Swan Song

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All roads lead to Rome. Bobby was back on his feet and although that should have been their White Lotus— it wasn't. The apocalypse brought upon too much stress, the little things were less and less impactful; not that Bobby's repair was a little thing, there just wasn't much time for celebration.

The terms were a tough sell. Sam would jump into the cage with Lucifer—- there wasn't another decision, no other option. No matter what act they took it was always a losing game and frankly, Allie was tired of playing. She continued only because they were her family. In terms of saving the world, that still hadn't really sunk in surprisingly. She had grown numb to the idea of being a hero. Years ago that was... it was a dream; one of the reasons Allie so desperately wanted to be a hunter. Funny how times changed. Now being a hero meant being deprived of everything in the name of someone else. Probably somewhat nihilistic but to her—- everyone else would get to keep their families if the apocalypse was avoided. But not her. They would be ripped a new asshole by the angels and the demons and Lucifer. They were pawns. It got tiring to be in someone else's chess match.

They approached the ramshackle abandoned building in Detroit where they caught word of Lucifer. They had the four rings of the horseman and the plan was... somewhat solid; there wasn't much hope though. That had been mainly abandoned after the death of Jo and Ellen, that which weighed heavy on them like iron chains. Dragging... dragging...

They stood together in front of Lucifer. His vessel was coming apart at the seams, skin fileted off in thin circles. The plan was busting to a head and Sam seemed to hold Lucifer, if only momentarily. Her heart stilled for what felt like hours which, really, meant seconds. Maybe even only one or two.

And then he gave a wicked grin. "I was just messing with you." A thin pause before Lucifer, now invading Sam's body like a parasite continued. "Sammy's long gone." The words made Dean and Allie quake with anger and also, despair. "I told you..." He began again as if to taunt their fruitless attempts. "This would always happen in Detroit." and in a millisecond Sam was gone.

They both stared before turning to one another. They had lost. All the work... all the effort... only for Sam to be used like a puppet of destruction by the devil himself. "No," Allie spoke firmly, rage trembling through her clenched fists. "Fuck that." They met each other's gaze and an unspoken promise occurred.

Dean's teeth clenched and gritted, his jaw tightening from the intensity of the moment. His brother... Sammy... they had done so fucking much to get here only to be knocked down AGAIN. How tall could the ladder be? How far could they fall?

"Sonofabitch!" He tore out in an aggressive yell before slamming his fist into the cement wall of the bleak room they stood in, knuckles tearing open and dripping blood from the force. When he turned back Allie was staring directly into his eyes. They both knew what it meant. He'd never want her to be hurt but he couldn't turn her away. The damn woman didn't generally understand the word 'No' when he met her years ago, and certainly less so now. They'd go down swingin', Lucifer be damned.

The pair hopped into Baby and tore off into the night to find Bobby and Cass. Both of the men expressed disillusion, a loss of hope. When Dean and Allie spoke of what to do next they said to sit and wait but Dean wouldn't put up with that and Allie was too strung up on her own rage to think about the consequences that could lay waiting for them. Cass eventually gave away that there would be a fight. So, Dean called Chuck up to get any extra information. Chuck stated it would probably happen in Lawrence at Stull Cemetery.

They were gonna go to that cemetery, and they were fuck shit up. Lucifer and Michael would not win. The apocalypse could not occur. Now they were without Sam—- it was time to storm the battleground.

Bobby hesitated as Dean and Allie communicated their intentions and needs to be with Sam. He turned to look at his daughter, taking in the expression of determination on her face. She had grown so much since walking up to his porch and it broke his damn heart that he couldn't control her anymore. She used to listen to him back then, but now she was a strong woman with her own drive. Nothing could stand in his daughter's way if she was dead set on something—- not even him. "Allie—- you can't do this, kid." he tried anyway. "You'll die." his voice trembled as he pleaded with her. "Damnit, I don't wanna outlive my daughter!"

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