Bullet With Butterfly Wings

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When Allie woke up she found herself in her room at her father's, her eyes fluttered and squinted from the sun that filtered in through the curtains before sitting up. Although she was possessed she remembered what had happened. She saw it all but she couldn't control her own body. She had been trapped in a box inside of herself, a rat in a cage.

Allie stood up. She was nearly naked; only left in her underwear. The blonde pulled on one of Sam's old shirts. It was huge on her. Three sizes too big and extra long from his height. It went to her mid-thigh. When she came down the stairs they were in the kitchen talking and drinking coffee. "Hi," She spoke shortly and bit her lip. "She was kind of a cunt, huh?" The words were meant as a joke, an attempt to ease the tension. "Definitely won't win the Nobel Peace Prize."

Sam turned around at the sound of Allie's voice, a small smile curving the corners of his lips as he saw her standing in one of his old shirts that was way too big on her. "Hey," he greeted softly before turning back to Dean. "Yeah, she definitely wasn't winning any awards for nicest demon ever." He stood up from the table and walked over to where she stood by the doorway, placing a hand lightly on her shoulder in comforting solidarity.

"You okay?"

Dean turned around to face Allie, a small smile as he noticed her attempt to lighten the mood. "Hey there, sunshine." He said before nodding in agreement with Sam's assessment of Lana.

"Yeah, she was a real piece of work" he added with a grimace. "But we got rid of her." He walked over to Allie and reached up to cup her jaw in his hands, thumbs stroking her soft cheeks while tilting up her face to him. "You okay, Firefly?"

Allie knew that they were worried about her. It only made sense. Lana was a manipulator. A sinister monster that used her body for personal gain but she didn't want to worry the boys. They had enough on their plates; so she decided to lie. She never lied to them, really, but this was different. They didn't need to know that she saw everything. "Yeah, it's all kind of fuzzy. I'm alright, really." She gave a soft smile but didn't move. Their touches were soothing.

Dean studied her face for a moment, searching for any signs of lingering trauma or pain but Allie was good at hiding her true feelings when she wanted to. "You sure?" He asked, his thumbs tracing gentle circles on her cheeks as he continued to hold her gaze with concern etched in his eyes. God, she was beautiful. Even now.

Sam nodded in agreement, his hand still resting lightly on her shoulder as he watched the exchange between Dean and Allie. "If you need to talk about it... we're here for you." He offered before glancing down at their joined hands and pulling away with a small cough.

"We should probably get going soon," he said quickly, trying desperately not to think about how comfortable they looked together. "Unless you need some time?"

Dean reluctantly let go of Allie's face, but he didn't step back right away. "We can stay," He said softly, his voice low and husky with unspoken desire as he continued to stare at her lips. God, she was so damn gorgeous.

"It's been a rough couple of days." His hand had slid down from her cheek to rest on the small of her back in a comforting gesture that lingered longer than it should have between friends. "Don't worry about it, Sam. We'll take a break."

Sam sighed, understanding the need for rest after everything they had been through recently. "Alright," he agreed reluctantly before turning to grab his bag from where it lay on the counter. He knew Dean needed time with Allie; she was like a breath of fresh air in their otherwise bleak world filled with monsters and death. "I'll be back soon." With that, he left them alone together in the kitchen - heart heavy but mind at ease knowing that they were both safe...for now.

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