All Hell Breaks Loose

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Unfortunately, their happiness was rapidly extinguished — like always. They never got much of a break. They were driving in the Impala and stopped outside of a cafe along a desolate road. Sam got out to get some food. It was meant to be brief. Allie listened to Dean shout an instruction for Sam to get him pie. The moment was typical, practically rehearsed.

But within seconds Sam was gone. Dean got out of Baby and Allie followed close behind. The scene inside of the cafe was enough to make her heart drop out of her ass. All of the patrons were dead, and blood pooled from them on the floor and walls and booths. Time felt meaningless, slow, and yet somehow also painfully quick. A minute, maybe. That's all it took.

They searched for days. The roadhouse burned down. Ash died. It felt like everything was crumbling. Their hearts were being liquified in a metaphorical blender, trauma smoothie!

Finally, they found him in a ghost town that Bobby remembered from a specific landmark that Dean had a vision of. Sam was there. Right in front of them. The relief was unlike anything she had ever experienced before his shaggy hair and puppy dog eyes—- nothing had ever looked more beautiful and Allie let out a shaky breath without even thinking. Caution be damned the blonde lowered her gun and began walking towards him with brightened eyes and outreached arms, prepared to take him into her smaller body for a meaningful embrace.

The reunion was short-lived, though. One of Azazel's special children ran up behind and shoved a knife into Sam's back before racing off, it tore through his jacket and his shirt before ripping into his muscles and leaving a gaping fester of a wound.

Allie watched from behind the two men who trained her helplessly as her father ran off to find the assailant. Dean bee-lined to Sam's aid and held him as he fell to the ground, cradling Sam in his arms while Sam quickly faded. It all happened so fast. One minute she was seeing Sam's smile over their long-awaited reuniting, the next gore was pouring out of his mouth and Dean was screaming his name in anguish while Sam's head lulled and lopped around in demise.

It wasn't real. It couldn't have been! It was... they fought so hard to find him. His smile. It was just there in front of her.

Allie slowly knelt down beside Dean. "Dean...I..." but there were no words that could be said. Sam was dead. His eyes were lifeless, his body leaning limp over Dean's kneeling pose. Her best friend. John had asked her to take care of them both and she had failed.

Dean's world shattered as he held Sam in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably into the younger man's blood-stained hair from Dean's gruesome hands that rubbed over his brother's head to comfort him. He couldn't believe it - not after everything they had been through together...not when they finally found him again...

"No," he choked out between ragged breaths, refusing to let go of Sam even though he knew there was nothing more he could do for him now. "God damn it! No!" This was his brother. His baby brother. Sammy. And he had failed. He had failed everyone. John, Bobby, Allie, Sam. That's all he ever did. Fail. He was worthless if he couldn't protect Sam. He wasn't a good son, or a good mentor, or a brother. All he was, was a fuck-up and now Sammy was dead.

Allie knew not to touch him. He wouldn't want that. Normally that's how she provided comfort. "We'll figure something out." Her voice shook as the words came out. Did she believe them? She didn't know but she had to do anything to help Dean. This wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn't right. Sam was... the best. He was sensitive and full of empathy. "There has to be something."

Dean laid down Sam's body. "Fuck!" he swore loudly, slamming his fist down onto the gravel as tears streamed freely down his cheeks - not caring who heard him scream at this point because fuck it - his brother was dead!

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