Chapter #43

178 3 15

Branch: *Taps the Table With His Finger*

Poppy: *Taps Back*

Floyd: What Are they Doing?

Spruce: They are talking to each other in Morse Code.

Poppy: *Taps The Table With a suggestive smirk on her face* 😏😏😏

Branch: *Blushes* POPPY! Don't say dirty stuff like that In front of my brothers! 😳


King Peppy: *Walks outside of a "Chili's" Restaurant In nothing but his underwear* 🌶️

King Peppy: Hi Welcome To Chili's! :D


Dr Plum: I'm so sorry Bash.... We tried our Best......... But we lost Archer. 😔

Bash: Well Then Start Looking For Him! Dang..... Troll Hospitals Suck. 😒

Dr Plum: .........


JD: *Pouring Some Syrup On Pancakes* 🥞

Clay: Blows Up Pancakes With Mind! >:)

JD: My Freaking Pancakes- 🥺



Laguna Tidepool: Isn't it weird that we pay money to see other people?

Poppy: Movie Tickets? 🍿

Holly: Airplane Tickets? ✈️

Val: Concert Tickets? 🎸

Laguna Tidepool: *Braking Her Sixth Pair* Glasses. 😞👓


Spruce: People always ask me how I handle my thirteen Kids...

Spruce: Well it isn't always easy! One time when I was out surfing, my Wife called me home to help her stop our kids from arguing. and when I got there there was a literal WAR Going on in our living room, And One of them shot me in the crotch with a Nerf Gun. 🥲


Delta Dawn: Do You Blow On Your food to cool it down? Or do you just *Hasafafahaha*🥵 Until You can swallow it?

Smidge: Oh, For Sure I *Hasafafahaha*🥵 I'm Strong enough to handle it! 💪😌

Delta Dawn: Wow! You should try eating some of the Country Tribes Extra Spicy BBQ Flavored Ice Cream Sometime!

Smidge: That's Easy. I Already Put Hot Sauce On My Ice Cream all the time. 😉🍦

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