You Can't Handle the Truth

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Bobby had sent her on a wild goose chase for Dean after receiving a strange call from him—a call where he insinuated that he would do something rash. Unbeknownst to them, Dean had been cursed. The people around him were telling him the truth by force. He was going to use it to question Sam. Tracking his phone hadn't exactly been tough considering the preliminary tricks that her mentor-turned-target had engrained in her at the very beginning of their journey together. Tracking a cell phone was one of the easiest tricks in the book!

When she eventually found him, he was grabbing Taco Bell. Who ate Taco Bell? Apparently him. She waited at the Impala for her male friend to exit the establishment. Ocean eyes watched with a raised eyebrow. " Yum ." Sarcastic bitch. She loved rattling him, pressing his buttons. "You trying to sit in a disgusting public bathroom for hours or what?" They weren't quite as close as they used to be. Lisa was still somewhat around, and Allie hadn't been in the picture the way that she had in the past. Their lives just didn't intertwine the same way anymore, but once a month or so, they'd need the blonde for a hunt, and she'd tag along. Things had settled a bit, and they formed a new routine in the cracks of their depleted connection.

"You think you're so fucking funny," Dean grumbled as he made his way toward her with two bags of Taco Bell in hand, the grease starting to seep through the brown paper bags that the food was casually wrapped in. He was dressed in his usual outfit, a leather jacket layered over a henley with bootcut jeans and logger steel toes. His old wardrobe slipped back on easily, and no longer did he feel like a facade of a 9-5 douchebag.

This would be fun. He knew everyone around him was forced to tell the truth, and he had some questions for her. Thank God he himself didn't have to tell the truth. He just got to reap the benefits. It was a good way to pass the time until he could get to Sam and figure out what the fuck was wrong with him. Emphasis on fuuuuuuck.

Allie grinned in response and entered Baby, taking the passenger seat beside him. Bobby had dropped her off, knowing Dean would be forced to take her along. An exceptional plan! Her father was a brilliant man. "Actually, I always do it because I like the sound of your laugh." A look of tense confusion took over pale features in response to her own strange admission. That was... she didn't... "Why did I say that?" That was meant to stay in her head. She had another quip planned. Odd. "I keep a voicemail from three years ago so I can listen to it when you're gone." WOAH. WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING?

She froze and suddenly stared out the windshield, eyes wide and as if a normie had witnessed an apparition for the first time while shock ironed into her uncomfortable skin.

Dean smirked and glanced over at Allie as she started to ramble on, his eyes wide as he realized what she was doing. The truth. Already! She didn't even need any verbal foreplay. It was fucking awesome.

"Well, then tell me something else, Al," he said with a wide grin, turning his attention back to the road as he pulled out of the Taco Bell parking lot.

He wasn't going to waste time on getting to Sam right away; he was enjoying this far too much to let it end anytime soon. " Tell me how much you like me. " Dean continued, and he turned his gaze to her again, raising an eyebrow expectantly as he waited for her answer.

Like you? Are we six?

That's what she planned to say. She could feel the words on her tongue, gripping with humorous vengeance towards a fight that had barely even begun. When she opened her mouth, however — "like you? I love you ." Came out. She stared at him, her doe eyes large and inhibited, then covered her mouth. That could be played off as platonic, right? "Stop." She shot him a look. That was definitely true. She needed him to shut the fuck up to avoid her saying something idiotic.

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