You're My Best Friend

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Allie lazily climbed out of bed, rubbing her eyes as the morning sun streamed in through the window. She yawned before entering the bathroom and tiredly took a toothbrush from beside the sink then began slowly lining it with toothpaste. It took a bit of brushing before her eyes finally adjusted.

A scream tore out through the motel room and Allie came running out of the bathroom. The shirt she had been wearing last night of Sam's now hung off of her like a dress, going nearly down to the floor. Her blonde curls were wild and unkempt. Worst of all? She stood 4 foot nothing. She was, in fact, her ten-year-old self. Like, physically. She was a child. "Am I dreaming? This is very realistic." She squeezed her eyes shut, only to open them and focus on Dean and Sam who had also been transformed into children. They had been de-aged nearly twenty years. Sam appeared to be around 9, Dean 13. "You guys should look in the mirror."

Sam stared at the tiny version of Allie in disbelief. He was a child again. He glanced over at Dean and then at himself in the mirror. "This isn't possible." He looked back at Allie with confusion. She was small, adorable, and had the biggest blue eyes. They almost looked like an Otter's, nearly taking up a quarter of her face. "I don't understand what happened." Were they dreaming? What the hell was going on?! Large hands grazed his own cheeks. Definitely real.
He walked over to the bed and sat down next to Allie, looking at her curiously. "Are you okay? How do you feel?" He couldn't help but smile at the sight of youth. It was so surreal to see her as a child again. She had always been pretty but now she was absolutely innocent. So cute.

Dean blinked at the sight of himself in the bathroom mirror. It was like he had gone back in time. Everything was tiny. Dean looked over at Sam and Allie. Sam had become a skinny little nerd and Allie looked like a chubby baby in the face. "I'm 13!" He shouted at Allie, voice croaking slightly. He couldn't believe that he'd been turned into a teenager again. All the hormones, all the acne...he just wanted to shoot himself. "Great." He looked over at Sam again. "I hate this."
He ran a hand through his short-cropped hair. Why couldn't he have been made younger? He glanced back at Allie. Her eyes were somehow even larger when she was a kid, rendering it difficult for him not to stare at the cerulean bliss.

"I feel like I'm part of the Goonies." She groaned as Sam spoke. Her voice was especially high pitched, it made her grimace but then Dean spoke. His voice was cracking like crazy. "Ha!" She pointed. "You're hitting puberty!" He'd have to live through it again. That was gold. She'd cherish it forever. Allie rummaged through her bag to try and find something that would fit her. Nothing. Everything would be too big. She decided to put on a dress with a little belt around the waist to try and keep it on. Her freckles were more pronounced. She always had hated them. Allie felt a bit of sting in her mouth. She rolled her tongue along her teeth only to find that her braces were back. Fuck. This was before she got her braces off! How did she not notice when she was brushing her teeth? Was she that fuckin' tired? She suddenly shut her mouth and stopped smiling.

Dean gave her a bitchface as soon as she laughed at his voice. Puberty all over again! Son of a bitch! It was like a nightmare that never ended. Dean had always hated puberty the first time and he had thought he was done with it for good. Only thing that was positive about it was... chicks. There was no way he was going to survive it a second time. "Whatever," he mumbled, trying to hide how upset he was about it. "At least I won't have to go through it three times. Second time's a charm." He glanced down at Allie again, looking her up and down with an amused smile, taking in her braces— and she was still laughing at him? "Cute." He grinned. "Braceface."

Sam laughed, smiling at Allie with appreciation. This was going to be gold, he already knew that. The two wouldn't stop until they were probably both yelling. "Don't be mean to Dean, he's going through a tough time." Sam ruffled her hair gently and watched as Allie pulled away to fix it. "I think you're pretty even with braces." He leaned over to see her teeth. They were shiny silver and it was a little awkward but Sam smiled anyways. "It's like you're part metal or something." He joked, hoping that she wouldn't be offended, though the words certainly sounded better in his head. Sam knew Allie wasn't vain but she was definitely proud of her looks and he wondered how she would handle being de-aged.

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