Ep 3 - Attack of the 50-Foot Big Mouth

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(The curtain rises on Giant Land and the title is shown.)

(Big Mouth is walking down a hall in Castle Koopa and he bumps into Bully.)

Bully: Hey, can't you see I'm walking here?

(Bully punches Big Mouth in the face.)

Big Mouth: Ow, that hurt! What did you do that for, I'm sorry!

Bully: I am bigger, older, smarter, stronger, and better than you! I have no reason not to beat you up. Ha ha!

(Bully walks off.)

Big Mouth: Ooh, why does he bbbother me all the time? Can't he just act normal? He really drives me crazy, and he doesn't even have a car!

(Big Mouth peaks his head into the lab and sees Kooky standing next to a large Super Mushroom.)

Kooky: Big Mouth, I need you to help me with a test! I've genetically altered this Super Mushroom so that it's ten times it's normal size! Do you want to try it?

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Kooky: Big Mouth, I need you to help me with a test! I've genetically altered this Super Mushroom so that it's ten times it's normal size! Do you want to try it?

Big Mouth: Why not?

(Big Mouth takes a bite out of the Mushroom.)

Big Mouth: Kooky, this tastes sort of funny! What'd you do to it? Make it lose it's flavor?

Kooky: Well, I guess I could add some more flavor next time!

(Big Mouth slowly starts to grow.)

Big Mouth: Hey, what's happening? Why is everything shrinking?

Kooky: Nothing's shrinking! You're getting bigger! Get out of the castle!

(Big Mouth jumps into a warp pipe which takes him outside the castle. Kooky follows him and Big Mouth continues to grow until he is 50 feet tall.)

Big Mouth: What happened?

Kooky: My Super Shroom has super effects!

(Koopa and the rest of the kids run out of the castle.)

Koopa: Big Mouth! Why're you so big?

Hip: I knew his mouth was always big-

Hop: But this is ridiculous!

Koopa: I've got an idea! Big Mouth, go to Giant Land! The rest of you Koopalings, come with me!

(The scene switches to the Mushroom Kingdom and the doomship is in the sky. The Doomship flies over the Mushroom Kingdom and approaches Mario and co., who are taking a walk. A few Bob-ombs are tossed from the doomship and explode next to them.)

The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3! Season 2 Episode IdeasWhere stories live. Discover now