Ep 1 - Forced Endorcements

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(The red curtain rises on Dark Land, and the title is shown.)

(Princess is sitting behind a desk in her castle, staring at a document on the desk. She is tapping her quill pen on the desk impatiently.)

Princess: Oh! I just can't decide!

(Mario and Luigi enter the room.)

Mario: Can't decide what, Princess?

Princess: Oh, hi Mario, hi Luigi. I'm trying to decide whether or not I should sign this document.

(Mario picks it up off the desk.)

Mario: Hm... Raise taxes? Why?

Princess: I wanted to raise some extra coins for the orphanage.

Luigi: I-a can see why the dilemma! This is tough!

Mario: Just remember to think carefully before you sign anything, Princess.

Princess: I know, I know!

(The scene switches to a far away view of the doomship flying in the sky. The camera moves closer, then suddenly the scene is of inside the doomship. Kooky is at the wheel, steering, while Koopa is standing behind him.)

Koopa: Remind me what we're doing, Kooky.

Kooky: We're enacting MY ingenious plan!

Koopa: Right. ... What was that again?

Kooky: It's the Forge Master 3000! Look!

(Kooky shows what looks like a small black box. There is a slit on one side, a lazer on the other, and on the top of the box there is a dial and a button.)

Koopa: Brilliant! ... What does it do?

Kooky: See this document?

(Kooky hands Koopa a charter.)

Koopa: (reading) "This document guarantees that Kooky von Koopa can eat as much chocolate as he likes." ... Hey! No one signed this! It's worthless!

Kooky: Right King Dad, but now, look! I set the dial to King Koopa...

(Kooky turns the dial until "King Koopa" appears in the box's slit.)

Kooky: ... press this button...

(Kooky presses the button on the black box. A beam is shot at the charter Koopa is holding.)

Koopa: YOW!!!

Kooky: ... and wallah! Look at it now, King Dad!

Koopa: (reading) "This document guarantees that Kooky von Koopa can eat as much chocolate as he likes." Signed King Koopa?! I didn't sign this! KOOKY!!!

Kooky: Wait King Dad, it gets better! Try to break the charter!

Koopa: Huh?

Kooky: Try to rip it up!

The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3! Season 2 Episode IdeasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora