Ep 21 - The Koopire Strikes Back

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(The curtain rises on Dark Land and the title is shown.)

(Open to the Mushroom Kingdom at night. Mario and Co. are lying on the grass near Toad's house, gazing at the sky. Toad is looking through a telescope.)

Toad: That comet sure it a beauty!

Luigi: Let me see, Toad!

(Toad hands Luigi the telescope. Looking through it, Luigi can see a comet in space slowly moving across the starry sky.)

Luigi: Wow, neato! Your turn, Mario!

(Luigi hands Mario the telescope, and he looks through it.)

Mario: Ehh, since when are comets made of metal, and shaped like Koopa's head?

Mario, Luigi, Princess, and Toad: Koopa's head?

(The four of them fight over the telescope, desperate to look through it.)

(Cut to outer space. Orbiting the planet is a white spaceship of a design similar to the Star Trek Enterprise. The main body of the ship is shaped like Koopa's head, and the two upper sections are connected through the horns. In the bridge of the ship is Koopa sitting in the captain's seat, with Rocky Wrenches stationed around him. Hip, Hop, and Kooky are loitering around near their dad.)

Koopa: This is Kooper! With my new Doom Star, I can have a bird's eye view of the entire planet! Now those sewer simps have no hope in stopping me!

Kooky: And stopping you they shan't! Even with the power to fly, the Mario Bros. have no way of surviving in space!

Hip: Way to go Kooky! None of us-

Hop: Could have ever designed a spaceship!

Hip: But what are going to do with-

Hop: This Doom Star?

Kooky: I'm leaving that up to King Dad! He's the one who wanted it!

Koopa: Well, if some-Koopa's gonna invent, another Koopa's gotta make 'em do it!

Hip: But, King Dad! What-

Hop: Do you plan on doing with the Doom Star?

Koopa: We're gonna use the Doom Star, to redirect the comet straight into Princess Toadstool's fair Kingdom! But first, we're gonna cruise around the Mushroom Galaxy a bit! This baby's Kooptastic!

(Cut to Castle Koopa. Mario and Co. have snuck up to the entrance and are preparing to sneak inside.)

Luigi: Mario! What makes you so sure we'll find a way to reach Koopa in here, when he's all the way up there?

Mario: Uh-

Princess: We won't find Koopa, but we can still search for clues.

(Mario and Co. enter the castle, and are immediately pursued by several Hot Feet.)

Luigi: Run for it!

(Mario Cnd co. hurry off and manage to outrun the Hot Feet.)

Princess: Watch out, a Roto-Disc!

(A Roto-Disc swoops down from above, right in front of the group, and back up through the ceiling.)

Luigi: Hey, it missed!

(The Roto-Disc comes back down, almost hitting Luigi's head.)

Luigi: Yikes!

Toad: Guys, in here!

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