Ep 18 - Bootleg Koopa

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(The curtain rises on Grass Land, and the title is shown.)

(Open to an establishing shot of Toad's house. Inside, Toad is setting up a vacuum cleaner.)

Toad: It's about time I got around to vacuuming! This place is so full of du-a-achoo!

(Luigi walks in holding the mail.)

Luigi: I got your mail, Toad! Let's see, bills, bills, bills, Koopa Bazaar, bills.

Mario: Koopa Bazaar?

Luigi: Yeah, it's a flyer for the Koopa Bazaar opening today in the Mushroom Marketplace!

Princess: Koopa's opening a store? This can't be good.

Toad: Yeah, but no one will bother to shop there so he'll close up!

(Toad flips the power switch to ON, but the vacuum cleaner doesn't turn on.)

Toad: Well, maybe we should go, I could use a new vacuum.

(Cut to the Mushroom Marketplace. Koopa, Big Mouth, and Cheatsy are standing in front of a large stall. A large sign above them reads "Koopa Bazaar". Mario and co. walk up to them.)

Mario: Alright, Koopa! What's going on?

Koopa: What's your problem? Can't a guy make an honest gold coin these days without someone jumping to conclusions?

Luigi: Well, how do you plan on doing that?

Big Mouth: Hurry, hurry, hurry! Step right up and be the first on your block to be a customer at the Koopa Bazaar! We sell all sorts of stuff so come one, come all, and see if we have anything you like! You won't know unless you go, so come on down, we have the best prices in town! Act fast! Supplies are limited!

(A crowd of Mushroomers run up to the bazaar.)

Woman: Did you say the best prices in town?

Cheatsy: That's what he said!

Woman 2: Supplies are limited?

Cheatsy: Uh huh!

Toad: Wait! Do you have a vacuum cleaner, and how much is it?

Princess: Toad!

Big Mouth: It can be yours for the low, low price of twenty-five gold coins!

Man: But I sell vacuum cleaners for fifty gold coins! How can you afford to go so low?

Toad: Really? I'll buy it!

(Toad gives Koopa the money and buys the vacuum cleaner.)

Koopa: Who's next?

Crowd: Me! No me! I was here first!

(Later, Koopa, Cheatsy, and Big Mouth are walking through the Mushroom Kingdom carrying big sacks of gold coins.)

Koopa: Cheatsy, this was such a great plan! Not only did we get these goods for free, but we make money off of them! And since they're poorly made, those poor saps will come back for more!

Big Mouth: And the bbbest part is, those Mario Bros. don't know where we get it all from!

(The Koopas approach a lake. The doomsub rises out of the water and they board it. The doomsub then submerges.)

Koopa: Now for the next step in our disgusting plan!

(The doomsub drives through a warp pipe and comes out the other end in an underwater part of the Real World.)

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