Exile on Main Street

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The ties that bonded them loosened. Bobby was a wreck without his daughter. When he brought her home he laid her down on the bed in her room and prayed. Robert wasn't much of a religious man, hadn't been since Karen but he had hoped that Castiel would answer his pleas and present himself.

And he did.

Cass spent weeks repairing Allie's body slowly. The healing began right after their swan song. By the time Allie came to, it had been a month and a half since Sam had been taken by Lucifer, since her untimely death.

Blue eyes blinked up at the ceiling and took in the room. All of her old photos hung off the walls, and her hairbrush still had hair in it; romance novels lined her bookcase. It took a few moments for Allie to adjust but slowly she sat up underneath the wine-coloured duvet that covered her sheets and below, her mattress. It felt as though she had woken from a long nap due to the disorientation that took place.

It came back like trickles of water. The look in Dean's eyes, the blood that seeped over her washed-out flesh. She had been broken and even stating it that way was an understatement, though she didn't quite know the extent of her own severance. Walking down the stairs took an effort that she wasn't used to. Her muscles were pained from her immobility. She was thin due to only being fed nutrients through an IV. Her sides were tender to the touch and scarred at the hip.

The sight of her father at his desk lit up her eyes. "Dad?" she watched in shock as he shot up and moved quickly to her, his arms wrapping around her so tightly that she coughed.

Bobby had spent each day in and each day out worried about Alice. She was a fighter but that only went so far. When Cass came he never came for long, skipping formalities and opting instead to get straight to the point. The human body was a sensitive thing and usually Cass's powers were enough in the group but there were exceptions to every rule and Allie's torn body had certainly been just that.

When she came into his eye-line Bobby nearly felt his heart become whole again and before he could even think about it —- he was pulling her into his arms without a word, tucking her head under his chin. He hadn't realized just how tightly he had been holding her. Not that it mattered. This was his daughter, damnit! A sight that he expected to never see again.

"Kid, You didn't listen!" He pulled away and held her by the shoulders, looking into her large eyes with a firm gaze. "I told ya' not to go!" He was aggravated but it resulted from care, not true anger. The sight of her body... was grotesque and truly, it had broken him.

Allie sighed and tried her best to joke. "Are you going to go off on an 'I told you so' tangent? Is that what's happening right now?" The look on his face told her that she had not picked the best time to joke around.

"You died," Bobby spoke and shook his head. Normally he enjoyed how his daughter defused tense situations with humor. She had a quick wit and was generally funny (sometimes it fell flat but she tried). She could be a smartass though. "Bloody." No point in sugarcoating it. She'd find out eventually.

From there Bobby went on to fill her in on the events over the previous seven weeks. Dean had gone to Lisa and Ben in an effort to abide by Sam's request for him to live an apple-pie life and no longer hunted. He hadn't heard from his surrogate son since the first week and Bobby had been alright with that because Dean had gotten out of the life. No one got out of the life.

Even more surprising, Sam was out of the cage; had been since...practically the next day and none of them had told Dean. Not Sam, Not Bobby, Not Cass. They let Dean live regularly and in peace.

It was nearly an hour later when Bobby finally finished his spiel. He felt the need to defend himself over not being honest with Dean about Sam, even without his daughter asking about it. Allie took a long sip of her beer and bit her lip. The idea of Dean being with another woman made her insides feel like battery acid. The man that she loved, now with Lisa. Allie had met her once and also had seen her in Dean's dreams way back when. The dream itself was slightly difficult to watch and that was... years ago; her feelings had only increased ever since.

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