Ep 17 - The Exposure Closure

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(The curtain rises to reveal Grass Land. Cut to Toad's House, where Toad is making nachos while Mario, Luigi, and Princess are sitting on a couch with soda and a bowl of popcorn in front of a TV.)

Mario: Ah, Friday night!

Luigi: Yeah, we'll finally get to stay up and watch "Attack of the Mushroom Zombies"!

Princess: I don't know. This sounds kind of... scary.

Mario: Ah, don't worry, Princess. You'll learn how to handle fear for itself!

(Toad walks in with a bowl of nachos.)

Toad: Oh boy! I can't wait 'til the movie starts!

Luigi: Turn the lights off, okay?

(Toad walks over to the light switch and turns it off. Mario holds up a remote.)

Mario: Here we go!

(Mario hits the power button, but the TV doesn't turn on. Mario presses the power button a few times, but still nothing happens.)

Luigi: Hey! We're gonna miss the movie! What happened?!

Mario: Ah, lighten up, Luigi! It must've gotten unplugged. Toad, turn the lights on, please?

Toad: You got it!

(Toad flips the lightswitch, but the lights aren't going on.)

Princess: What happened?! It's too dark to see!

Luigi: I think we blew a fuse! Mario, where's your pocket flashlight?

Mario: Here!

(Mario hands Luigi a small flashlight and Luigi turns it on. He then uses it to walk to the basement.)

Luigi: There it is!

(He opens a fusebox. After a few seconds of fiddling around, the lights still don't go back on.)

Princess: What could be causing this blackout?!

(Cut to King Koopa's Doomship, which is flying around zapping Mushroom houses.)

Koopa: I finally know how to get the princess to surrender her kingdom! If I steal electricity from every home in Mushroom Land, I can store it and not return it until princess forks the kingdom over to ME! *evil laugh*

Kooky: And it's all thanks to my newest invention, the Sparky Stealer! HAHAHAHA!

Koopa: Now we'll use the Sparky Stealer to gulp enough electricity from the castle and use it to power the machine! Heh heh!

(Cut to Toad's house, where everyone is watching the doomship fly through the night sky.)

Mario: There's Koopa's doomship! But what's he shooting out at those poor Mushroom houses?

Luigi: Whatever he's doing, he'd better not destroy our movie night! I wanted to see those zombies rise up and feed on the living!

(Princess looks closer to see more houses lose power with every zap.)

Princess: *GASP* He's stealing electricity from them!

Toad: Let's light our way with (holding out four Fire Flowers) THESE!

(Everyone grabs a Fire Flower and glows red and orange.)

Mario: Now that we have fire power, let's chase that doomship!

(Everyone runs outside, shooting fireballs on the ground so they can see.)

Luigi: *pant* I think we *pant* should FLY *gasp* to it!

(Everyone bashes blocks and finds two Super Leaves. Mario and Toad grab one and carry Luigi and Princess up to the doomship.)

Mario: Let's put that reptile's lights out!

(Cut to the cockpit of the doomship, where Koopa is driving it and Kootie Pie is painting her nails.)

Kootie Pie: A girl can never have enough nail polish!

Koopa: Whatever!

(Alarms go off. The sound scares Kootie Pie so much that she spills the nail polish.)


Koopa: WHA?!

Kooky: King Dad! The security radar is showing those pesky plumbers! They're chasing us!

Koopa: Activate the Bullet Bill Cannons!

(Cannons appear on the back of the doomship and fire Bullet Bills.)

Mario: LOOK OUT!

(They dodge the Bills and land on the top of the doomship)

Toad: C'mon, guys!

(Toad opens up a hatch and they walk down to the cockpit.)

Mario: Alright, Koopa! Give up and give us our electricity NOW!

Luigi: And my movie night!

Mario: Luigi! Be serious!

Luigi: But I'm missing the zombies!

Princess: Take this!

(Princess shoots a fireball, but Kooky grabs it and throws it at Toad, who loses his raccoon power.)


Princess: Let's destroy that machine and run!

Koopa: You mean the Sparky Stealer? No way babe!

(Koopa shoots a laser, which misses everyone.)

Koopa: DARN IT!!! I MISSED! Wait. Oh, Boom Boom!

(A Boom Boom runs inside and squats over, revealing spikes on his back.)

Mario: We can't beat that wierdo until his spikes retract!

(Boom Boom's spikes soon go back in, so Toad jumps on his head three times.)

Luigi: Let's destroy that Sparky Stealer!

(The song Shockin' up a Storm plays. Mario flies over Kooky and smacks him in midair. Then he grabs the Sparky Stealer and prepares to slam it, but Kootie Pie trips him and it flies into the air. Toad grabs it, then he throws it to Princess, who tosses it out a window, but a Paratroopa grabs it and hands it to Koopa. Luigi snatches it and trips over Kooky, which makes the machine fly out a window. The Paratroopa is too late to get it as the machine smashes on the ground below and all the electricity goes back to the Mushroom houses. The song ends.)

Shockin' up a Storm
Nobody can stop it
Takin' on a form
Of a good electric storm

Shockin' up a Storm
A Lil' Sparky can't really shock
For our good talk
About the storm
Shockin' up a Storm

Koopa: NOOO! MY SPARKY STEALER! (to Kooky) This is all your fault, you blue-haired freak!

Kooky: Hey, all I did was trip Luigi!

(They argue, which allows the Mario gang to sneak away. Cut to Toad's house, where the lights are finally on.)

Luigi: Alright! Now I can watch the "Attack of the Mushroom Zombies"!

(Mario turns the TV on, but all we can see on it are the credits.)


(Everyone laughs, then the curtain falls.)

The End

The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3! Season 2 Episode IdeasWhere stories live. Discover now