The first

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"Potter!" A voice called from doors of the castle. Harry stopped still, closing his eyes as if he was preparing himself for something.
"Malfoy." Harry said turning to face the person who called to him.
A well groomed young man walked towards us. Confidence in his step and hands in his pockets.
"I uh.. I wanted to thank you for speaking for mother and me at the trial." The tall, thin, blond wizard said to his classmate.
"I was hoping we could put the past behind us and start again. I-I apologise for how I treated you these past years." The wizard lost his confidence and kicked at a stone on the ground nervously.
"What maturity this young man has." Glorfindel said to me quietly. The young wizards eyes flicked up at us as if he heard.
"Alright Malfoy. We can start again. I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Harry said sticking his hand out to the blond wizard. Relief swept over 'Malfoy' and he gingerly took Harry's hand and shook it.
"Draco Malfoy." He said a smile gracing his face.
"We were heading to Hogsmeade. Would you like to accompany us?" Glorfindel asked speaking up.
"Alright thanks." The blond wizard agreed.
"Mellon what is Christmas?" Glorfindel asked me in elvish.
"I am not sure. Everyone I ask seems to be horrified that I do not know and yet they do not tell me."  I replied to him.
"Christmas is a celebration. We give gifts to our friends and family and have a feast. It was started by the muggles." Draco Malfoy replied to us in elvish.
Glorfindel and I stopped dead and stared at the newcomer.
"You can speak their language?" Harry asked his eyes wide.
"What do you mean? They were speaking English." Malfoy said back rolling his eyes.
"No Master Draco. You were speaking Sindarin. Our language. The language of the Elves." Glorfindel said stepping up to the young wizard.
Draco gapped at us, shock written across his face.
"I don't understand... how did I speak it?" He said in a small voice.
"You speak it because it is your first language. The one you were taught as a baby." I said softly to the clearly confused man.
"Come let us go to this Three Broomsticks and we will answer your questions." Glorfindel said putting his hand on the back of the Wizard and gently pushing him towards to village.
Harry lead the way in silence, occasionally shaking his coat free from falling snow.
The door to the 'pub' as Harry called it swung open, warm air rushing out to greet us.
Shrivelled heads in the doorway shrieked as cold air rushed in.
We hurried inside and closed the door behind us.
Harry lead us to a table in a corner before walking off to get something called butterbeer.
"This place smells like Bree." I muttered to Glorfindel. The smell of smoke and mead seemed to be soaked into the very walls. Glorfindel let out a quiet laugh.
"You are not wrong My Lady." He said. Harry arrived back soon with four large glasses of golden liquid that frothed at the top.
"Drink Malfoy. It should help. Normally I'd give chocolate but we don't have any on us." Harry said pushing a large glass to the blond wizard.
As Draco sipped at his warm drink, Glorfindel recounted the reason we were here.
"The Valar must have blocked their memory." I told Glorfindel as Draco looked blankly at him when asked if he remembered anything.
"It seems so." Glorfindel replied downcast.


Christmas shopping was interesting to say the least. Harry and I walked around looking for gifts while Glorfindel stayed in the pub with a shell shocked wizard.
"What are you getting Glorfindel?" Harry asked me as we entered a bookstore.
"Oh I don't have any money to purchase anything. Plus we have never experienced this holiday before, I wouldn't know what is appropriate." I told the young raven haired wizard.
"Here." Harry said handing me a small handful of coins.
"You can buy anything that reminds you of the person or something they would like." He said grinning.
"Oh... thank you... I wouldn't know what Glorfindel would like though." I said to him.
He grinned again with a glint in his eye.
"I'm sure he would appreciate anything you gave him. I've seen the way he stares at you Arniel." Harry told me. I whipped around to face the young man.
"He does not stare at me. Do not say such things." I told him, the tips of my ears turning pink.
"Alright. I won't say it again. But it's not a lie." Harry said before walking off down an isle to find a book for Hermione.
What did he mean Glorfindel stared at me? He must stare at me to make sure I'm unharmed. He took the news of the warg attack badly. Yes, he doesn't want to upset Ada by letting me get hurt again.
Happy with my thought process I wandered around the bookstore. What do you get one of the wisest elves in Arda?
Perhaps a souvenir of this world, but would he be able to keep it on our return?
A book caught my eye. It had a leather cover with golden writing. It looked to be a novel of a sort.
It would not suit Glorfindel but Hermione. The first friend I had here in this strange world.
I took the book up to the witch behind a wooden counter.
"Ah the Tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table." The witch said picking the book up.
"Yes this has been here for a long time. That'll be 3 Galleons and 5 Sickles." She said with a smile. Luckily Harry walked up at that point with a book.
"Which are Galleons and which are Sickles?" I asked the wizard. He grinned and rolled his eyes in mock exasperation.
"Galleons are gold, Sickles are silver and Knuts are bronze. There is 29 Knuts to a Sickle and 17 Sickles to a Galleon." He said plucking the correct money from my hand and giving it to the witch.
We left with our books wrapped in white parchment. Harry was leading the way to 'Honeydukes' when a shop caught my eye. It had something in the window I wanted.
"Master Harry. Let us go in here first." I told him walking off to the shop. Harry ran after me as I pushed the door of the shop open.
It must have been a shop for plants, herbs and flowers as you could not see the walls due to the plants.
In the window was a small plant with a beautiful golden lily as the flower.
"Excuse me, May I purchase that golden lily?" I asked the shopkeeper. The small wizard popped out from behind a large plant with purple fruit.
"Yes! It's our last one. It isn't any use in potions but very pretty." The elderly wizard said scooping up the pot. I had found the gift for Glorfindel.
"It is a kind of daylily but I experimented with it to get this golden colour." He said as he took the money from me. He handed me a paper bag to carry it in for protection. Harry had also found a gift for another friend of his.
"He has an affinity for herbology." He said as he placed the packet of seeds on the bench.

Finding gifts for people I did not know well was hard. For Ronald I got him a bunch of odd lollies and chocolates. Harry, I got him the same as Ron, it was hard to shop secretly for him considering he was with me. For the tiny red haired witch Ginny I got her a wrist strap made to hold your wand against your arm. Luckily had change left to give to Glorfindel for his shopping should he wish it.
Harry and I stumbled back into The Three Broomsticks and walked to the table where Glorfindel was sitting with Draco. The blond wizard looked more relaxed and was listening to Glorfindel tell him about something.
"Welcome back. I see you were successful with your searching. Both of you." He said with his eyebrows raised at the bags and packages in my grasp.
"It is custom to give gifts on Christmas. I did not want to offend." I told the elf with a smirk as I snatched the bag away from his reaching hand.
"You must not look. It is a gift." I said firmly. Harry snickered at the surprised look on the elf's face.
"Master Draco, let us go shopping too." Glorfindel said standing from his chair.
"Here Glorfindel. Take this. It is the money for this world." I said handing him the dwindling pile of coins. He nodded his thanks and stalked out leaving Draco chasing after him.
"Well there goes my idea of talking to that young wizard. I wanted to see how he fairs." I grumbled slumping back into my chair. Harry laughed at me and went off to order more drinks.

It did not take long for the two to walk back in out of the cold. Now they had their arms full of items.
"How did you go? Did you have fun Mellon?" I asked the snow covered elf.
"It is interesting this place. The money is confusing." He said sitting down in the chair he had abandoned before.
"I thought so too." I said picking up my glass and drinking the last mouthful. Harry and Draco sat quietly, still awkward in each other's presence.
"Well, we found one Elfling. Now we must find the others." Glorfindel said to me putting his parcels and bags on the floor.
Valar I hoped we could find them soon. I missed my home.
"I long for Imladris. Arwen had sent a letter to me the month before we left. She was so excited to tell me something and yet I never made it home." I said sadly thinking of the brunette elf I shared many experiences with.
Glorfindel reached and out his hand over mine.
"We shall be home soon. I am sure of it. You will see her, your brothers and your Ada before you know it." He said softly giving my hand a squeeze before letting go.
I hoped he was right. 

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