Abandon All Hope

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Tomorrow they would face the Devil.


Dean and Sam had obtained the Colt from Crowley, now all that was left was... using the damn thing. Easier said than done. Practically a suicide mission.

But that was for tomorrow. Tonight they drank and made merry to celebrate the fact it could be their final night. Dean, Allie, Sam, Bobby, Cass, Jo, Ellen... Had they all ever been under one roof before? It did feel like a party. End of the world celebration, literally. The world could stop for one night and they would have a glance at peace amongst the darkness.

Allie watched from Bobby's living room as Dean struck out with Jo. Smart woman. She had a good head on her shoulders. It did make Alice feel weird though, watching him flirt with someone other than her that he actually had a friendship with...Her stomach twisted and turned and she found herself thankful that Jo had denied his advances. Last night on earth - made sense he wanted some tail.

"I saw that." Allie grinned as he approached her. "Looks like you don't have your signature charm these days." She crossed her legs casually and took a sip of her rye and ginger.

Dean was feeling... extra impulsive. Tomorrow they had an almost unattainable goal. Kill the devil. Although he was performing and pretending it was fine (as per usual) he shuddered on the inside at the thought. All of this had started with him and it would need to end with him. A righteous man sheds blood in Hell - was he still righteous? Couldn't get the thought out of his head. The sex was just a distraction like many others he used to force down into the void. How could someone be so full and yet so empty at the same time? He was defeated. They wouldn't win. Something inside told him that they wouldn't win.

Jo was attractive, sure—- but that was all it was. Having Allie point out his misstep was...typical of her. She didn't understand though. There was one blonde that he really wanted but talking about it during their last night on earth? Even he couldn't bear that. "Yeah, Well — I wasn't really trying." He covered his anxiety with his usual facade. "You're lookin' good though, you wanna spend the night with a cowboy?" He used her nickname for him in jest, a grin across his cheeks.

"Put on some boots and a hat and we'll see." She shook her head and laughed before taking another sip of her drink, ocean eyes taking in the celebration around them. Cass was slamming down shots like the bottle was gonna disappear. Kind of comical to see an angel getting toasted. "Speaking of cowboys—- take this." Allie shoved her drink into his hand and strode over to the stereo to change the music from the usual classic rock tunes. If they were going out, she was going to spend her last night getting loose damnit! Well... not too loose— her father was still in attendance.

Her line-dancing playlist came on. It had been far too long —- years! Since her last rodeo. Being a cheerleader and gymnast came in handy for a lot of things but dancing? That was especially fun. Allie sauntered over to Jo with an outstretched hand. "Dance with me, doll." She drawled in a comedic overexaggeration. "Sorry, Ellen." Allie wore a sheepish smile, knowing the older woman wouldn't enjoy what was about to happen. "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" played from the speakers and the ladies began to line dance together.

Although it was clear that Jo didn't know how to line dance Allie offered some assistance, just some basic moves, and eventually they danced in sync. The lyrics were... not wholesome but the moment was. They just got to enjoy friendship and being normal girls, girls who could throw their inhibitions away and just have regular fun. Eventually, she was able to pull Sam over with a bright smile, tantalizing and just cute enough for him to give in.

Sam felt Allie dragging him towards the makeshift dancefloor. "No no no no, Alls, No!" He feigned reluctance. His large stature made him feel weird about dancing. He wasn't good at it. He had no idea what to do. He usually slow-danced with women and even that was... rare. It was no use though. One look at that sweet smile and he had conceded his arguing.

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