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In the weeks that followed the trio only seemed to become closer than ever. They were healing together. Allie felt like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. She was connected to the Winchesters in ways she had never experienced before and it was nice, it was comforting.

Sam had a premonition... The tales of the truth had become more frequent. Visions of the future, of deaths. They were worrisome.

They drove off to a small town located in Oregon in an effort to save someone seen in Sam's premonition, or perhaps at least know what the fuck was going on. When they got to the quiet town they passed a pole that had "CROATOAN" etched into it. The air buzzed with an unsettling feeling of distortion. Though people walked the streets and cars passed the township held a subconscious foreboding crackle. They took out their phones but none of their cells had a signal. The nearby phone booth had no service. Things only seemed to get worse when they visited a home only to find a father and son beating the mother. After taking her to the quaint local doctor's office Dean left to find help; only to find out the road was cut off by aggressive townspeople upon his return to the office they found that the rage appeared to be caused by some sort of virus and unfortunately the Doctor didn't recognize it or have any idea of a potential cure to reverse the belligerent violence that infected the petite municipality.

"I hate being crammed in here like sardines." She scratched her head and loaded her shotgun. "If I get infected do you think I'll make a hot zombie?" Her tone dripped with sarcasm.

Dean chuckled at her attempt to lighten the mood, but his eyes were focused on the door as he leaned against the wall. "You're already a hot something" he murmured under his breath before turning towards Sam who was flipping through an old medical textbook they had found.

"Any luck?" He asked quietly, glancing back over his shoulder at Allie with a small smile.

He was cut off by the doctor coming out and noting that the infected had sulfur in their blood. It was a virus that thrived through blood-to-blood contact.

Sam shook his head, closing the book with a frustrated sigh. "Not yet," he replied, rubbing at his tired eyes before turning to face Dean and Allie. His gaze lingered on her for just a moment longer than usual, taking in every curve of her tight black tank top that hugged against her slender frame. He cleared his throat awkwardly, trying to focus on their situation instead of how damn attractive she looked trapped in this claustrophobic room with them. Now that she had slowly started opening up to him he only found her more interesting and that was a problem.

"We need to find a way out of here without getting infected ourselves," he said, racking his brain for any solutions, glancing between them both hopefully. Dean and Allie exchanged a look that spoke volumes; they were just as stuck as him in this godforsaken town with no idea how to get out alive. The silence stretched tense until there was a loud thud from outside, followed by screams echoing through the quiet streets.

Dean's eyes narrowed in concern as he reached for his gun, glancing at Sam and Allie before nodding towards the door. "Stay here," he ordered rigidly, moving silently towards the sound of the commotion outside. He peeked around a corner cautiously, heart racing when he saw several infected townspeople surrounding the medical office. Dean silently retreated back inside. "Leaving isn't an option."

Suddenly there was a loud noise and a man pounded on the door to be let in. The other survivors opened it for him but the trio realized that it was the man from Sam's premonition.

The man that Dean had shot.

"Wait! He could be infected!"

Sam's heart raced as he heard Dean's words, his mind tumbling with possible solutions. "We need to test him," he said urgently, looking over at the doctor and giving a nod.

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