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I flew through the halls of Imladris, racing towards the courtyard. Glorfindel had just arrived back with a nearly dead hobbit on Asfaloth. They had galloped into the valley at high speeds.
He had been ordered by Ada to take the east road to find the company of hobbits. Word had reached us that the nine Nazgul were abroad and searching for them. Others had been dispatched on the north, south and west roads to try find them.
Ada had already gathered the hobbit and rushed him to the healing rooms. I had gone there first hoping that my husband was not injured. When I saw he was not there I made my way to the courtyard.
He stood in front of Asfaloth, stroking his horse softly on the head.
"Hannon Le Asfaloth." He said placing a kiss on the horses nose in thanks.
"Meleth, you're back." I said slowing my pace to a walk and stopping beside him. Glorfindel turned away from his horse and wrapped me in his arms, kissing the top of my head.
"Mîril, I missed you." He said softly. I wrapped my arms around him and relaxed, relieved he was safe.
"You smell like horse Meleth Nîn." I said bending my head back so I could look up into his face. Glorfindel chuckled and leant down to kiss me.
He turned and wrapped an arm around my waist and walked towards the stables. Asfaloth following diligently behind us.
"Let me care for Asfaloth first before I bathe." He said as we reached the wooden stalls that housed the horses.
I picked up a spare curry comb from the stable hands buckets of brushes and helped Glorfindel curry out the clumps of dirt, mud and whatever else was stuck in the white horses coat. Asfaloth had his head bent upward and his top lip pulled back. His obvious enjoyment was amusing to see.
Soon he was ready to be brushed with a soft bristled comb that would leave him shiny and smooth.
Asfaloth gently bumped his head against Glorfindel's chest when he said goodbye to his friend. As we left the stables, we could hear the quiet crunching of hay and grain from the white horses stall.

"Nîdhon, you need a bath. You must also tell me of your travels." I said to him as I opened the door to our rooms. Glorfindel walked in closing the door behind himself.
Glorfindel sighed tiredly as he sank into the warm water that had oils and herbs in it. The wooden stool creaked as I sat down on it beside the bath. I picked up the jug and scooped some of the bath water with it.
"Lean your head back Meleth." I said to him, my hand on his forehead gently urging him to tilt it.
The water poured over his dusty hair turning it into a sheet of gold. His eyes fluttered shut as my nails gently massaged his scalp, cleaning the dirt away with the shampoo nearby. The elf relaxed more into the water, luckily the bathtub was not big enough for him to completely submerge.
By the time I had rinsed the soap from his body and shampoo from his hair, he was asleep.
"My love. You cannot rest here. Come let me help you to the bed." I said placing a kiss on his head. He stirred and turned his bleary gaze towards me. Glorfindel took my outstretched hand and stood up, wrapping himself in the large linen towel I held out to him.
I left the washroom to fetch him some sleeping clothes while he dried his body off.
In less than 10 minutes Glorfindel was lying on top of the bed, forgoing the blankets and sheets, fast asleep, my pillow in his arms for comfort.
He had ridden hard for days. Although I wanted to hear about his journey, it could wait until he was rested.


Four nights and three days. That is how long it took Ada to heal the sickly hobbit Glorfindel had brought to Imladris. After my husband had recounted his tale to me, eaten enough food to feed an army and rested for almost 15hrs, I left my rooms to see if I could assist my Ada. Neville, Luna and Draco all bustled around the healing quarters providing what ever assistance they could. Their training had reached the point of learning to heal. Ada thought it wise with all the orc attacks of late. Only 4 years out from their 100th birthday, the Elflings had learned quickly and mastered many crafts. Healing was exceptionally difficult so it had been left to last.
"Lady Arniel, Mae Govannen." Luna said smiling at me as I walked into the healing room.
"Lady Luna, have you seen Ada? I am struggling to locate him." I asked the blonde, beautiful Elfling. She smiled at me, her eyes shining with knowledge beyond her years.
"He has gone to great Lord Aragorn and the hobbit he brings." She said as she gathered bunch of bandages to roll up.
"Hannon Le Lady Luna." I said dipping my head to her. I turned and left the healing room. Ada must have been successful with Frodo and the healing he required.
An arm snaked through my elbow as my sister joined me in the walk to Ada's study.
"Arwen, it is as if you try hard for Ada to discover your love for Aragorn." I said rolling my eyes at the brightly grinning Elleth beside me. She rolled her grey eyes at me and kept walking with a bounce in her step.
We stood by Ada's study door waiting for his meeting to finish. Soon the door opened and Estel walked out hearding three young hobbits in front of him. Arwen looked at the weather worn man, her eyes softening and an adoring smile graced her beautiful features.
"Mae Govannen Lord Aragorn, who are your companions?" I asked the ranger turned heir of Gondor. He dipped his head and greeted both of us. His gaze pausing on Arwens for a few moments too long.
"These are three hobbits from The Shire. Samwise, Pippin and Merry. We travelled with Frodo until the attack and Lord Glorfindel found us." He said introducing the three small beings.
I dipped my head in greeting to the three.
"These Lady's are the daughters of Lord Elrond. Lady Arniel and Lady Arwen. Lady Arniel is married to Lord Glorfindel." Aragorn said. The hobbits muttered a hello to us. The youngest one seemed rather observant and spoke up.
"Is Lady Arwen your wife strider?" Pippin asked loudly.
"No she is not." Ada's voice said from the doorway of his study. Strider took the hobbits and ushered them down the hallway.
"Ada." I said with a smile and a bow of my head. He stepped aside and let us into his study.

I started my usual fussing and helped tidy his desk. While Ada was a clean person, he often got tired and overwhelmed with his study and work. Arwen moved by my side and helped me as the piles were much larger than normal.
Ada collapsed into one of his chairs and picked up a cup of wine. His lunch which had been delivered earlier was now stale and cold.
"Ada I will go get some more lunch for you. You should have eaten it earlier." I said scowling at him. He took such good care of others and yet often forgot himself.
"Thank you Nîn-iell. I want to talk with Arwen anyway." He said smiling in my direction.
I picked up the plate with the stale food on it and left, but not before shooting Arwen a 'told you so' look. 
An elderly guest of Ada's sidled up to me as I made my way to the kitchens. His large feet slapped the ground as I slowed my pace to match a more comfortable one for him.
"Mister Bilbo. How do you fare today?" I asked the greying Hobbit.
"Oh I am alright Lady Arniel. I was on my way to see my nephew but the lovely Elf in the healing rooms turned me away." He said tucking his hands into his suspenders.
"Yes Lady Luna is very adamant that there is to be no visitors until Mister Frodo awakens." I said smiling down at him.
"Shame really. But oh well. Now I'm on my way to the kitchen for a bit of afternoon tea." He said happily.
"Did you not have lunch a little while ago?" I asked him with a teasing grin. The hobbit scoffed, feigning insult.
"Of course I did. How can you assume I didn't?" He said. I let out a laugh at the failed scowl on his  face.
"Come Mister Bilbo. Let us see what we can find for you." I said to him as we approached the kitchen.

The Surprise Student [Glorfindel]Where stories live. Discover now