No More Snow

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The arrival of Spring was greatly anticipated by the inhabitants of Hogwarts. Students began to spend more time outdoors as the snow melted away. We were no closer to finding the last Elfling. Draco and Luna had come far with their training in combat work and were now being trained in Elvish customs instead. We wanted them to not get a huge shock when we finally went home.
At this current moment, I was sitting on the soft green grass watching Glorfindel make the two Elflings do laps around the lake for stamina. The warm rays of sun shone down on The Black Lake making the water glitter like glass.
"He is quite attractive while running. Don't you agree Arniel?" The voice of Ginny said as the small witch sat on the damp grass next to me. My ears turned red at her comment.
"Miss Ginny!" I gasped looking at her with wide eyes.
"It's ok to look Arniel." She said with a teasing grin. Flustered I picked up my book and tried to go back to reading. The red haired woman lay backwards resting her head on her arms and stared at the blue sky.

"What's your sister like?" The young woman asked me after a few moments silence.
Closing my book once again I looked over at Ginny who was still staring at the endless blue above us.
"Well, Arwen is my twin. We look almost exactly the same. However her eyes are a silver grey to my blue grey and her ears slightly more petite. She is more elegant and graceful than I am, more soft spoken and poised. However she will get angrier than I do when our brothers tease us. Arwen loves to spend time with our grandparents in the Elven Realm of Lothlorien where the houses and building are up in the strong branches of Mallorn trees. She is beautiful even for Elven kind. They call her the Evenstar as she is said to be the fairest of our people. She radiates love, light and beauty. Arwen inherited the Elfstone from our mother, a beautiful green jewel set in a silver brooch which she wears everyday.
They say she has the likeness of Lúthien, an elf maiden of such beauty they wrote tales and songs about her." I said trailing off, my mind on the warm, comforting smile of my sister. My best friend and closest confidante.

"They say that about you too Arniel. You just don't hear it." Glorfindel said from where he was standing. I realised now I had more listeners. Draco and Luna were sitting quietly nearby listening, Ginny was also sitting up from her spot listening.
"I am not the Evenstar. That is all Arwen and I am glad it is her. It is attention and whispers I do not want." I replied looking at the blond elf. A small smile graced his face.
"Aye, that is all Arwen." He said his eyes staring into mine.
"You said you had brothers too. What are they like?" Luna asked.
"Elladan and Elrohir are even more identical than Arwen and myself. They also have dark hair, grey eyes and are quite tall. Upon first meeting them they would seem poised and proper. They would be quite polite and the perfect vision of noble Elves. Their faces seem ageless, neither young nor old upon seeing them. Once you get to know them, they are different. When they smile, all their teeth are to be seen. Their eyes crinkle slightly at the side. They both highly enjoy playing pranks and teasing Arwen and me, often to the detriment of their week as Ada finds ways to punish them. They are fiercely protective of us, no one can touch their sisters. They have so much rage and hatred towards Orcs, after our mother was attacked and tortured, so they often ride with the Northern Dúnedain hunting them." I said to the quiet listeners.

"You describe them well. I'm sure they would be thrilled to hear you say such kind things about them." Glorfindel said after a moment with a sparkle in his eye.
"Don't tell them. It will go to their heads and they will never leave me alone about it." I said laughing slightly. I noticed Ginny's eyes flicking to something behind me a few times and looking back at me quickly as if she was trying not to draw attention to something.
Just as I was about to turn my head to look a voice spoke in my ear, startling me.
"Nîn-nîth. You speak so highly of us. I am flattered." They said with a teasing tone.
A shriek left my lips as I felt my fëa escape my body.
Twin cackles erupted from behind me and the three seated nearby were trying not to laugh and failing. Glorfindel had a huge grin on his face at my surprise. I stood from my spot and whirled around to face the two culprits.
"100 years since I have seen either of you and no 'Hi Arniel, how are you Arniel, I miss you Arniel." I said crossing my arms trying to look upset. The two stopped cackling and sent grins my way.
"Why would we do that. What better way to greet our missing sister than to sneak up on her?" Elladan asked me walking forward and wrapping me into a tight hug.
"I suppose it would be in your character to do that." I said, my voice muffled against his shoulder. Elrohir walked over and joined the hug, effectively making me a sister sandwich.
"Let me out. I can't breathe through your armour." I whined trying to wiggle free. Of course the minute they released me, I was held firm and checked for injuries using their healing magics.
I sent an unimpressed look to Glorfindel who just looked away. Ginny was giggling uncontrollably at my plight.
"Arniel, my brothers were exactly the same to me in my second year." She called out. I smiled and shook my head giving into my fate.
Finally I was released and the two stood back.
"When you didn't arrive home Adar sent us to look for you. All we found was your horses body and a dried puddle of blood. We have been looking for you for months now. When we didn't find your body, Ada feared that you two had been taken by orcs. Arwen has been inconsolable and hasn't left her room." Elrohir told me.
"I am sorry Nîn-Hanar. I did not want to cause such pain." I said looking at my feet.
"Arniel you are not to blame. We are most relieved you are safe. Now who are your friends?" Elladan said putting an arm on my shoulder like one would do when teasing a short friend.

"Oh the Valar told us of your quest. We are here to assist with finding the last Elfling." Elrohir said to me.
"Oh good that will make it a little easier. This is Ginny Weasley she is a student witch here at this place of learning." I said introducing the small red haired woman. She smiled and waved to my brothers happily.
"These two are two of the lost Elflings. Draco and Luna." I said introducing the two who stood nervously next to Glorfindel.
"Well Met Miss Ginny, Miss Luna and Master Draco." Elladan said finally taking his arm off of my shoulder. He bowed his head in greeting to the three before walking over to Glorfindel.
"Old friend I am glad to see you here protecting our sister." He said clasping Glorfindel's forearm in an informal greeting. Elrohir did the same.
"It is no chore for me." Glorfindel said to the twins.
"We need to take them to the Headmistress. Rooms need to be organised for them." Ginny said getting up from her spot on the grass and dusting her clothes off. After agreements were spouted from the rest of us we made our way back up to the castle. Many students stopped and stared at the two newcomers walking with us.
Professor McGonagall greeted us at the entrance of the castle with a resigned look on her face.
"At least these two aren't unconscious or hurt." She said turning on her heel and walking off towards her office, beckoning us to follow her.
Glorfindel and I shared a sheepish look before leading the twins after the headmistress.

The Surprise Student [Glorfindel]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant