Metal Carriages

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Wind howled outside of the castle as snow clouds released all the ice they held. The blizzard was a harsh one. Students had been indoors for two days and were getting restless.
"Arniel! Glorfindel! I totally forgot to ask. When I told mum that you guys were staying here for Christmas she got quite upset and has demanded you two to come to the Burrow for the holidays." Ron said plopping down on the bench seat sf breakfast.
"She also said that if you don't come she will drag you back to the burrow by your ears." Ginny said sitting down next to her brother. Glorfindel winced at the same time I did. I no so subtly reached up and pulled some of my hair down to cover my ears.
"We will come. Don't hurt our ears." I said quickly to the siblings.
"Lady Arniel, Lord Glorfindel, can I speak with you?" Draco asked walked up behind the two red haired siblings. Ron grimaced at his voice but didn't say anything. Apparently anything Harry was witness too, Hermione and Ron found out about.
"Of course Master Draco." I said standing from my seat. Ron was silently mocking us as Glorfindel stood too.
"Why do you feel the need to be nasty? It is not a good trait. Have a little maturity." I said narrowing my eyes at Ron. He turned red and looked down at his lunch. Ginny smirked at her reprimanded brother.
Glorfindel and I walked out of the great hall with Draco following. Draco directed us to an empty classroom nearby.
"I sent a letter to mother asking her about what happened and how she got me. She sent me a rather long reply. Here." He said thrusting a piece of paper at us.

My Dearest Dragon,
I had hoped this day would not arrive, although I knew it would. Almost 19 years ago, I had a newborn son who died in birth. It was very hard for me to not bring home a baby. Your father hadn't been home for two months and had yet to hear the news of the baby's passing. I was near the large pond at the bottom of our estate when a baby's cry caught my attention. Laying beneath a small oak tree was this tiny baby with pointy ears and grey eyes. When I reached out to pick up the baby, a woman appeared near me. It was obvious she was not of this earth.
The woman picked this tiny baby up and handed him to me.
"Narcissa, you have grieved a child recently. Take this baby and raise him as your own. He has been sent to this world as a victim of evil doings. He is an Elf from Arda. This child will one day need to return to his world as when he turns 18 he will stop aging. I am truely sorry for the loss of your little one. Keep this child safe, love him as your own and you will know when to tell him of his heritage."
This is all I will say over letter. When you return for Christmas I will answer any questions you have. I know this will be a lot for you to take in.
I love you my son.

"Her heartache must be strong. Thank you for sharing this Master Draco." I said handing the letter back to him. Glorfindel stayed silent. Draco shoved the letter back into his pocket and sighed heavily.
"I have to go back with you don't I?" He asked softly. Glorfindel put a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him.
"Yes. Eventually when we find the others we will be leaving back to Arda. The Valar want their elves back in the correct world." He said kindly.
"I guess it's not a bad thing. A fresh start you know. No bad reputation to hold me back." Draco said trying to appear brave. Although we knew his heart hurt for his mother and leaving her behind.
'Eru if he can bring his mother let there be a way.' I looked at the ceiling as I sent this prayer to Eru Ilúvatar.


"What in Eru's name is this contraption?" I gasped moving backwards as a metal carriage came to a stop in front of all the students. Harry and Ron snickered nearby as Glorfindel and I stared in shock at the thing in front of us.
"It is called a train. It can move large numbers of people across the country in only a day. Come on. Let us get find a spot." Hermione said climbing onto the train. The two men followed her quickly.
"You first." I said to the blond elf.
"Really? Fine." He said walking over and gingerly stepping up into the 'train'. He held out his hand for me to help me up.
"Hannon Le Glorfindel." I said to him. We walked down the long hallways looking into small cabins for our friends. They had managed to find one close to where we had gotten on the 'train'. The glass door still wide open as Harry, Hermione and Ron sat on the plush seats.
Hermione had already curled up in a corner with a rather thick book to read.
A deep groaning creak rattled the train as it moved off from the station. I had a tight grip on Glorfindel's knee as it picked up speed.
"Are you ok Arniel? You look nervous." Ron said.
Glorfindel reached down and pulled my hand from his knee, holding it in his comfortingly.
"This is a strange experience and it makes me nervous." I said replying to Ron. I honestly hadn't even noticed my hand was being held in Glorfindel's.
About 20 minutes later as the train reached a steady speed, I relaxed enough to notice the warm hand holding mine.
The tips of my ears turned red as I released Glorfindel's hands.
"My apologies Mellon." I said quietly. He smiled at me with amusement in his eyes.
"It was no problem My Lady.I did not mind." He said subtly stretching his fingers to restore blood flow.
I moved closer to the frosty window and watched as the white countryside flew by. The door to the small cabin opened breaking the conversation Harry and Ron held.
"Anything from the trolly Dears?" A short lady asked kindly? The trolly was piled high with all kinds of sweets and lollies. Chocolates, pastries, anything you could imagine. Harry kindly bought everyone a 'Chocolate Frog' from the trolly lady.
"Careful when you open it. They've only got one good jump." Ron said excitedly tearing open the packaging.
I watched in amazement as this fake frog bounced right onto Ron's head. He reached up and grabbed the chocolate frog firmly.
"Got it!" He said happily before taking a large bite of the thing.
I pulled the tab on the box containing the sweet gently, revealing the dark coloured frog. For some reason, mine didn't jump so I picked up the wriggling chocolate and bit into it.
The sweet, smooth flavour of chocolate burst across my tongue.
Harry stood from his seat next to Ron gathering up the last chocolate frog.
"I'm going to take this to Gin." He said leaving the cabin closing the door behind him.

The train whistled as it pulled into the station. A large crowd of adults waited, shivering in the cold.
Glorfindel and I waited to the side while the others collected their trunks and items. Ginny was the first one to arrive near us with all of her items.
"Mum should be here somewhere. Ron is looking for her. Oh! He's found her! Come on!" The small red haired woman said excitedly running off through the crowd.
"I guess we should follow her." Glorfindel said to me before moving off after the young witch. I followed close behind, grateful that I didn't feel the cold as my dress fluttered around in the snow getting slightly damp.
"Mrs Weasley, this is Arniel and Glorfindel. The elves." Harry said gesturing to us in turn.
"Oh Harry dear, I've told you to call me Molly." She said wiping the snow off of his jacket.
"It is wonderful to meet you! Ron said you hadn't anywhere to go for Christmas." The plump orange haired woman said pulling Glorfindel and I into a warm hug.
"We thank you for your hospitality Mrs Weasley." I said wiggling out of her arms.
"Tsk tsk. You both are much too thin. And where are your jackets? You could do with haircuts too. And-." She said bustling around us looking at us critically.
"Mum! They're not human. Stop. You don't need to mother them." Ginny said pulling her mother back.
"Thank you for your concern Mrs Weasley. We are well fed and do not feel the cold. Our appearances are that of our race." Glorfindel said politely to the older lady.
"Oh alright. Come on. We must get to the car." She said happily before walking off through a brick wall.
She went through the wall.

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