Ep 8 - Easy Money

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(The curtain rises on Ice Land and the title is shown.)

(One day in the Mushroom Kingdom, Toad is walking home.)

Toad: Uh oh, I still owe Luigi three gold coins! But not to worry!

(Toad jumps at a block and some gold coins fly out. Toad picks them up.)

Toad: Easy money!

(The Koopas are spying on Toad from behind a bush.)

Bully: Wow! Did you see that? Talk about loose change!

Hip: Why don't we-

Hop: Get money like that?

Koopa: Bah, that's just pocket money! Whadda ya say we go for the big time source of income?

Cheatsy: What's that, King Dad?

Koopa: We make our own money! Kooky, show 'em your latest invention!

(Kooky pulls out a little machine. There's a hole on the top and a slot on the side.)

Kooky: We'll use this! My Coinarater! You put in some gold, and out pops a gold coin! The more gold you use, the more coins it creates! Woah woah woah!

Kootie Pie: Cool! Can we have a demonstration?

Kooky: Alright, sis! Can I have one of your bracelets?

(Kootie Pie gives Kooky a bracelet.)

Kootie Pie: Give that back when you're done! I only have 500 bracelets to choose from!

(Kooky puts the bracelet in the hole and a gold coin pops out of the slot.)

Everyone: Wow!

Kootie Pie: It came from my gold! I want it back!

Koopa: This will be great! You can't spend raw gold, but you can sure spend it as coins!

Hip: But where are we gonna get-

Hop: A whole lot of gold?

Koopa: Come with me!

(The doomship arrives in Ice Land.)

Koopa: We're almost at the Ice Land Gold Mines!

(The doomship lowers to the ground and a bunch of Hammer Brothers and Sledge Bros. jump out. They are followed by the Koopas.

Koopa: Now, you remember the plan? Raid as much gold as you can and bring it back here!

Sledge and Hammer Brothers: Yes, your royal rotteness!

(The Brothers run into the mine.)

Bully: Kooky, how the heck are you gonna turn so much gold into so many coins with that little thing?

Kooky: Don't worry, Bully! This is just a prototype! Here's the real thing!

(The doomship rises into the air. A giant Coinarater is lowered from a hatch on the hull.)

Big Mouth: Woah! Look at that! That thing's huge! It could make zillions of coins! We're gonna be rich! Or should I say extremely wealthy? We'll have so much money we won't know what to do!

The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3! Season 2 Episode IdeasWhere stories live. Discover now