All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 2)

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Allie was outside in the auto yard when Dean showed up at Bobby's with Sam. That's right, the Sam that should have been dead. Bobby reacted far better than most. Sam noted a thank you to his surrogate father for 'patching him up'. A lie that Dean had told him to prevent questions about why he was alive considering the depth of the stab wound his body had sustained.

When she entered the house her hands were covered in thick, old oil. Allie was never much of a mechanic but her Jeep was acting up and the work distracted her from her own grief. Imagine her surprise to see Sam standing there in Bobby's living room. The blonde nearly had an instant heart attack.

"Hey, Dove. How are you doing?" Sam smiled in nonchalance. "Close call. Your dad did a good job." He knew something about the entire scenario was a bit strange but that's all it was, just strange. Their entire lives were full of close calls.

Allie stared at him. Say something, Allie! Don't just act like a weirdo and stay quiet! She gulped and tried to offer a smile though it wasn't exactly easy. "Yeah... Close call." Sam was dead. She had watched him die. Whatever Dean had done it couldn't have been good. Allie shot Dean a glance but he wouldn't meet her gaze. "You look good, Tree." An affectionate nickname due to his height.

Sam nodded. "Thanks. You do too." He remembered the look on her face when they had been temporarily reunited, the relief in her eyes and Sam opened his arms up to her, offering a warm embrace to complete their grouping.

She stepped forward and moved into his arms, head resting against his chest and arms wrapping around his back while her hands rested on his shoulder blades. "It's good to see you." She closed her eyes and let herself just enjoy the feeling of his lively frame against hers. "I missed your hugs."

He folded himself around her small stature and let out a deep breath, inhaling the sweet and natural scent of her perfume. A familiar scent that had come to comfort him subconsciously. "Well, we have a lot of them to catch up on." He pressed his nose into the top of her hair.

Although the arrangement of his living and breathing status was something Allie wanted to ask questions about —- she didn't. Dean had obviously figured something out and frankly, she was just happy to have Sam back. After their reunion, Allie did voice some questions but Dean and Bobby always quickly shut her down, offering excuses that were somewhat believable in the moment.

That night Bobby searched for Dean before finally finding his surrogate son standing in the auto yard. Dean finally confessed to the truth. One year. That's all he had left. Bobby damn near lost it. The idea of Dean going to hell was heartbreaking. The boys were like his own sons. "Y'er a fool, boy!" The older hunter rubbed his temples. "A damn fool!

Dean grimaced at the sound of tension in Bobby's tone. As much as he knew Bobby was angry he couldn't bring himself to regret the deal. Sam was his job, his reason for fucking living. He had failed and if getting a reset meant going to Hell then so be it. "I had to protect Sam, Bobby!" Dean barked defensively. "Another year with him is a lot fuckin' better than nothing at all!"

Bobby felt like grabbing Dean by the shirt and shaking some sense into him. It wasn't a walk in the park, it was hell! It was never worth it! "This is bad, kid." He spoke in disbelief while shaking his head.

"I know" Dean hung his head. He wasn't even supposed to be alive. His father had traded for his life, this seemed like the best option. Sam deserved to live. He deserved to live regular but first, they needed to find Azazel and gank him. That was the most important part. Put an end to Sam's suffering and start anew.

Bobby stared at Dean for a long while. "Yur' gonna tell Allie, or I will." He spoke firmly, his tone unwavering. It wasn't right to keep his daughter in the dark. She was a good woman to the boys, she didn't deserve to wake up to another death in a year without at least some warning.

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