Epilogue: Sun, Sea and Kin

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Draco stood nervously next to me as we watched the shore get closer. Those of us who had never seen the homeland of the Eldar were all nervous. Although, there was excitement also. My family was drawing nearer to me. For the first time in almost 500 years I would see my Naneth again.
Waves lapped gently against the wooden boat as the captain threw a rope to the warf hands.
"Master Draco. I believe your companions are waiting." I said putting my hand on his shoulder breaking him from his thoughts.
He turned and walked to the ramp to exit the boat silently.

"Ada!" I called running to his open arms. My brothers were sobbing into Naneths shoulders.
"Arniel. How good it is to see you." He said kissing the top of my head. Sometimes only a father's hug could heal hurting. There was grief woven into this reunion. It meant my sister was no longer of this world.
"She is at peace Ada. She is with Aragorn." I whispered to him. He tightened his arms around me.
"Elrond, let me see my daughter." A voice like the calmest summer breeze said.
"Naneth!" I gasped sliding from Ada's embrace into my Naneth's waiting arms.
"My youngest daughter. I missed your company." Nana said. I stepped back from her and greeted Lady Galadriel.

"Your Ada told me you are married now. To Glorfindel." Naneth said we walked up the long cobblestone path to the house Naneth and Ada used.
"Yes Nana. I believe he is currently off searching for information on his family." I replied to the golden haired Elleth.
"We have a banquet tonight to celebrate your arrival. I wish to see my old friend again now that he is married to my daughter." She said wrapping her hand around my arm.
"You look happy again Naneth. Healed." I told her observing the smile on her face and light in her eyes.
"Being here was what I needed to heal. Although I missed you all terribly." She said leading me to the beautiful garden nearby.
It was filled with all her favourite flowers, trees, and plants. Rocks in perfect places to provide seating. Even a lovely pond filled with colourful fish and frogs. Ducks dived and swam in the crystal clear water.
"This is where I spent my time while waiting for you all. I made a special section dedicated to each of my children. I plan on making one for each of my grandchildren in honour of Arwen." She said leading me through the lush green place.


"Lady Luna, Master Neville, it is good to see you again. And you are no longer elflings!" I said greeting the two friends. Luna reached out and squeezed my hand.
"I am sorry for the loss of your sister. You hide your pain well." She said surprising me.
"Thank you for your kind words to my wife Lady Luna." Glorfindel said walking up and down the voicing my thoughts.
The two young elves bowed their heads and walked off.
"There is someone I want you to meet Meleth Nîn." He said holding his arm out to me.
I wrapped my hand around his muscular forearm and let him lead me through the crowd. 
"Amil, this is my wife Arniel." Glorfindel said to a golden haired Elleth in Quenya.
"Mae Govannen My Lady." I said bowing my head to the lovely elf. Everyone I met so far had been fluent in Sindarin.
"Mae Govannen. I am glad to meet you." She said smiling happily.
"You picked a beautiful wife Nîn-ion." Glorfindel's Naneth told him. My ears turned red  at her kind words.
"You are too kind My Lady." I said swallowing my shyness. This Elleth was my family now.

My Naneth greeted Glorfindel happily and after hearing about the strange ordeal I went through, thanked him heartily for helping me. She also enthusiastically glared at Ada when she found out he prevented any sort of courtship between us originally.


"Glorfindel!" I called out into the gorgeous house we now lived in.
"Yes Meleth?" He called back walking out of his study.
"The horses are ready. We must leave if we are to make it to your Amil's banquet." I said back to him. He pulled the door closed behind him and walked up to me.
"Shall we go then?" He asked gesturing to the doorway.
Ever the gentleman he held my horse still while I mounted the red roan gelding.
It was a couple of days ride to the village Glorfindel's Amil lived in and we were pushing for time.
"We were supposed to meet Luna, Neville and Draco two hours ago." I grumbled as my husband swung up onto the descendant of Asfaloth.
"Do not fret dear wife. We will get there in time." He said urging his horse forward. My horse happily followed plodding along the path leaving the house.
The three elves waiting for us were none too pleased about being made to wait but graciously accepted Glorfindel's apology for holding us up. I adamantly refused to apologise for him.

Somehow Glorfindel was right. We made it to his Amil's banquet just in time.
Of course we were the last guests to arrive and barely had time to change and wash up. The banquet was lovely. All kinds of exotic foods I had not had the pleasure of trying in Middle Earth. Many important people to meet and befriend. My Amil-in-law doted on me, confiding that she had always wanted a daughter to spoil and now that was my burden to bear. Glorfindel's father was much the same, although he craved the company of my husband often. I couldn't blame him, it had been a very long time since he had seen his son.


Forever didn't seem so long or daunting anymore. With my husband at my side and all my family no longer than a week's ride away, the only thing that could have made it better was having Arwen here. But she was resting alongside her husband in peace. The Valar still watched over the Eldar, providing safety and comfort.
The years passed quickly in this paradise. And soon Glorfindel and I had settled in and made many life long friends. Even an unexpected boat bringing Prince Legolas and Gimli the dwarf to the shores of Valinor was celebrated.
Life was easy.

While no Elves other than wood elves dwelled in the East, they were not forgotten. The line of Elessar ruled for a long time, the longevity slowly becoming less with each generation. The Tale of Arwen and Aragorn was written in history alongside the tale written by Bilbo and Frodo called "The Lord of The Rings."

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