Sympathy for the Devil

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The coming of the apocalypse and Lucifer had all of them on edge. One minute the gate was open — the next they were on a plane. When they touched down the first thing that they did was head to Chuck's home. He was a prophet, after all, and they needed as much information as possible. The downside? Zachariah found them practically instantly. Dean gave a few quips before slamming a bloodied hand to a sigil, blasting the angels in the room away. It would be short lived but it would give them time to figure out their next moves.

A strange coil tugged inside of Allie's belly at the sight of Dean's sarcastic anger towards the divine beings. A new side of him was emerging, an intensity that had her gaze darkening and her lip sucked into her mouth subconsciously. All she could do was stand and stare as her best friend took on the dickhole and it felt oh so good . Allie could barely contain herself after they left Chuck's.

That night they stayed in a motel room. The... mundanity of it all was wild. Lilith had just died, Lucifer had been released and here they were in a crapshoot motel like usual. Same tune, different jukebox.

"Can I talk to you?" Allie didn't wait for a reply, she pulled Dean into the bathroom away from Sam for some privacy. "What the fuck?!" The blonde spoke out in hushed exasperation after the door closed. "That was... so sick." She laughed to herself. "You were awesome."

A low chuckle fell from Dean's lips as he listened to her words. She was clearly proud of him for doing what he did, and the grin he gave her was just as proud.

"That was nothing, firefly," he murmured, a hint of teasing in his voice. "You should see me when I'm really trying." He wasn't kidding. Dean hadn't even done much of anything at all. If they really wanted to take the fight to the angels, he had a feeling they'd need to be a whole lot worse than that.

But for now, he was content to let Allie have her fun. A hand raised to brush a lock of blonde hair from her cheek.

"Dick deserved to be blasted."

Wow , she was... feeling a lot . Far more than usual. Standing in front of her now he was like a new man and it took all of her power not to show him just how fucking hot he was. "I'm so..." she paused and took a breath, opting to say something wholesome rather than the arousal that coursed deep inside of her. "Proud of you." He had been fighting off the angels for months. God, he was such a fucking MAN . She had to get out of that bathroom before she ended up dropping to her goddamn knees! She didn't even think of the fact her lust could be seen clear as day across her face. " Did it feel good? "

He caught her face in his hands, pulling her gaze up to his. That wasn't a look he saw every day and if he was a lesser man, he'd have taken advantage of it right there and then. But instead, he only smirked and shrugged.

"It's no big deal." A pause. "But yeah, it felt damn good." His thumb brushed against her jawline, feeling the soft skin beneath his fingertips. It was strange how comforting it was to touch her. Allie was an anchor for him, someone who brought him down when he got too high. The little bird that carried him.

"We should probably get back to Sammy. ]Or else he'll think we're doing something in here." A grin flashed.

First, his thumb was on her cheek then it moved slowly to cup the back of her neck. She damn near lost it. "I bet it fuckin' did. Total Han Solo moment." Allie purred, eyes slanting with desire as the skin of his large calloused hand warmed the nape of her neck.

"Gimme a few more minutes, Maverick." She teased and let her head lean back slightly. The spark between them was palpable, especially in the confines of the small motel bathroom. Goosebumps rose on her arms. "It was hot." Allie finally allowed herself to say the words. "Now I'm going to exit this bathroom and you aren't going to tell Sam that we had this conversation, got it?"

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