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Dean groaned out in agitation. Of course, Allie had wandered off to God knows where. She had probably been looking for some books within the old library. The chick always did shit like that. It annoyed him to no end, mainly due to the fact he constantly fucking worried about her safety. In this case, he knew she was fine. The Leviathan had been taken care of. Sam and Garth had pointed out that she was not behind the group. "Fucking woman," He growled but his tone held more worry than anger. "I turn away for five seconds..."

Allie had been independent since the moment he met her. Sometimes that was good, sometimes bad. This was shaping up to be one of the bad times. They had other shit to take care of. She was always walking off and doing whatever she wanted, even during training! He began prepping himself to lecture her.

Allie felt the Leviathan's hand squeeze tighter around her throat. She squeaked in surprise. This had not been the prior one but the two seemed related somehow. Potentially romantically entangled? Or at least familiar. She could tell due to this one's anger over their group decapitating the other one. " Fuck you! " She choked out as he strangled her mercilessly against the wall. He had silently snatched her away as she lagged behind the boys, seemingly hoping to gather information or use her as some sort of hostage.

"You beheaded Zarsha!" He growled, black goo leaking from his nose and ears due to a previous fight with the young blonde in front of him. She was a feisty little thing but that was nothing for him, truly she was insignificant. "Your friends will come looking for you." He grinned with a sinister, aggressive indifference to her suffering. They would come, and he would eat them. He would devour them until they were rotting flesh in his stomach and consumed by his true form. Humans were nothing but vile vermin. Rats. Perhaps even lower. Zarsha would not go unanswered. Revenge was fuel, hunger was the back wheel. "I am going to have a good meal."

When Dean entered he stopped to a still at the sight of Allie pressed up against a nearby wall, gurgling as she fought for air to enter her lungs. Another Leviathan, this one seemingly more sneaky than the last. The son of a bitch was hurting her, strangling the life out of her, and Dean wanted nothing more than to tear the bastard apart piece by piece. His hand clenched into a fist and he reached down for the machete strapped to his thigh, pulling it free.

"Get the hell away from her," He growled as he stepped forward. He could hear Sam and Garth running to find the source of his yelling in the background.

Allie tried to warn him of the plan put in place by the foe they stared at but when she attempted to speak the leviathan tightened its grip on her throat causing her to sputter out. The words couldn't come, it was no use. She gripped at the leviathan's forearms, nails clawing at the exposed flesh only to be ignored.

The Leviathan grinned in all of its newfound glory, eyes slanted before tossing Allie to the ground in a leap of gurgling and croaking noises. "You – you beheaded my partner, " Not lover. He was not capable of such a thing. This hunter obviously chose poorly. Zarsha would soon repair and be whole again and then they would feast. Still, the insolence of these humans was undesired and would be paid for dearly indeed. "I am going to eat your body and spit out your spine. "

Dean growled at the Leviathan's threat, feeling more pissed off and protective than he had in a decent amount of time. Aggression pulsed underneath his sarred flesh and he took another step closer to him. "You're dead," He snarled. "You son of a bitch. If you lay one more fucking finger on her, you're dead ." He looked back to the corner that Sam and Garth had disappeared into. "I don't think I'm going to let you live long enough for them to get here," He snarled, eyes darkening as his body pulsed with rage.

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