The Death of the King, the Grief of the Queen

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*** TRIGGER WARNING - Death/loss***

"Arniel! Arniel!" Glorfindel shouted urgently as he ran up the long corridor of Rivendell. Lord Celeborn had moved the last remaining elves to Imladris a few years ago, effectively abandoning Lothlorien.
"I'm here! What's wrong?" I shouted back hurrying to open the door to the study.
"The king. He has passed. King Aragorn is dead. Prince Eldarion has been named as king be crowned." He said.
My heart stopped in my chest. Aragorn, High King of Gondor was dead.
"Oh no." I said in a small voice. I knew this day would come, but I had not expected him to lay his life down so soon.
"I must go. I must go to my sister." I told Glorfindel, my eyes filling with tears of grief. The long time friend and brother in law, dead.
"I already have sent for a horse to be prepared. I will follow with your grandfather and brothers. Go Meleth. Go to Arwen." He said kissing my hands before stepping aside for me to run out of the room.

"Sister." I said softly as I entered the throne room where the deceased King lay in state. Arwen was sitting on the floor sobbing.
"Arwen.. I came as soon as I could. Come. They told me you have not moved for days." I said gathering my grieving, heartbroken sister in my arms and pulling her to her feet.
"He's gone." She gasped hoarsely. Her eyes rimmed red and raw. Her nose so red it was almost bleeding.
"Arwen you need food and rest. Come let us get you washed." I said walking her out of the room.
I glanced over my shoulder at the king. His skin the grey colour of death, his hair was salt and pepper in colour. He was so peaceful and yet.. not here. The King of Gondor had given up his life before age had make him senile.

"Aunt Arniel, how is Naneth?" My nephew asked me as I closed the door to the queens rooms.
"She is resting now. How are you Eldarion? How are you coping?" I asked him. His young face crumpled as grief hit him hard.
"I don't know what to do. I miss Ada so much. I've tried to be strong for my family, my sisters, their families, and Naneth. It hurts so much." He said as he wiped the tears off his face.
"Eldarion. You don't have to be strong for anyone." I told him pulling him in for a tight hug.
"I'm glad you're here Aunt Arniel." He said sniffling trying to control his emotions. I put my arm through his and lead him back to his room.
"It's ok to grieve Eldarion. It's ok to cry and be sad." I said as he moved to open his door and go inside.
"Thank you." He said giving me a watery smile before closing the door behind himself.

Grey clouds drifted over the sky. A strong wind blew through the silent city. The Late King Aragorn lay on top of his stone tomb, dressed in red and silver. His crown adorned on his pale forehead. Arwen stood staring at her love as tears slipped silently down her face. She was dressed in a black velvet dress with a black veil over her hair. Her crown keeping the veil in place.
Citizens of Gondor walked past to pay respects to the deceased king.

Eldarion lead his mother back into the castle after the caretakers had laid Aragorn to rest in the stone tomb. A stone carving of uncanny likeness depicting Aragorn in his prime was carefully placed onto the lid.


"Travel safe Naneth. I'll write to you often." My niece said to her mother. She joined her siblings nearby after giving Arwen a hug. Arwen turned and climbed into the carriage awaiting her. The newly crowned King watched with a somber face.
"I'll be with her. I won't leave her alone." I told Arwens children before joining my sister in the carriage. The city was silent as the carriage clattered over the cobblestones. The last of the elves in middle earth accompanied the Queen Mother of Gondor to Lothlorien.

The carriage made the journey slow. Arwen stared silently at the wooden walls, barely eating, sleeping or moving. Only when I prompted her did she make the effort. She would fade eventually. Give up her life like Aragorn. And I would be here with her every step of the process.
Our brothers went back to Rivendell with Glorfindel. Lord Celeborn, our grandfather stayed in Lothlorien with us.

"Thank you." Her raspy voice said to me. The first words she had spoken in months. Arwens skin was a sickly pale now. Her eyes had large dark bruises underneath them.
"For what Arwen?" I asked her making effort to appear as if her speaking was not an unusual thing. Reaching out I pulled the knitted blanket around her shoulders more to shield her from wind.
"For caring for me. For being here." She said looking up at me with grief filled eyes.
"Oh Arwen. I want to do it." I told her sitting down on the wooden bench next to her.
The river bubbled and gurgled nearby, birds chirped and flew around in the trees.
"I don't have much left in me Arniel." Arwen said softly.
This had been obvious to me, so much so I had already sent for her children and our brothers. She was so thin now, her once shiny hair now flat and dull.
"I know Arwen." I said to my fading sister. The sun rays seemed to almost pass through her.
"I'll see him soon. He waits for me." Arwen stated lifting her eyes to look up through the canopy of leaves. This time, I had no words for her.

"Naneth, it's ok, you can go with him. Tell Father hello." Eldarion said smoothing the hair on Arwens sleeping face.
She had fallen into unconsciousness the night past. The Queen Mother had been holding on for her family.
Weeping and sniffles broke the silence as one of my nieces sat on the other side of the bed and held her mothers hand.

Her soft breathing changed into a rattle. The time between breaths now minutes apart. Her skin was grey in colour and cool to touch. Having been taught by Ada in the arts of healing, I knew hearing was the last thing to go.
The hours passed slowly and painfully as I recounted every cherished memory of our childhood to Arwen. Her children joining in with their favourite stories until..

Until Arwen did not take another breath. Arwen was with her love now.

My soul was breaking into pieces. I had managed to hold myself together to prepare her body for burial but now I was slowly losing the battle to my grief.
Someone once told me that a soulmate isn't necessarily a lover but could be a best friend, a sibling, parent or pet.
Arwen was my soulmate. And she was dead.
Silently I slipped out of the room and made my way to where my husband was standing.
Glorfindel wrapped me in his arms and held me as I cried into his shoulder. My sister, my twin sister was gone from Middle Earth.

Her funeral was beautiful and small. Only family and Royals from all kingdoms Gondor was friends with attended. A statue of her likeness was erected above her tomb in Lorien. Forever marking the final resting place of Arwen Undómial, the half elven Queen of Gondor. Buried in our mother's lands.


"The boat is ready for us. Let us make the journey to the Grey Havens and sail to Valinor." Celeborn said to the small gathering of elves in the dining hall at Imladris.
The ocean was calling to me. Longing to put the sight of this continent behind me.
It was time. Time for the very last Elves to leave Middle Earth.
3 years ago my sister had died of a broken heart. Since then I had no desire to remain in these lands and it seemed my kin did not either.
My grandfather had ordered the building of a ship merely weeks after Arwens death.

And it was now ready.

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