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Choices contained in a random bubble that exponentially turned in a grand expanse. To most people that could have been terrifying— the idea of conception followed by a series of meaningless decisions and finally... the end. Millions of years of evolution only to be alive for a few decades and then fade beneath the ground. If you were lucky you got flowers and maybe a chance to say goodbye before the world kept on turning.

But to her? It was comforting. Choices meant freedom and freedom meant growth and renewal.

Allie had found her father after years of searching. He wasn't an easy man to find. Made sense. If one were to look in the grizzled hunter's home they would probably run— and keep running.

Yet she stayed.

Frankly, where else would she go? Other people were too busy chasing silver in hopes of finding gold. Gold to her was being right there with someone who hadn't been around for a long time. A figure that represented hope and renovation. Something desperately needed. Deserved.

Bobby Singer was not the easiest man to get along with. He was weathered. Life hadn't exactly given him the cream of the crop. Although it could be perceived as bad, it was how they initially bonded. Tragic orphan and surrogate father to many no longer a surrogate. The day she showed up on his doorstep and told him the truth... neither of them had ever experienced such peace before. They both needed something and they got it even if it was unspoken.

When Bobby had told her of Dean Winchester his description was... ideal. Almost too much so. It's like her father wouldn't say a damn bad thing about the boy. Maybe in fear that she'd flee. After all, she had grown close with her recently retrieved biological father. That was certainly due to her own desire for a fatherly figure. A drop in a bucket that had been filling for 23 years.

Allie was standing in the kitchen when the front door opened. The sound of boots thundering down the hallway made her teeth grind. Bobby had gone out in search of auto parts for the yard. How was he back already? That was only twenty minutes prior.

"Dad! I just mopped! Are you—" The blonde stopped as he entered her viewpoint. Blue eyes hardened on his appearance. It must have been him. He was exactly as her father had described. "My dad's not home." Allie was more than comfortable talking considering it felt like she already knew the man. Her head nodded towards a photo on Bobby's bookcase of a youthful Dean to insinuate she knew who he was.

Dean Winchester, the epitome of a tall, dark, and handsome, sauntered into Bobby's kitchen with an air of confidence that practically radiated off him like heat waves on asphalt. His hair was tousled in all the right ways. His striking green eyes which were currently fixed on Allie Smith - or rather, her pert ass encased in tight jeans. He couldn't help but appreciate the way they hugged every curve before disappearing into those cute little boots she had on. The familiar urge to flirt came out, a need to turn on the charisma.

"Well, well, well," he drawled, his voice rumbling - though light in an effort to sway her. "If it isn't Little Miss Sunshine herself." He flashed her an irresistible charming smile, revealing his perfect set of pearly whites and dimples so damn sexy they could make even Satan himself weak at the knees.

Right off the bat, Allie could tell that her father had inappropriately hyped up the man in front of her. Ocean irises traced over his frame. "I see you're original." Miss sunshine? Yes. She was blonde. Strength was focused on not rolling her eyes. This wasn't a random man. It was a man that Bobby desperately cared for. She'd have to be delicate with her responses. Alice generally was not favourable toward men.

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