
"Of course I forgive you. I should not have reacted as I did. I was wrong, I am sorry." I said handing him one of the cups of steaming tea. Glorfindel accepted the cup and sat back in the chair, watching me, observing me.
"You are upset about something else. What plagues your mind?" He asked me after a few minutes. I picked up one of the biscuits and dipped it into the tea before eating it as I pondered his question.
"I feel restless. With the rise in Orc sightings and attacks, I haven't been able to leave the Valley. My heart longs to ride out for a day or two but Ada has denied my requests each time I ask." I said to him. Glorfindel gave me a look of sympathy.
"He is right. It is not always safe at the moment. Lord Elrond may be over doing it because of what happened to your Naneth." He said picking the tea pot up and pouring more into my cup.
The memory of Nana's pale, sunken face as she sat in her garden flashed in my mind. She never recovered from the Orc attack.
"It is a valid worry. I understand his concerns and am not upset, just restless." I said with a small smile.


Arwen flopped on my bed effectively rousing me from my rest.
"The sun has risen Arniel! We have lots to do today. Luna is preparing a basket of food for us to take out for a walk. Up up up!" She said elbowing me in the side.
"Arwen. The sun is barely up. Why the rush?" I groaned as I rolled out of the warm covers. Arwen was already striding over to my cupboard to pick a dress for me to wear.
"Glorfindel mentioned you were starting to go stir crazy so I thought why not have a picnic near the waterfall. It's still in our valley and safe for us." She said shoving a deep blue dress aside and pulling out a sunset orange dress. I watched as she pushed that dress back in and pulled the next one out for examination.
"He is right. I appreciate that you are doing this Arwen. Hannon Le." I said to her. She made a noise of contentment and glided over to me with a soft, pastel pink dress.
"After lunch today we are to spend time with Mam and Dâd. They wish to see you." She said as I went behind the screen and change into the dress.
"Did you know, Arwen, that I am more than capable of planning my own days?" I teased. She huffed and rolled her eyes at me.
"I don't know why I bothered missing you." She said with a happy smile.
"Something else is making you this happy. What is it?" I asked her narrowing my eyes at her as I walked out from the screen. Arwen's ears turned red and she suddenly looked interested in the dust on my fireplace mantle.
"Does it have something to do with Estel returning with the male Elflings in a week?" I asked her slowly stepping towards her.
"No of course not. Has nothing to do with that." She said. I giggled at her obvious lie and went to find my shoes.
"Oh my mistake sister." I said not hiding my amusement. Arwen started laughing as well, her excitement was infectious.
"Come let us go find Luna. She is probably waiting for us." I said hooking my arm through Arwen's and opening the door.

The waterfall glittered in the morning sun, still shining with the colours of the fading sunrise. I listened quietly as Luna and Arwen recounted their stay in Lorien. The blonde Elfling had settled so well into this life, a sparkle shone in her eyes.
"The trees are magnificent. I've never seen anything like it. Lothlorien is beautiful." She said placing the basket on the soft grass and sitting beside it. Arwen and I sat down forming a little circle of three.
"You know, you can live in Lorien once your training is finished. I'm sure our grandmother would be most welcoming." I said to her. She smiled at me, I was glad to see her dreamy expressions still apart of her.
"It is something I am considering greatly." Luna said softly. The warm sun shone down on us. A slightly cool breeze gently caressed our skin, keeping the warm sun from becoming too hot.
"Thank you Arwen. This is lovely and just what I needed. I've been so wound up with wedding planning and from Ada not allowing me to go anywhere. I feel so relaxed and free now." I said laying back onto the soft grass after finishing the breakfast that had been brought along. Arwen lay her head on my stomach and sighed happily.
"Life is good is it not?" She said her eyes closing as the rays of light settled on her face.
"Yes it is Arwen." I said watching the clouds float by in the blue sky above us.

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