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"Ally, do you want to go give your sister chap to get them up. Breakfast will be ready in ten." Marilyn asked as she turned the bacon on the grill. Jean was making pancakes.

"You'll be lucky, they were still going at it like rabbits at 5am this morning."

Marilyn reddened and Jean laughed.

Ally headed back up the stairs to wake the lovers up. She knocked a few times then entered tentatively. They were cuddled up. "Hey! Breakfast."

"What?" Xander muttered.

"It's 8am. Mum and Jean are acting even more coupley than usual, making breakfast."

"Oh man, I'm so tired."  The soccer player said.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have spent all night fucking." Ally said as she closed the door.

Casey was blushing as she looked at Xander, "oh my god she heard us. I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be. She'll just be stirring it. I wouldn't  change anything about last night for the world."

Casey smiled, "I've never had sex like that. And I don't just mean like lesbian sex. I mean where it goes on for hours."

Xander smiled, "well you better get used to it."

"Oh I intend to, but I am a little tender this morning."

"Me too. You're wild. I've got the marks to prove it." Xander laughed.

"I'm sorry I didn't think I'd bitten you that hard." She bit her lip coyly.

"Well I'm not complaining, but I am hungry. It's usually bacon, eggs and pancakes for breakfast Christmas morning." Xander kissed Casey's lips before getting out of the bed. They pulled a t-shirt over their bra and lifted PJ trousers. They watched Casey get out of bed, she was naked. The brunette let her eyes wander all over her partner's body.

"You keep looking at me like that and I'll be having you for breakfast."

"Can't help myself, you're stunning. I feel like the luckiest person alive to get to be with you. You're amazing." 

Casey wrapped their arms around the soccer player and reached up and kissed them, "I'm lucky one Xan."

The blonde smiled as she quickly put on last night's PJ's.

They could smell the bacon from the hallway making their tummies grumble. Xander took Casey hand and interlocked their fingers as walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning Mom. Merry Christmas." They stopped shy of giving their mom a kiss on the cheek. "I'll give you a kiss later. I have not washed my face or brushed my teeth yet."

Marilyn raised her eyebrows. "Merry Christmas."

Xander yawned.

"Maybe you should have gotten more sleep." Marilyn said as her eldest trotted back through to the dining table with the pan of scrambled eggs.

Jean smirked and whispered, "they're not the only two who should have got more sleep."

Marilyn smiled. "If only we had their energy. I'm sure we'd have been up all night too."

Jean gave her a peck on the cheek as they headed to the table, one carrying bacon and the other pancakes.

"Merry Christmas." Casey said through a yawn. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude."

"It's okay dear. I believe Xander kept you up all night." Jean said.

Casey reddened.

"It's okay dear. We're just pulling your leg." Marilyn's partner laughed.

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