The Real Ghostbusters

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Blondes everywhere with vintage dresses and bows in their hair. They had been beaconed by Chuck (well, Becky acting as Chuck) to attend the first Supernatural convention. Books written about their lives had turned over a decently portioned fandom.

Allie stood awkwardly as other women dressed exactly like her wandered around a hotel hobby. She glanced down at her own outfit of the day— a rust-coloured corduroy skirt, sheer black tights, and a crochet top with sunflowers...

She grimaced. "This is... skeeving me out." She noted before moving through the convention with the brothers. Every move she made felt watched —- especially by Becky; that woman was... intense, an unrelenting gaze at every move. As they approached the main room of the grouping other Sam and Dean's stopped in front of her, taking long looks before continuing on. Some of them even noted that Allie's costume looked very 'accurate'. Her eyes fell on the brothers, only to see Dean's pissed-off expression. He hated the books. Mostly due to unfortunate consistencies in their lives and how those scenarios were now available to an unaware general public. Nice.

Dean rolled his eyes as he followed Allie through the sea of blondes, each one more stereotypical than the last. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of sick fuckery Chuck (or rather Becky) had cooked up this time around. The smell of cheap perfume and desperation was almost suffocating him, making it hard to keep a civilized facade on. A seed of displeasure and damn near disgust was planted firmly inside of his stomach. These people looked like them and yet they had no idea what their lives entailed. The pain. The despair.

Dean slipped an arm around Allie's hip to pull her closer as various men came and went. "I can barely handle one of you, let alone ten." He spoke into her ear, exasperated by their current scenario. Some of them were hot, though they all attempted to perform as his friend and none held a candle to her.

Allie rolled her eyes. "Ten blondes in one room actually sounds like your favourite dream." Her tone was mildly sarcastic, maybe even bitchy. She hadn't meant to be but the idea of these people dressing up as her was worrisome. They lived dangerous lives, not that any of the fans knew. It was difficult to see every version of herself in front of her. "It's like the Clone Wars..." a Star Wars reference. Mildly geeky. Kind of hypocritical in a way. Here she was judging others for having interests and innocently showing appreciation which she herself was also doing, even if only verbally.

She scratched her head and furrowed her brows. "Fucking Chuck."

Dean chuckled at her comment, leaning in to nuzzle the side of Allie's neck. "Hey now, don't be jealous," he teased playfully before straightening up again and giving a fake gasp when she mentioned Clone Wars. "Oh come on, Alls." He feigned offense with an exaggerated pout that made his lips pucker adorably. "You know I only have eyes for you." His hand squeezed her ass lightly as they continued walking through the sea of blonde clones. These days the elder Winchester didn't think twice about such physical acts with his female counterpart.
"Yeah, fuckin' Chuck," he agreed, shaking his head in disbelief.

Allie rolled her eyes and swatted his hand away. "Shut up." He was teasing her, of course. When was he not teasing her? Well, more like when were they not teasing each other. She nudged him lightly in the arm and watched as people in front of them imitated fights between the brothers. Allie grinned and turned to look up at Sam. "Saving people, hunting things— the family business!" She imitated Dean's deep voice with her own and laughed. "I should change my costume."

Sam couldn't help but chuckle at Allie's imitation of Dean, shaking his head in amusement. "You know what? I think you should," he said with a grin, nudging her with jest as they continued to walk through the convention hall filled with their doppelgangers. He glanced around again and sighed heavily before turning back to them both.
"This is just... weird." His eyes fell on Becky who was watching them from across the room, an intense look on her face that made him feel even more uncomfortable than he already did being surrounded by so many people dressed like themselves. Not to mention Becky had a sort of... heavy leaning towards the tallest member of their trio.

From The Very BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora