Ep 12 - Bully and the Bullies

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(The curtain rises on Grass Land and the title is shown.)

(It is an ordinary day in a suburban neighborhood somewhere in the Real World. Two big, tough looking kids, Chris and Jason, and a younger, weaker kid, Dwight, are in a backyard.)

Dwight: Alright, Chris. I brought a tennis ball! Now what?

Chris: Well Dwight, ya did the first part of the dare, now ya gotta do the second part, right Jason?

Jason: Yeah, throw the ball into that hole over there and get it out!

Dwight: Sounds simple enough.

(Chris and Jason laugh.)

Dwight: What's so funny?

Jason: Oh nothin'. Now throw the ball into the hole already!

(Dwight throws the ball into the hole, which is hidden under a bush at the back of the yard. As the ball falls in, the warp pipe sound is heard. Dwight runs up to the hole, with the bullies right behind. Dwight looks in the hole and gasps.)

Dwight: You guys, that hole looks real deep!

Chris: Stop being a dweeb, Dwight, and get the ball!

Jason: Dwight the Dweeb! That NEVER gets old!

(The bullies laugh.)

(Dwight climbs into the hole, holding onto the ledge.)

Dwight: Uh, guys, maybe you can reconsider-

(Chris steps on his fingers, causing Dwight to loose his grip and fall down. He comes out of a warp pipe in the basement of Castle Koopa.)

Dwight: W-w-where am I?

(Dwight looks around for the tennis ball, but he can't find it, seeing as how the basement is messy, so he goes upstairs and walks down a hallway. He hears voices coming from the next room and he starts shivering.)

Dwight: *gasp* Who are these people?

Bully: Big Mouth, give me your wand, I want it!

Big Mouth: No way, Bully! Why should I give you my wonderful wand, when your wand is just as good, and is in no way inferior to my wand?

Bully: I just want it, okay?

(Bully charges at Big Mouth.)

Big Mouth: Hip, catch!

(Big Mouth throws the wand at Hip, who catches it.)

Bully: Give it to me!

Hip: Hop, are you ready to-

Hop: Catch the wand? I sure am!

(Hip throws the wand to Hop, who hands it back to Big Mouth. Dwight pokes his head through the doorway, just enough so that the Koopas don't notice him.)

Big Mouth: Take this, Bully!

(Big Mouth tries to zap Bully, but he misses. The magic from the wand hits a chair, which comes to life and runs after Bully.)

Dwight: (to himself) That's amazing!

(Bully pulls out his wand and uses it to turn the chair into a totem pole. He runs to Big Mouth.)

Bully: You're gonna pay for this!

Big Mouth: Hip, Hop, catch!

(Big Mouth throws his wand over Bully's head and past Hip and Hop into the hallway.)

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