A Very Supernatural Christmas

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December arrived quickly. The time was slipping past them. They still hadn't found a way to save Dean from hell. They found a case where local people were being killed through their... chimneys. Getting yanked. Weird. Sam was against Christmas. He didn't like it. Allie on the other hand was a Christmas fanatic. She was more than happy that the prized holiday was approaching. Dean was... sort of in the middle. She understood why; it's not like they were raised with niceties.

They went to a Christmas tree farm where both of the victims had picked up their festive decorations to do some investigating. It didn't really offer them much other than seeing a strange Santa. Not supernatural strange... just strange.

It was the next day when Sam noted it seemed to be a pagan God at play. Wonderful. Another pagan god. As if the scarecrow two years prior wasn't enough. They found the couple that was leading the God to kill civilians. Too bad they were captured and tied up. The couple was unusually cheery, noting that they loved Christmas. They almost seemed wholesome, actually; wouldn't even swear. That truly only added to their creep factor.

The three of them were tied up in dining chairs. The whole house was decorated festively. It was fucking weird. The sadistic worshippers acted so... cheery. They acted like grandparents. God, they were strong too. They weren't just worshippers, they themselves were gods and they seemed happy to be open about it. They were eating people. Disgusting. The cheery couple also noted they would perform a ritual. "On the twelfth day of Christmas..." Allie gritted through her teeth sarcastically. She watched as the woman cut Dean and the man ripped out one of Sam's fingernails. "Fuck you!" She yelled, only to be lectured for her language. Suddenly the woman, Mrs. Cunningham, got close to her.

"Now dear— be respectful." She spoke in a sweet voice before slicing Allie's cheek open.

Dean winced when he saw Allie get cut. He tried to struggle but it was useless. "Hey, you bitch! Back the fuck off of her." Dean yelled at Mrs. Cunningham. He could see her blood drip down her cheek. Dean struggled against the rope again. "If you touch her again, I'm going to rip your fucking throat out." Dean threatened her.

"Mrs. Cunningham, how could you kill innocent people?" Dean asked. "You two are a sick couple of fuckers." Dean yelled at them, glaring at them. "Christmas isn't about killing people." Dean looked down at his left arm, the blood dripping from his cuts.

"I think I'm starting to get into the spirit now."

Sam let out a pained groan when Mr. Cunningham ripped out his fingernail. "Fuck you!" He shouted at them. He couldn't help but look at Allie when Dean yelled at them. He could see the blood drip down her cheek and glared at Mr. Cunningham.

Sam looked at Mrs. Cunningham when she got close to Allie. "Don't hurt her." He said, glaring at them both.

"What is this Christmas ritual?" Sam asked, looking at the couple. "What are you planning to do?" He asked, trying to keep their attention on himself and not Allie. Sam could feel the warm blood dripping from his finger. "Why are you killing people?"

Allie groaned. It fucking hurt. "Listen Mrs. Claus, not the face. That's the money maker." She tried her best to use humor to cope as usual. "Are you always so hospitable with your guests? This is no Ritz Carlton." She laughed at her own joke. "I'm giving you a bad yelp review." That seemed to irritate them.

"Watch your mouth, honey— or we'll rinse it out with soap." Mrs. Cunningham spoke before collecting Allie's blood with a bowl. She suddenly ripped a chunk of Allie's hair out.

Dean glanced at Allie when she talked back to the crazy couple. He tried to untie the ropes around his wrists but he couldn't. He could see Mrs. Cunningham collect Allie's blood into a bowl. Mrs. Cunningham suddenly ripped a chunk of her hair out. "You fucking bitch!" Dean yelled at her. "Don't fucking touch her." Seeing Allie hurt was his kryptonite. The sight of her in pain always hit him straight in the chest. Dean glanced at Sam when he asked about the Christmas ritual. "I bet it's a real jolly time," He said sarcastically, looking back at the couple. "You're going to rot in hell." Dean looked at Mrs. Cunningham as she cut her cheek again.

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