Defending Your Life

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She had been called by Osiris, the God of the underworld as a witness for Dean's guilt. He was being put on trial. The sentence? If he was found guilty he would die. First Jo was called, then her. Allie feared being asked to sit on the bench for rather... tantalizing reasons. After all, she had died once due to the apocalypse and it had been only two years prior. The look in Dean's eyes... she'd never forget it. It filled her dreams, her bones. That look as Lucifer wailed on him over and over and he looked at her.

He looked at her.

She sat and waited for the questions to begin with trepidation. Sam was defending Dean, acting as his attorney. The situation was... complicated, to say the least.

Osiris gazed over at the blonde with a wry firmness, an air of confidence that permeated the small barn... "Alice Smith. You are friends with Dean, aren't you?" He waited and watched as she nodded.

"Dean taught you how to hunt. Would you say he... impacted your safety? Bringing you on hunts for John before you were ready?" He was careful to keep his tone flat, and objective in nature.

Allie grimaced in return. "Yes, Dean is my... friend." The simple word didn't seem like enough to describe their connection, but it would have to do. "Dean trained me because I asked to be trained and my father thought it was better than me going out on my own and just... learning on the job. Sink or swim. Sinking know, dying." She turned to look at Sam, taking in his expression to evaluate how the younger Winchester was feeling.

"He didn't impact my safety. He taught me how to survive. I offered to join them in searching for their father." Osiris's questions were manipulative. He was accusatory but they needed to be careful. After all, this trial meant life or death for her potentially ill-fated retired mentor.

"So then, Alice Smith..." Sam's tone was professional and he crossed his arms over his chest while eyeing her, hoping to keep her calm under the pressure. "Do you consider Dean to be a good person?" He paused for a moment. He watched as Allie looked at him, their eye contact seemed to ease her somewhat and keep her grounded. "And if he were to be declared... guilty and sentenced... What do you think your father would say, Would he agree?" Sam glanced back over to Dean. "Do you believe that Dean deserves to die for his actions, For the choices he has made in his life?"

Allie straightened up, the non-verbal reassurance from Sam had aided in her confidence somewhat, at least enough to carry on. "Dean's a hero. Regardless of how he sees himself, and he made me a hero." Her best friend was one of the bravest people she knew. "He's better than a good man." Her eyes landed on him, coveying so much in such a small glance. "And he is still righteous. No matter what happened in Hell," She paused to gather her thoughts. "My father would say the same. No, Dean doesn't deserve to die. We all make mistakes, we're all human."

Dean felt his breath catch in his throat at her response. He hadn't expected her to say something so... heartfelt right off the bat. Allie didn't normally directly open up, she usually took a bit of coaxing. His gaze remained locked on her to avoid focusing on Osiris and giving the God any excess information through his physicality alone.

The things she said were touching. She was so positive, so loving. It was nice. It made him feel... better. Her words made him feel loved and cared about. Even after the hell he'd put her through with the whole thing with Lisa and Ben...

When he'd come back he was a mess and he was a complete dick. He hadn't really been in touch with his feelings in the least, especially since he hadn't had any of his normal coping methods - which mainly included alcohol and sex. He supposed every man had regrets from some point in their life but here they were, still just friends. Why? He didn't even know anymore. Complacency in their friendship, maybe? One of the only things that was easy. Well, most of the time.

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