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Steam from the Hogwarts Express train created a foggy morning on the platform. For once, the Wesley's made it to the station early. Apparently it was uncommon for that to happen.
"Lady Arniel, Lord Glorfindel." A voice called out from behind us as we awaited the train to open its doors.
We turned and saw Draco walking towards us with an older lady.
"Master Draco. Well met. How was your stay at home?" Glorfindel asked the Elfling.
The young wizard shifted slightly, looking at the ground before answering.
"Hard. It was hard knowing that this may be the last I would be there." Draco said still not raising his head to meet our gazes. The woman beside him nudged Draco in the side with her elbow slightly.
"Oh this is my Mother, Narcissa Malfoy. Mother these are the elves I told you about. Lord Glorfindel and Lady Arniel." He said. His demeanour changing from dismay to politeness.
"Well met Lady Narcissa. You have our thanks for raising the Elfling placed in your care as your own. The Eldar are forever grateful." Glorfindel said dipping his head in respect. I did the same towards the elegant woman.
"It is lovely to meet you two." She said with a forced smile.
"I see the sadness in your eyes Lady Narcissa. I do not have the words to ease your pain. You will see each other again and we will not leave without goodbyes." I said to the witch. The smile faded from her face and a deep sadness replaced it.
"You are observant Lady Arniel. Thank you for your intentions of comfort." She said.
"We will board the train now. Novaer." Glorfindel said once again dipping his head.
The train let out a deep whistle as Glorfindel said this.
"Farewell Lady Narcissa." I said as the two of us turned to find a door to enter the train.


"What are you writing about Lady Arniel?" A soft voice said to me. I looked up from my notebook to see Luna sitting across from me. The others in the cabin were distracted, doing their own things.
"My time here in this world. What I see, smell, and taste. Who I meet and befriend. The strange inventions. I want to write it all so I don't forget anything." I told the dreamy girl. She smiled at me kindly.
"That is a wonderful idea." Luna said. She picked up a booklet of sorts that I know as a 'magazine' from the girls in the dormitory.
"Here! My father writes this. It's called 'The Quibbler'. He writes about the events in the wizarding world." She said handing me a copy of the magazine. Her small pile next to her told me she often distributed them on the train.
"Thank you Lady Luna." I told her as I took the shiny paper booklet. The strange witch turned back to her upside down magazine happily. Putting away my notebook, I decided to see what this magazine was like.
The bizarre images on the front page gave way to more credible stories and articles. Many little Christmas blurbs had been sent to the writer by readers.
The pages and stories fascinated me to no end. This wizarding world was very advanced compared to my world.
I'd just finished reading the last page when the train began to slow down. Darkness had descended on the land and we were pulling into the Hogsmead station.
We exited the train, careful not to slip on the icy ground and made our way to the wooden carriages waiting for students.
Glorfindel hopped up onto one being pulled by a skeleton like horse and held his hand down to me.
I took it gratefully and let him pull me up into the wooden cart.
"Thank you Glorfindel." I said with a smile. He smiled back and turned to help others up.
Soon we were rattling along the cobblestone paths up to the castle.
The tall elf sat next to me, his large hand resting just above my knee as he chatted with a wizard named Seamus. My heart fluttered a bit at the simple gesture of affection from Glorfindel. So far he had kept any and all affection private and away from eyes of others. Not even holding my hand.
Hermione spotted the alabaster hand on my leg and smirked a little. Obviously Fred and George had told everyone what they had witnessed at breakfast the morning after Christmas.
I continued to sit in silence and enjoy watching the scenery as we rolled past it at a steady pace.

The castle seemed to glow in the dark night as every window was lit up with a soft orange of candlelight. It had an appearance of warmth and almost seemed excited to welcome students back into its halls. Snow was carefully piled up on either side of the walkways from being shovelled earlier in the afternoon.
Rosy faced witches and wizards stumbled inside the huge doors out of the swirling, biting wind of winter. The sounds of many feet stamping to get ice from their clothes echoed through the entrance.
Glorfindel and I followed the Golden Trio into the great hall one again.

Sit near the strange girl.

The voice in my head stopped me in my tracks.
"Arniel what is it?" Glorfindel said concerned as he looked at the surprise on my face.
"The Valar spoke to me. We must sit near Luna." I told him in elvish. If he was surprised at this he didn't show it. I turned and walked over to the dreamy witch at the table closest to me.
Glorfindel nodded and turned to tell our friends where we will be before following me.
"Please sit Lady Arniel. I was expecting you tonight." Luna said with a bright smile. I took the seat across from her at her words.
"Thank you for the magazine earlier Lady Luna. It was quite interesting to read. I enjoyed learning more about your world." I said to her as Glorfindel sat beside me.
"It is not my world. But you're welcome." She said her smile fading a little.
"Not your world? What do you mean?" Glorfindel asked her quickly. My breath caught for a moment.
"You have not figured it out? I did when I was 11. I've never fitted in. Looney Lovegood they called me for many years. Some still do. I find solace in creatures more than people." She told us. I felt for this young witch. She was so different from her kind.
"I don't look like either of my parents. Only my hair kept the suspicions at bay." Her wide blue eyes portrayed a sad acceptance. Tears welled in her eyes unhindered.
"Lady Luna. What are you saying?" I asked her in a hushed tone, leaning forwards. A tear dropped down her face and she smiled sadly at me.
"I know why you're here. And I will be going back with you. Lady Elbereth Gilthoniel told me as a child." She said finally.
Glorfindel and I sat in shocked silence as Headmistress McGonagall spoke to the restless, hungry students.


I lay in the bed provided to me in silence, staring at the stone ceiling.
Luna was one of the lost elflings. Of course she was. It made so much sense. Why didn't I see it before now?
My mind raced with thoughts and I knew rest would not greet me this night.
I threw back the covers of the soft bed and stood up.
Quietly, I picked up some clothing and slipped out of my night clothes, into the day ones.
It would do me no good to stew on my thoughts while trying to rest.
The door to the dormitory creaked softly as I slipped out of it, closing it gently behind me.

The common room was quiet and empty. The fire had burnt down to hot coals and a small house elf was crouching by it trying to coax it into starting again.
Luckily the house elves were used to my presence now.
I took a seat on the couch closest to the fire and opened my notebook that I grabbed.

Elflings found so far. Draco - male, blond, blue/grey eyes. Luna - Female, ashy blonde, light blue eyes.

We had one more to find. The brown haired Elfling.
Two outcasts. Would the third be an outcast too? Or would they be someone everyone will miss?

The couch beside me dipped as a body sat on it.
"You look troubled Arniel." The voice of the person beside me said. An arm draped itself over my shoulder, pulling me against the side of its owner. I relaxed into the warm embrace.
"I was thinking about how two of the elflings we found were social outcasts. Would the third one be an outcast too? Have these elflings suffered in this world because they are different?" I asked turning my head to look into the intelligent eyes of Glorfindel.
"The elflings would have suffered less here in this world then being in the presence of Sauron." He said softly. I sighed, closing my notebook and placing it on the arm of the couch.
"I feel saddened for the two we have found. In their short lives they've already faced two nasty wars. I am ever grateful to the Valar they don't remember Sauron." I told the blond elf. Glorfindel didn't reply but placed a soft kiss to my temple in comfort.
"Tomorrow I'm going to start your knife lessons like you asked me." He said after a few moments. I sat up straight and looked at him.
"In case it escaped your notice. The ground outside is covered in snow and ice." I told him with an unimpressed look on my face. An amused grin broke out onto his face.
"That's why I've got permission to use an abandoned classroom. I also got permission for Draco and Luna to join. They need some skills with a blade. We do not know what is going to happen when we return or where we will return." He said.
I screwed my face up in annoyance but settled back into his side.
"I regret asking you for help you know. I did the moment the question left my mouth." I told him grumpily. He laughed quietly and with his left hand lifted my chin up so he could look at my face.
"That's too bad Arniel." He said before placing a soft, sweet kiss on my lips.
Yep. I forgot why I was annoyed because my brain short circuited.
"We meet the elflings at 11am" Glorfindel said with a smile.

Oh yeah. That's why I was annoyed.

The Surprise Student [Glorfindel]Where stories live. Discover now