Ep 13 - Size Small

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(The curtain rises on Grass Land and the title is shown.)

(One morning at Castle Koopa, Kootie Pie wakes up and looks in the mirror. Immediately she notices a huge zit on her cheek. She starts to cry.)

Kootie Pie: AAHH! This can't be happening! I got a zit! Noooooo!

(Kootie Pie, still in her nightgown, runs out of her room and into the throne room, where Koopa, still in his bathrobe, is sitting on his throne, drinking some coffee and reading the paper.)

Koopa: Kootie Pie! I can hear you from your bedroom! What's the matter?

Kootie Pie: In case you haven't noticed, I HAVE A ZIT! *sob*

(The rest of the Koopalings, still in their pyjamas, run in.)

Bully: *yawn* Hey, sis, keep it down!

Big Mouth: Yeah, some of us are still trying to sleep! Snooze, relax, doze, catch some Zs, 40 winks, nap, slumber-


Kooky: A zit, you say, well, I may have something that will help!

(Kooky leaves and returns shortly.)

Kooky: Presenting, my greatest creation, Shrinking Gel!

(Kooky holds up a jar filled with some green gel.)

Hip: Well, what is it-

Hop: Exactly?

Kooky: Watch and learn! But I must warn you, it's experimental and could be dangerous!

(Kooky holds the jar over Kootie Pie's head. He lets a drop pour out right onto Kootie Pie's zit.)

Kootie Pie: Eww! Get this goop off of my delicate face!

(The zit and gel begin to shrink until it can't be seen.)

Kootie Pie: Wow! It really worked!

Koopa: Kooky, let me see this gunk anyways!

(Koopa grabs the jar and sticks his finger in it, pulling out a little glob of gel.)

Kooky: No! Don't! Oh, it's too late now!

(Koopa starts shrinking)

Koopa: Oh no! What's happening? Help!

(Koopa shrinks down to one inch before he finally stops. He is covered by his bathrobe and crown, which didn't shrink as they weren't exposed to the gel.)

Koopa: Kooky! Get me back to my normal size right now, or I'll send you to the dungeon for a month with no cable TV!

Kooky: And just how will you do that?

Koopa: Look! I don't have time to argue! Just get me an antidote!

Kooky: An antidote? This stuff has never been tested until now, and you're asking for an antidote?

Koopa: Yes!

Kooky: Okay, I'll get to work on it!

Koopa: As for the rest of you brats, I may be smaller than a Micro-Goomba, but I've got a big plan! We'll need some of Kooky's gel! To the doomship!

(In the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess and Toad are outside when they notice the doomship.)

Princess: Run for it!

The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3! Season 2 Episode IdeasWhere stories live. Discover now