Ep 23 - Gettin' Biggie Wit It

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(The curtain rises on Giant Land and the title is shown.)

(The first scene is in Koopa's Castle. There, we see Cheatsy, Big Mouth, and Bully playing darts with pictures of the Mario Bros. as the bullseye. Mario's cap is off and his hair is black.)

Bully: I can't stand this ugly plumber Mario!

(He trows a dart and hits Mario's nose.)

Kooky (with most of his hair missing): I just finished my newest invention!

(He laughs.)

Cheatsy: What, grow gel?

(Cheatsy, Big Mouth, and Bully all laugh. Cheatsy picks up a dart to throw at Luigi's face on the dartboard after Kooky throws some of the hair gel on it. As Cheatsy tries to throw it, the dart lands on top of him.
Kooky pulls him up and laughs.)

Kooky: Yes, do you see vat this new hair gel can do?

(He puts some gel on his hair and it all grows back to normal.)

Kooky: Imagine vat ve can do in Giant Land!

Bully: Keep it down, cuz King Dad is sleeping.

Big Mouth: Yes! We did it before, but we were just Ninja Koopas! We didn't get a chance to finish what we started all because those pesky Marios got in the way of our plans, they interfered with our plans, they foiled our plans, they stopped our plans, they bbbbbbroke our plans...

(Kooky, Bully, and Cheatsy all cover their ears. Cheatsy takes three steps forward and on the third step, as his face clearly turns purple, Koopa walks in, tired and angry.)

Koopa (seen from outside the castle, yelling really loud): CAN'T YOU TURN YOUR TURKEY MOUTH OFF WHILE I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SLEEPING? HUH?

Big Mouth: I was just about t-


Big Mouth: Bbbut King-

Koopa: (breathing really hard): One - more - word - and - IT'S THE DUNGEON FOR YOU!

(Big Mouth plugs up his own mouth.)

Kooky: King Dad, I invented this gel and all four of us are gonna destroy Giant Land!

Koopa: Do that! I'm gonna watch The Fresh Koop of Dark Land!

(He laughs. Kooky gives himself, Cheatsy, Bully, and Big Mouth the gel and they rub it on their bodies, making them grow really big, and they break through the roof of the castle.)

(Back in Koopa's room, he's watching the Fresh Koop of Dark Land, a Fresh Prince ofBel-Air spoof, except with Koopas. He sees a scene where Blabbermouth Koop, who resembles Big Mouth, is getting ready to be attacked for talking too long by Muscle Koop, who is a muscular version of Bully Koopa.)

Koopa: (yelling, watching The Fresh Koop) I just missed the part where The Fresh Koop's son throws out Blabbermouth!

(Big Mouth picks Koopa up and throws him into a warp pipe. Just like scenes where Jazz from the Fresh Prince gets thrown out of the house by Uncle Phil, Koopa flies out of the horizontal warp pipe in the Mushroom kingdom the same way! We don't see Koopa land but we hear the sound of a brick break and glass breaking.)

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